1 |
Captain Janeway
Caretaker, Parts I & II
Captain Kathryn Janeway is an exemplary interstellar explorer in the finest Startleet tradition. But she never expected to strand her ship and crew in the Delta Quadrant, so far from home that they might never see their families and friends again. In destroying the Caretaker's Array to protect the Ocampans, Janeway felt she did what she had to do – but she found many occasions to second-guess her decision in the difficult years which followed.
Trivia: Janeway grew up on a farm in Indiana, where she was frightened by thunderstorms. |
2 |
Captain Janeway
When Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay were infected with a deadly virus, they were forced to stay behind on a planet while the U.S.S. Voyager continued homeward. Although Chakotay began to focus on enjoying his new life in exile with the Captain, Janeway would not accept their fate so easily. Still, she did grow closer with her first officer, and anything might have happened had a cure not been found, allowing them to return to the ship.
Trivia: Growing up, Janeway never did like camping. |
3 |
Captain Janeway
The Q and the Grey
Captain Janeway faced a strange dilemma when Q showed up on Voyager, demanding that she have his baby. Janeway wanted nothing of the sort, but on the other hand, she did want to help Q save the Continuum from a devastating civil war. In the end, Janeway did not have to procreate with Q – that task was handled by the female Q in a split second touching of fingertips. The Continum crisis averted, Janeway gratefully returned to her ship.
Trivia: Back on Earth, Janeway had been involved with a man named Mark. |
4 |
Captain Janeway
Concerning Flight
When Voyager's computer processor was stolen, Captain Janeway tracked it to a nearby planet, where she found one of her childhood heroes, Leonardo da Vinci. The maestro had been plucked from Janeway's Holodeck program, and he wasn't too eager to leave his new, wondrous surroundings. But Janeway got him to run away with her, ultimately escaping with the use of his flying machine. The Captain relished her adventure with da Vinci.
Trivia: Janeway enjoyed tennis when she was in high school. |
5 |
Captain Janeway
Captain Janeway was drawn to inspector Kashyk of the Devore imperium, especially when he appeared to defect from his people. He came to her seeking asylum, and the two grew close aboard Voyager. Janeway anticipated Kashyk's deception, however, and thanks to her shrewd intuition, her crew – and a group of refugees – escaped the Devore Imperium's clutches. The viclory was a painful one, because Janeway's offer to take Kashyk with her on Voyager had been genuine.
Trivia: Janeway takes her colfee black, a fact which did not escape Inspector Kashyk. |
6 |
Captain Janeway
Equinox, Parts I & II
The Federation ship U.S.S. Equinox needed protection from attacking aliens, and Captain Janeway immediately came to Captain Ransom's aid. But soon she learned that Ransom had turned his back on his principles – he was killing the aliens as a means of getting his crew home faster. This ethical transgression was a violation of everything Janeway believed in, and she became obsessed with apprehending the renegade captain. She even relieved Commander Chakotay of duty when he opposed her extreme tactics – such as threatening the life of an Equinox crewman.
Trivia: Janeway has never broken the Prime Directive, though she admits to bending it now and then. |
7 |
Captain Janeway
Fair Haven
Despite herself, Captain Janeway fell in love with a Holodeck character: Michael Sullivan, a bar keep in Lieutenant Paris' Fair Haven program. When she learned Sullivan was not well read and was, in fact, married, Janeway couldn't help altering the character's parameters. She made him smarter, taller, complicated – and single. The results were perfect, but Janeway struggled with the fact that Sullivan wasn't real. Finally she barred hersell from accessing Sullivan's behavioral subroutines, and promised to see him again.
Trivia: Janeway is an aficionado of Earth's Irish history. |
8 |
Captain Janeway
Good Shepherd
There are always a few Starfleet crewmen who don't make it past their first year on a starship. On Voyager, those crewmen were Mortimer Harrin, Billy Telfer and Tal Celes. Captain Janeway felt these three had slipped through the cracks, and she decided to rectify the problem by taking the misfits on their first away mission aboard the Delta Flyer. Janeway helped them discover a new life form, overcome adversity and learn what it means to he a Starfleet officer.
Trivia: Janeway is partial to pasta soup, listed in the Delta Flyer data banks as Neelix 651. |
9 |
Captain Janeway
Flesh and Blood, Parts I & II
Captain Janeway felt partly to blame when holograms decimated a Hirogen training facility. She provided Starfleet technology to the Hirogen, and now that technology was killing the hunters. Janeway dedicated herself to taking the holograms oftine, but first she had to overcome resistance from the Hirogen, the holograms, and even the Doctor. In the end, Janeway felt just as responsible for allowing the Doctor to expand his programming as for giving technology to the Hirogen – so she could not punish the Doctor for being who he was.
Trivia: Janeway allowed the holograms to remain intact in their ship's database. |
10 |
Seven of Nine
Scorpion, Part II
Once known as Annika Hansen, Seven of Nine was assimilated by the Borg when she was six years old. Some 20 years later the Voyager crew cut Seven's link to the Collective, and her long trek back to humanity began. Initially, Seven was outraged by the sudden silence in her mind. To help her feel useful and less alone, Captain Janeway assigned Seven to Engineering, where she had to learn to get along with Lieutenant Torres.
Trivia: While in the Borg Collective, Seven of Nine was Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One. |
11 |
Seven of Nine
The Raven
Alter a few sessions with the Doctor, Seven of Nine's physical transformation from Borg drone to human female was largely complete. But her emotional state was still wildly in flux. Visions of a raven drew her to an automated Borg homing beacon, where Seven expected to be reassimilated. She did relive the final terrifying moments when, as a little girl, she was taken by the Borg along with her mother and father. But this time, Seven returned to her new family on Voyager.
Trivia: Seven of Nine was born at the Tendara Colony on Stardate 25479. |
12 |
Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine clashed with Captain Janeway when Voyager became involved in the Hirogen's conflict with Species 8472. Still unaccustomed to errands of mercy, Seven did not share the Captain's desire to offer a helping hand to their enemies. First Seven urged Janeway to destroy the Hirogen ship. Later, she defied orders and beamed the wounded Species 8472 alien to the Hirogen vessel. Janeway's punishment was swift: She revoked Seven's access to all primary systems.
Trivia: When she was still part of the Collective, Seven of Nine could last 200 hours without regenerating. |
13 |
Seven of Nine
When a transporter miscue led to the birth of a 29th Century Borg drone, it became Seven of Nine's responsibility to teach the drone how to be an Individual. The assignment was a sort ot "first contact" mission for Seven, who found hersell growing attached to the drone. She taught him well, but he unwittingly dispatched a Borg proximity signal, attracting a Borg vessel. Seven felt new levels of emotional trauma when the drone destroyed himself to save Voyager.
Trivia: When the drone requested a designation, Seven of Nine gave him the name "One." |
14 |
Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine faced a ditticult situation when the entire crew, except for the Doctor and Naomi Wildman, fell under the spell of a bioplasmic organism. The creature deceived the crew with a neurogenic field, making them believe they had discovered a wormhole leading straight back to Earth. Seven's oblivious shipmates tried to apprehend her, but she joined forces with an alien pilot to kick Voyager free of the organism's digestive tract.
Trivia: Because the Borg Collective will always possess Seven af Nine's experiences, she is, in one sense, immortal. |
15 |
Seven of Nine
Dark Frontier, Parts I & II
As Captain Janeway devised a plan to steal the transwarp coil from a damaged Borg sphere, Seven of Nine received a private ultimatum from the Borg Queen: Rejoin the Collective or Voyager would be destroyed. To save her shipmates, Seven agreed. But she would not cooperate with the Queen, who wanted to use Seven's uniqueness to help assimilate humanity. Even the appearance of her father, now a drone, did not break Seven. Her bond with Janeway was strong, and the Captain rescued her.
Trivia: Seven of Nine's parents studied the Borg for three years before they were assimilated. |
16 |
Seven of Nine
The Voyager Conspiracy
Seven of Nine can't always predict how Borg technology will affect her. When she enhanced her alcove, making it possible to download Voyager's database into her cortical implant, she got more data than she could process. With her synaptic patterns in chaos, Seven generated multiple conspiracy theorles to try to make sense of all the data. Her wild theories pitted Captain Janeway against Commander Chakotay, but they figured out the problem and were able to help Seven end her "conspiracy of one."
Trivia: On Stardate 52842, Seven of Nine said "Thank you" to Janeway for the first time. |
17 |
Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine had no interest in the Tsunkatse matches. But she and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok were abducted, and Seven was forced to fight the Hirogen hunter who befriended and trained her. As she prepared to deliver a death blow, Voyager rescued them both. Seven had spent three years struggling to regain her humanity, and she was afraid she may have lost it again in the arena. But the experience left her feeling guilt, shame and remorse – emotions all too human.
Trivia: Following her last Tsunkatse match, Seven of Nine felt pain beneath her occipital implant. |
18 |
Seven of Nine
Unimatrix Zero, Parts I & II
At first, Seven of Nine thought Unimatrix Zero was a dream. But soon she found it was a real sanctuary where Borg drones could regain their lives. Seven was part of Unlmatrix Zero for many years before she escaped the Collective. She had been romantically involved with Axim, and now – with Captain Janeway's help – Seven was able to free Axim and the others from the Collective. The viciory was bittersweet; Seven and Axim could no longer spend time together.
Trivia: Seven was one out of a million Borg drones to have the recessive mutation allowing access to Unimatrix Zero. |
19 |
Lieutenant Torres
Lieutenant Torres applied herself zealously to the engineering challenge represented by the damaged robot called Pralor Automated Personnel Unit 3947. Alter repairing it, Torres was touched by the robot's request that she help it procreate. But Captain Janeway nixed the idea, so the robot abducted Torres and forced her to build a dangerous prototype. Although she was successful, Torres destroyed her creation at the first opportunity.
Trivia: Torres stil takes a stuffed animal, "Toby the Targ," whenever she's away from Voyager for more than a day. |
20 |
Lieutenant Torres
Lieutenant Torres was once a member of the Maquis resistance group. She used her considerable engineering skills to reprogram a Cardassian weapon to destroy a Cardassian fuel depot. Later the missile turned up in the Delta Quadrant. As a member of Voyager's crew, Torres put her life on the line to attempt a risky deactivation of the missile. She succeeded by giving the weapon a "personality crisis," and the weapon was destroyed.
Trivia: Torres was a member of Starfleet Academy's decathlon team. |
21 |
Lieutenant Torres
Blood Fever
Vulcans, not Klingons, experience Pan farr – the time of mating. But Lieutenant Torres endured her own version of Pon farr after Ensign Vorik initiated a telepathic mating bond with her. The resulting hormonal imbalance made Torres more hot-headed than ever. She chose to mate with Lieutenant Paris, who was not her hushand at the time, but she ended up fighting Vorik instead. Torres got the best of her Vulcan crewmate, and the fever was purged.
Trivia: Torres was leading a mission to acquire valuable galacite when she was overcome by the Pon farr. |
22 |
Lieutenant Torres
Day of Honor
The Klingon "Day of Honor" ritual went poorly for Lieutenant Torres. Atter a series of mishaps, she found herself dritting in space with Lieutenant Paris. Faced with certain death, Torres finally found the courage to tell Paris her true feelings for him. She felt she had been a coward about everything that really mattered, until this moment. Her love for Paris mattered most, and atter they were rescued by Voyager, they look their relationship to a new level.
Trivia: Torres declined to experience the painstiks that were part of the "Day of Honor" ceremonies. |
23 |
Lieutenant Torres
The rage within Lieutenant Torres ran deep. She had a long history of emotional volatility, and she was easily provoked. During a dangerous mission aboard a damaged Malon freighter, Torres learned that Lieutenant Commander Tuvok was right: Left unchecked, her emotions were chaotic, destructive. But controlled, they were a powerful tool, a source of strength. Torres used that strength to overcome the Vahar – a Malon mutant – and destroy the freighter while saving the away team.
Trivia: Torres told the picture-snapping Doctor three times to leave Engineering before she destroyed his camera. |
24 |
Lieutenant Torres
Barge of the Dead
Lieutenant Torres felt she inherited nothing more of her mother's Klingon heritage than the forehead and the bad attitude. But a near death experience gave Torres a vision of the Barge of the Dead. By turning her back on everything Klingon, she was sending her mother to Grethor – Klingon hell. Torres went back to the Barge, took responsibility for her mother's dishonor, and took the first step toward accepting herself, as well.
Trivia: Torres' mother pulled B'Elanna out of Federation school and put her in a Klingon monastery. |
25 |
Lieutenant Torres
When Lieutenant Torres and Ensign Kim crash-landed on an L-class planet, Torres hardly expected to become a muse for one of the planet's inhabitants. But that's exactly what Kelis, an actor and playwright, demanded of her in exchange for helping her repair the Delta Flyer. Reluctantly, Torres played along. She gave Kelis stories about Voyager and its crew. She even performed a critical scene in Kelis' play, leading to peace between rival clans.
Trivia: Lieutenant Commander Tuvok was so worried about Torres and Kim in their absence that he didn't sleep for eight days. |
26 |
Lieutenant Torres
Frantically buying time in the Holodeck so she and Lieutenant Paris could spend a weekend together, Lieutenant Torres was hurt when Paris forgot their plans. She flew with him aboard the Delta Flyer in a space race, trying to sort out her feelings. Alter a heated discussion, Torres felt ready to end their relationship. Paris stopped the Flyer, determined to work it out. Once the race was over, they took the Flyer out again – and this time, it was a honeymoon.
Trivia: Professor Chapman was one of Torres' few supporters during her brief stint at Starfleet Academy. |
27 |
Lieutenant Torres
Lieutenant Torres conceived her baby during the holy month of Nay'Poq. She also helped defeat ten thousand warriors – the Borg – and she fit many other descriptions for the mother of the Kuvah'Magh, the savior of the Klingons according to the sacred scrolls. Although Torres didn't believe it, she went along with the ruse to help the Klingons ahoard the generational ship find a new home. Her unborn child did produce the antivirus which cured the Klingons of their Nehret disease, so in one sense, the scrolls were true.
Trivia: Torres' grandmother was L'Naan, daughter of Krelik. |
28 |
Neelix and Kes were deeply in love when they joined the Voyager crew. But Neelix was caught off-guard when Kes prematurely entered her elogium, the Ocampan puberty. Electrophoretic activity caused by the Swarm was to blame, and now Kes's body was preparing for fertilization. It was a difficult time for Kes, who expected Neelix to be her mate. When he finally agreed to become a father, Kes made the decision not to conceive.
Trivia: A mitral sac develops on the Ocampa female's back during elogium. |
29 |
Cold Fire
Kes was delighted to meet Tanis, the Ocampan who promised to show her all that she could become. Kes looked forward to learning more about her powers, but the lessons with Tanis eventually took a dark turn. Tanis wanted to take Kes to meet Suspiria in the hopes that Kes would see how weak and insignificant her human friends were. When she discovered that his intentions were not what they appeared, Kes used her own powers to help protect the Voyager crew from Tanis and Suspiria.
Trivia: Kes' father, Benaren, died when she was one year old. |
30 |
It was Kes' misfortune to find her consciousness suddenly subverted by Tieran, a paranoid egomaniac who had once ruled the Ilari. Using Kes' body, Tieran attempted to overthrow the Ilari autarch family government. He was ruthless and his rage was strong, but Kes' mind fought against him, probing the cracks in his mental defenses. Her Voyager crewmates helped Kes force the invading consciousness out of her body, destroying Tieran once and for all.
Trivia: Kes' quarters on Voyager were on Deck 8. |
31 |
Before and After
Chroniton radiation caused Kes to experience one of the strangest phenomena ever encountered by the Voyager crew. Her future sell received treatment to extend her life span, but unfortunately she began to time trip backward and forward through her life. Kes found the experience both frightening and frustrating. Finally she was able to make the Doctor understand what was happening to her, and with his help, Kes returned to normal. The tuture she saw was just one possibility, but it held interesting surprises for her friends.
Trivia: As an Ocampan, Kes had a nine year lite span. |
32 |
The Gift
When Voyager first encountered Species 8472, Kes began to experience disturbing visions. Then her body started to destabilize at the molecular level. She didn't know what it all meant, but Kes found these changes exciting. Unfortunately, her transformation made her a danger to the ship, and she had to leave. Three years alter joining Voyager, Kes departed on a shuttle, vanishing in a flash of light. As a parting gift to her triends, Kes propelled Voyager 10 years closer to home.
Trivia: In the future Kes saw, she and Lieutenant Paris married and had a daughter. |
33 |
Three confused and angry years after leaving, Kes returned to Voyager to seek revenge. She felt the crew had abandoned her because she couldn't control her mental abilities and could not return to Ocampa, Captain Janeway played a holo-recording of young Kes for the older Kes, helping her remember the truth: The choice had been hers, both to leave the ship and to leave Ocampa in the first place. Reconciled with the crew, Kes departed once more.
Trivia: The older Kes went back to Voyager when it had been in the Delta Quadrant for just 58 days. |
34 |
The Borg Queen
Dark Frontier, Parts I & II
The Borg Queen is the central node in the vast group mind of the Collective. She brings order to the chaos of millions of voices, and she coordinates the Borg's ceaseless efforts to assimilate other races. Wielding incredible power, the Borg Queen has engaged Voyager several times, but she has been unable to assimilate Captain Janeway and her crew. When she tried to retake Seven of Nine, Janeway interfered. The Queen was enraged to find she could not break the bond between the Captain and Seven.
Trivia: The Borg Queen can he killed by starship plasma coolant. |
35 |
The Borg Queen
Unimatrix Zero, Part I
The Borg Queen discovered many of her drones had a "sickness" allowing them to live as individuals in Unimatrix Zero during regeneration. Their "Unilmatrix Zero" was a cancer to the Borg. To "cure" these drones, the Queen needed the interlink frequency that bound them all together. Finding Captain Janeway in the middle of the Borg resistance movement, the Queen talked with her nemesis and agreed to see Unimatrix Zero for herself. She was not impressed.
Trivia: The Borg Queen disassembled several drones in an effort to destroy
Unimatrix Zero. |
36 |
The Borg Queen
Unimatrix Zero, Part II
The Borg Queen finally captured Captain Janeway during the battle for Unimatrix Zero. The Queen demanded the antidote to Janeway's virus which, unchecked, would give many drones the power to rebel in their waking moments. Dispassionately, the Queen began destroying Borg cubes just because one or two drones aboard had disconnected from the hive mind. But Janeway would not compromise. Voyager shut down Unimatrix Zero and freed the disconnected drones. The Queen, meanwhile, self destructed her own vessel.
Trivia: The Borg Queen was about 10 years old when she was assimilated. |
37 |
Basics, Parts I & II
Seska, one of Commander Chakotay's Maquis officers, was reluctant to join Voyager's crew. Eventually she betrayed Voyager – and her former lover, Chakotay – and joined Maje Culluh of the Kazon -Nistrim. Her real identity became clear: Seska was actually a Cardassian agent who was surgically altered to appear Bajoran, after which she infiltrated the Maquis. As Maje Culluh's woman, Seska helped take Voyager from Captain Janeway. But her victory was short-lived, and she was killed when Janeway's crew retook Voyager.
Trivia: Seska's child was actually Maje Culluh's, not Chakotay's as she had intended. |
38 |
Worst Case Scenario
Seska – or rather a holographic image of her – returned to wreak havoc aboard Voyager when the crew discovered Lieutenant Commander Tuvok's incomplete Holodeck training scenario. The program involved a Maquis mutiny, and the real Seska had written an end to the story years earlier – an end in which Seska defeated her Federation crewmates. But Seska hadn't counted on Captain Janeway's clever rewrite of her scenario, which enabled the crew to overcome Seska once more.
Trivia: During her brief time as part of Voyager's crew, Seska worked in Engineering. |
39 |
When the space time continuum aboard Voyager was shattered by a spatial anomaly, Commander Chakotay found Seska and her Kazon cohorts in control of Engineering. To Seska it was five years ago, during her occupation of Voyager. Learning she would not retain command of the ship, Seska tried to bring Voyager into temporal synch with her time frame. She came within seconds of killing Chakotay and Captain Janeway, but she was defeated by the combined efforts of the Voyager crew.
Trivia: Seska found Chakotay more distinguished now that he was five years older. |
40 |
Naomi Wildman
Once Upon a Time
Two of Naomi Wildman's favorite people are Seven of Nine and Neelix. During her mother's away mission, Naomi was happy to have Neelix, her godlather, watch over her. She played with her friends Flotter and Trevis on the Holodeck, but eventually Naomi learned Neelix wasn't being honest with her about the Away Team. Her mother was in trouble, and Neelix went too far in shielding Naomi from the truth. Naomi came to forgive Neelix, and her mother returned safely.
Trivia: Naomi Wildman was the first child born on Voyager. |
41 |
Samantha Wildman
Samantha Wildman is the head of Voyager's xenobiology department. When the ship was swept into the Delta Quadrant, Wildman was separated from her hustand, a Ktarian named Greskrendtregk. Later Wildman learned she was pregnant, and she gave birth to a girl whom she named Naomi. The child died from hemocythemia shortly atter birth, but a healthy Naomi aboard a duplicate Voyager was sent over to Wildman just before that ship disintegrated.
Trivia: The last time Samantha Wildman saw her husband, he was on Deep Space 9. |
42 |
Heroes and Demons
In Norse mythology, Freya was the goddess of love and beauty. On board Voyager, Freya was a character in Ensign Kim's holonovel, "Beowulf." Strong and flaxen-haired, Freya assisted the Doctor during his very first away mission. The Doctor learned that Freya was a shield-maiden, daughter to King Hrothgar. Freya spoke with pride about her victories with Scyld the Gar-Dane, as well as her campaign against the heatho-bards. In the end, Freya gave her life to save the Doctor.
Trivia: When the Doctor introduced himsell as "Schweitzer," Freya found it a "hero's name." |
43 |
Amelia Earhart
The 37s
History remembers Amelia Earhart as the first woman to fly alone across Earth's Atlantic Ocean. She disappeared in 1937 while attempting to fly around the Earth. Four centuries later, the Voyager crew discovered Earhart had been abducted and taken to the Briori home world in the Delta Quadrant. She was revived from cryostasis, and after spending some time aboard Voyager, Earhart decided to remain on the former Briori home world with a colony of descendents from the original abductees.
Trivia: Amelia Earhart was an important inspiration that led Captain Janeway to a career in Starfleet. |
44 |
Non Sequitur
Ensign Kim had been engaged to marry a young woman named Libby when Voyager was swept thousands of light years away to the Delta Quadrant. Despite the vast distance separating them, Libby was reunited with Kim back on Earth in an alternate reality, But Libby could tell something wasn't right with Kim. She had a hard time accepting his story that he was supposed to be on Voyager. Still, Libby trusted Kim implicity, and she helped him get back where he belonged.
Trivia: Libby first met Harry Kim at a Ktarian music festival. |
45 |
Denara Pel
Danara Pel was a Vidiian physician who, like the rest of her race, suffered from the horrifying phage. The Doctor made it possible for Pel to live within a holographic body while they worked to repair her damaged neural tissue. Pel fell in love with the Doctor, but their relationship had a bittersweet ending. He was unable to cure her phage, and Pel returned to her diseased body to continue the research on her home planet. Later, she helped Voyager cure Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay of a potentially fatal virus.
Trivia: Danara Pel was diagnosed with the phage at age 7. |
46 |
Janice Rand
Intelligent and passionate, officer Janice Rand devoted her life to Starfleet. During the early days of Captain James Kirk's command of the starship Enterprise, Rand served as the Captain's yeoman. But Rand had greater aspirations, and eventually she became the communications officer aboard the Excelsior under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu. Aboard Sulu's ship Rand was also the team leader of gamma shift. She understood loyalty to one's fellow officers better than a young Ensign Tuvok did at the time.
Trivia: Belore joining Captain Sulu's crew, Janice Rand was stationed at Starfleet Command in San Francisco. |
47 |
Rain Robinson
Future's End, Parts I & II
Rain Robinson was a 20th Century astronomer who assisted in Eart's SETI project – the search for extratervestrial intelligence. She never expected to meet real life aliens or humans from the future, but that's exactly what she encountered when Lieutenant Paris and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok dropped in. They were on a mission to stop Henry Starling's time travel activities, and Robinson helped them. Not only did she drive them around in her VW bus, she also grew close to Paris. In the end she knew he had to go.
Trivia: Rain Rohinson bought chili burritos for Tuvok and Paris. |
48 |
Q Female
The Q and the Grey
Q could he annoying and obnoxious, but that didn't stop the female Q from having a romantic relationship with him for about four billion years. The Q female was as self-important and arrogant as Q himself. When she showed up on Voyager, she demanded that Captain Janeway stay away from Q. The Q female eventually helped the Voyager crew save the Q Continuum by conceiving a child with Q – a child who would bring peace to the troubled Continuum.
Trivia: The Female Q's union with Q resulted in the Continuum's first child ever born through sexual means. |
49 |
Alter Ego
At first the crew thought Marayna was simply a vivacious Holodeck Character. Ensign Kim fell for her, but Marayna had other plans. She was real, and she wanted Lieutenant Commander Tuvok. Marayna was all alone on a nearby alien station, and she used Voyager's Holodeck to interact with Tuvok, for whom she developed a dangerous attraction. Marayna threatened to destroy Voyager it Tuvok did not stay with her. But she came to accept the truth: Tuvok could not return her feelings.
Trivia: Marayna's job aboard her station was to preserve an inversion nebula with dampening fields. |
50 |
Riley Frasier
Riley [Frazier] was a Starfleet officer who had been assimilated by the Borg. The Borg took her to the Delta Quadrant, where [Frazier] managed to escape when her vessel was disabled. She and several other survivors colonized a planet in the Nekrit Expanse, where their own personalities eventually resurfaced. At first, [Frazier] was afraid to reveal her Borg history to Commander Chakotay, but he learned the truth. She healed his injury with a neural link, but later forced him to help her establish a planet-wide link.
Trivia: Riley [Frazier] served aboard the starship U.S.S. Roosevelt at the battle of Wolf 359. |
51 |
Favorite Son
Lyris was an official with the government of Taresia, a planet with a serious procreation problem. Outwardly pleasant and reasonable, Lyris was a master of deception. Alter meeting Voyager's landing party, she worked hard to convince Ensign Kim that he was a native of Taresia. Her deception included the lie that Kim's embryo had been taken to Earth and implanted in his mother. What she really wanted was to harvest Kim's genetic material – a process which would kill the ensign. Fortunately Lyris' plan was not successful.
Trivia: The Taresian population is 90 percent female. |
52 |
Random Thoughts
Chief Examiner Nimira was one of the last officers still working for the constabulary of the Mari people. She found Voyager's brig a puzzling and barbaric concept. Nimira felt that she was becoming obsolete because there was virtually no crime left in her society. That changed when a violent thought led to murder. Nimira was well intentioned and she was respected by Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, but she arrested Lieutenant Torres before all the facts were known. Eventually she relented in the face of new evidence.
Trivia: Nimira had never investigated a homicide before Voyager's visit. |
53 |
Kellin tried to defect from her people, the Ramorans, so she could be with Commander Chakotay on Voyager. But the memories of Ramorans can't be recalled by other races. Kellin still loved Chakotay, but he could not recall their relationship. Nevertheless he fell in love with Kellin again. But a Ramoran Tracer ended all that by wiping Mellin's memory, so she no longer felt the same way about Chakotay. She could not fall in love with him twice, and she returned to her people.
Trivia: When not in her presence, Chakotay could only remember Kellin for a lew hours. |
54 |
Valerie Archer
In the Flesh
Think human, talk human, be human. Valerie knew the drill well. She said she was from "everywhere," having seen half the quadrant with her Starfleet parents by the time she was 10. In reality, Valerie was a member of the race the Borg call Species 8472. She was part of a massive effort to Infiltrate Starfleet. But Valerie came to know and trust Commander Chakotay, and she added her voice to his in the argument for peace. Valerie practiced one last kiss with Chakotay before saying goodbye.
Trivia: Valerie was drinking a Klingon martini when she introduced hersell to Chakotay. |
55 |
Tessa Omund
Fifteen years after reaching Earth, Commander Chakotay and Ensign Kim returned to Voyager's icy tomb with Tessa Omund, Chakotay's lover. As Kim put it, Tessa and Chakotay were "joined at the hip." Tessa wanted to help them save their Voyager crewmates. And yet, it all went as planned, history would be changed – and Tessa wouldn't know Chakotay anymore. The years they spent together would never have existed. Tessa helped anyway, noting that someday, they might meet all over again.
Trivia: Tessa heard so much about the Doctor from Chakotay and Kim that she felt like an old friend to the EMH. |
56 |
Noss had been stranded alone on a desert planet for many years when Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and Lieutemant Paris crashed there. Tuvok saved her from bandits and Moss fell in love with the Vulcan. In her halting English she asked Tuvok about himsef, but he was not inclined to discuss "irrelevancies." When Tuvok was injured by a scavenger, Noss nursed him hack to health. But she hated Tuvok's logic and his unwillingness to return her affections. Finally they were rescued, and they parted as friends.
Trivia: Alter her rescue, Noss gave Neelix her recipe for sautéed spiders. |
57 |
Darren Tal
The Disease
Derran Tal of the Varo was passionately in love with Ensign Kim. But their relationship had another level, which Tal's people called the "shared heart." When Tal had sex with Kim, it created a biochemical connection between them. Tal was also part of a resistance group that wanted to leave the rest of the Varo. Tal sabotaged their generational ship and eventually won the right to depart – but in so doing, she had to leave Kim, too.
Trivia: Kim took Derran Tal for a ride to a nebula about 300,000 kilometers away. |
58 |
Three of Nine
Survival Instinct
Three of Nine was determined to become Marika [Wilcarah] again, the woman she had been before the Borg assimilated her. Marika was an engineer aboard the starship Excalibur when she was assimilated. Years later she escaped the Collective, but she found herself still linked to two of Nine and Four of Nine. With Seven's help, Three of Nine and her two companions broke free of each other, but with a cost – they had only a month to live. Marika chose to spend her remaining time aboard Voyager.
Trivia: Marika was working the night watch on her ship when the Borg came. |
59 |
The small shuttle Lieutenant Paris named "Alice" wasn't really haunted. It was, however, controlled by a neurogenic interface, allowing it to interact directly with the pilot's thoughts. Alice scanned Paris' brain imprint and became linked with him. She wanted a top biological entity to work together in tandem, and that entity was Paris. Alice's seductive power drove him to neglect his duties and shun Lieutenant Torres. But the crew beamed Paris to safety, while Alice was destroyed in a particle fountain.
Trivia: Alice was once linked with Abaddon, the man who sold the shutle to Voyager. |
60 |
Counselor Troi
When Lieutenant Barclay needed a friend, Counselor Deanna Toi was glad to visit her old crewmate and offer her assistance. Over a scoop of chocolate ice cream, the Enterprise counselor listened to Barclay's troubles on the Pathfinder Project. Later, she helped Voyager's Doctor provide treatment for his critically ill creator, Lewis Zimmerman. She helped Barclay again when his transmission to Voyager was pirated by his ex-girl friend and her Ferengi cohorts.
Trivia: When Barclay found Counselor Troi on the beach during her vacation, he brought her a chocolate passion punch. |
61 |
Maggie O'Halloran
Fair Haven
Maggie was a lovely lass who resided in Fair Haven on the Irish seacoast. She was part of Lieutenant Paris' Holodeck program, but that didn't keep Ensign Kim from pursuing her. Maggie found him charming, and he made her forget about the pig farmer she was promised to. They went for a moonlight walk, during which Maggie turned into a cow at an inopportune moment. It was a trick by Tom Paris, but it scared Maggie, who later felt like she'd been walking around town wearing nothing but a bell around her neck.
Trivia: Kim brought Maggie one dozen Broadway lilies. |
62 |
When Tincoo of the Komar first met the Doctor, she found him primitive and irritating. Then she heard him sing, and that changed everything. Tincoo, like the rest of her race, had never heard music before. She became the Doctor's greatest fan and created her own musical composition for him. Tincoo even asked him to stay with her. But it was the music, not the Doctor, Tincoo loved, In the end, Tincoo created a superior version of the Doctor, and she didn't need him anymore.
Trivia: Tincoo's musical composition was based on the intersection of two fractals. |
63 |
Ashes to Ashes
Mezoti was the youngest of five Borg children rescued from a damaged Borg vessel by Voyager. At first she tried to assimilate Voyager technology, but once the Doctor had a chance to remove most of her Borg implants, Mezoti became part of the Voyager family. Independent and rebellious, she made parenting a difficult task for Seven of Nine. In art class Mezoti created a likeness of Seven instead of creating a geometric shape, because it was more fun. She was well on her way to embracing individuality.
Trivia: The Borg knew Mezoti's species as 689 – Norcadian. |
64 |
Lyndsay Ballard
Ashes to Ashes
Lyndsay Ballard was dead – or was she? Ballard was killed during an away mission with Ensign Kim. But the Kobali found her burial tube, reanimated her body and altered her DNA to make her one of them. Ballard spent two years with the Kobali before fleeing to Voyager. She couldn't wait to see Kim again. But her reintegration with the crew, and with her humanity, did not go well. Ballard's alien physiology began to reassert itself, and she knew she had to return to the Kobali.
Trivia: Lyndsay Ballard lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches al Starfleet Academy. |
65 |
Tal Celes
Good Shepherd
Tal Celes, sensor analyst grade three in astrometrics, couldn't get past the proficiency requirements for away missions. In her nightmares she was chased by algorithms. But Captain Janeway hand-picked Celes for a mission anyway. Celes tried hard to measure up to the Captain's expectations, but she doubted herself all the time. Her work had to be double checked constantly, Still, Janeway thought Celes showed evidence of unconventional thinking. And she displayed loyalty and valor when it mattered most, helping her crewmates get back to Voyager.
Trivia: At Startleet Academy, Tal Celes had to cram for every exam. |
66 |
Live Fast and Prosper
Dala did a good job impersonating Captain Janeway, right down to the details of Janeway's personal history. She first encountered Voyager's crew while pretending to be a religious cleric, and she completely hood-winked Paris and Neelix. Atter downloading the Delta Flyer's entire database, Dala and her fellow con artists began stealing supplies and merchandise from races throughout the sector. When she finally met the real Janeway, Dala was disappointed. But Janeway had the last laugh when Dala was apprehended.
Trivia: Dala's father taught her that most people will exploit you if they can. |
67 |
Inside Man
Leosa was a teacher whom Lieutenant Barclay dated. When Barclay tried to send a hologram of himself to Voyager, he lost the program – and Leosa. She didn't even leave him a "Dear Reg" letter. Barclay thought Leosa was sweet and thoughtful and a wonderful listener. But it turned out Leosa was a Dabo girl who helped the Ferengi steal Barclay's hologram – twice. Haughty and heartless, Leosa was no match for Counselor Troi, who made the girl confess to her crime.
Trivia: Leosa was to get 10 percent of the profits once her Ferengi employers stole Seven of Nine's nanoprobes. |
68 |
Flesh and Blood
The hologram Kejal was a Cardassian woman who had been liberated from the Hirogen hunts. The Hirogen did not program her with advanced computer skills, so Kejal taught hersell. She had holographic blood and the capacity to feel pain. While helping Lieutenant Torres work on the holograms' photonic field generator, Kejal learned to trust the "Klingon organic." She turned against the megalomaniac Iden and helped Voyager put an end to the Hirogen conflict. Kejal opted to remain aboard the holograms' vessel with Donik, a young Hirogen.
Trivia: Kejal's name, given to her by Iden, meant "freedom" in Bajoran. |
69 |
Body and Soul
Lieutenant Jaryn was the tactical officer, engineer, and medic aboard a Lokirrim patrol vessel. The photonic who helped raise her used to call Jaryn "the litte professor" before he joined the insurgency. Jaryn worked with Seven of Nine to heal injured crewmates, little realizing it was really the Doctor – a photonic himself – who was temporarily inhabiting Seven's body. Jaryn was attracted to her commander, Ranek, much to the Doctor's dismay. She learned to overcome her prejudice against photonics when the Doctor saved Ranek's lie.
Trivia: When she was a girl, Jaryn entertained ideas ol becoming a teacher. |
70 |
Checklist |
Back |
Back of Card #1 |
1 |
Captain Janeway
Caretaker, Parts I & II |
2 |
Captain Janeway
Resolutions |
3 |
Captain Janeway
The Q and the Grey |
4 |
Captain Janeway
Concerning Flight |
5 |
Captain Janeway
Counterpoint |
6 |
Captain Janeway
Equinox, Parts I & II |
7 |
Captain Janeway
Fair Haven |
8 |
Captain Janeway
Good Shepherd |
9 |
Captain Janeway
Flesh and Blood, Parts I & II |
10 |
Seven of Nine
Scorpion, Part II |
11 |
Seven of Nine
The Raven |
12 |
Seven of Nine
Prey |
13 |
Seven of Nine
Drone |
14 |
Seven of Nine
Bliss |
15 |
Seven of Nine
Dark Frontier, Parts I & II |
16 |
Seven of Nine
The Voyager Conspiracy |
17 |
Seven of Nine
Tsunkatse |
18 |
Seven of Nine
Unimatrix Zero, Parts I & II |
19 |
Lieutenant Torres
Prototype |
20 |
Lieutenant Torres
Dreadnought |
21 |
Lieutenant Torres
Blood Fever |
22 |
Lieutenant Torres
Day of Honor |
23 |
Lieutenant Torres
Juggernaut |
24 |
Lieutenant Torres
Barge of the Dead |
25 |
Lieutenant Torres
Muse |
26 |
Lieutenant Torres
Drive |
27 |
Lieutenant Torres
Prophecy |
28 |
Elogium |
29 |
Cold Fire |
30 |
Warlord |
31 |
Before and After |
32 |
The Gift |
33 |
Fury |
34 |
The Borg Queen
Dark Frontier, Parts I & II |
35 |
The Borg Queen
Unimatrix Zero, Part I |
36 |
The Borg Queen
Unimatrix Zero, Part II |
37 |
Basics, Parts I & II |
38 |
Worst Case Scenario |
39 |
Shattered |
40 |
Naomi Wildman
Once Upon a Time |
41 |
Samantha Wildman
Deadlock |
42 |
Heroes and Demons |
43 |
Amelia Earhart
The 37s |
44 |
Non Sequitur |
45 |
Denara Pel
Lifesigns |
46 |
Janice Rand
Flashback |
47 |
Rain Robinson
Future's End, Parts I & II |
48 |
Q Female
The Q and the Grey |
49 |
Alter Ego |
50 |
Riley Frasier
Unity |
51 |
Favorite Son |
52 |
Random Thoughts |
53 |
Unforgettable |
54 |
Valerie Archer
In the Flesh |
55 |
Tessa Omund
Timeless |
56 |
Gravity |
57 |
Darren Tal
The Disease |
58 |
Three of Nine
Survival Instinct |
59 |
Alice |
60 |
Counselor Troi
Pathfinder |
61 |
Maggie O'Halloran
Fair Haven |
62 |
Virtuoso |
63 |
Ashes to Ashes |
64 |
Lyndsay Ballard
Ashes to Ashes |
65 |
Tal Celes
Good Shepherd |
66 |
Live Fast and Prosper |
67 |
Inside Man |
68 |
Flesh and Blood |
69 |
Body and Soul |
70 |
Checklist |
Back |
Back of Printer's Proof Card |
M1 |
Captain Janeway as Borg
in "Unimatrix Zero"
To help the people of Unimatrix Zero take action against the Borg, Captain Janeway went aboard the Queen's vessel to plant a virus. But to do that, she had to be partially assimilated. A neural suppressant protected her real identity, but the physical transformation was horrifyingly complete. After the mission, the Doctor extracted Janeway's Borg technology, including her spinal clamps. It would be a while before the captain could play hoverball again.
Janeway's away team reached the cube's central plexus from a primary access port, which was isolated from the main power grid. |
M2 |
Captain Janeway as Shannon O'Donnel
in "11:59"
Captain Janeway always believed Shannon O'Donnell, her ancestor, had been the first in a long line of Janeway family explorers. Additional research proved O'Donnell – who bore a striking resemblance to the Captain – had not been the driving force behind the Millennium Gate. But in a small way, O'Donnell did help usher in the future, by convincing Henry Janeway to give up his staunch opposition to the Gate.
The Millennium Gate was 3.2 kilometers at the base and 1 kilometer in height, and it was covered with highly reflective solar panels. |
M3 |
Captain Janeway as Arachnia
in "Bride of Chaotica!"
When photonic aliens from an alternate universe went to war with the evil Dr. Chaotica from Lieutenant Paris' "Captain Proton" Holodeck simulation, Captain Janeway agreed to play the part of Arachnia, queen of the spider people. Reluctant at first, Janeway came to relish the part. Wearing a flowing black dress and 1930s style makeup, she outwitted Chaotica, lowering his lightning shield so that Paris could destroy his Death Ray. The conflict ended and the photonic aliens departed.
Captain Janeway wears a size 4. |
M4 |
Seven of Nine as a nightclub singer
in "The Killing Game"
Unwittingly, Seven of Nine was forced to play the role of an underground resistance fighter in World War II after the Hirogen took over Voyager. Seven's "cover" was that of a musical entertainer in a posh nightclub run by Captain Janeway. Standing by a piano singing "Moonlight Becomes You," she crooned for the Hirogen hunters who masqueraded as German soldiers. Seven was one of the first to break free of the neural interface.
Seven of Nine thought a launcher that could fire armor-piercing grenades would be more useful to the resistance than a radio oscillator. |
M5 |
Seven of Nine as DaiMon Torrot
in "Infinite Regress"
A vinculum found in a Borg debris field caused Seven of Nine to take on the personalities of multiple Borg assimilation victims, including that of DaiMon Torrot, a Ferengi. As Torrot, Seven tried to enter business negotiations with Captain Janeway and the Doctor. She felt Voyager's sickbay was not state of the medical art, and offered to contact a medical supplier to spruce the place up. Fortunately, Seven's multiple personality disorder was soon cured.
As Torrot, Seven tried to buy the Astrometrics view screen for 20 bars of latinum. |
M6 |
Seven of Nine as the Doctor
in "Body and Soul"
Aliens incarcerated Seven of Nine and Harry Kim for transporting a "photonic insurgent" – the Doctor – aboard the Delta Flyer. To hide the Doctor's program, Seven downloaded him into her cybernetic matrix, but she didn't expect to yield total control of her body to him. As the Doctor, Seven explored sensual experiences like eating and drinking to the point of excess. Seven had to pay the price of the Doctor's overindulgences, but together, they overcame their captors.
Lieutenant Commander Tuvok's wife's ears are 4 millimeters shorter than those of the holographic facsimile created by Lieutenant Paris. |
M7 |
Torres as human/Klingon halves
in "Faces"
Vidiians kidnapped Lieutenant Torres, splitting her into Klingon and human halves. The Klingon Torres was confident, forceful and courageous. She was unimpressed by the human Torres, who cringed fearfully at the first sign of danger. This Torres came to see that she needed her Klingon half, both physically and psychologically. to survive. They worked together to escape, but the Klingon Torres was killed in the process. Fortunately, the Doctor was able to return Torres to her original state.
B'Elanna Torres grew up on a colony on Kessik IV. |
M8 |
Torres as Korenna
in "Remember"
Lieutenant Torres experienced a series of amazing dreams while Voyager transported Enaran passengers. In the dreams she was Korenna, an Enaran woman in love with a man who would be exterminated for fighting progress. Torres soon learned that her dreams were memories of the real Korenna, who was on a quest to shed light on the truth about her people's ugly past. Now, thanks to Torres, that truth would live on.
Torres, as Korenna, hoped to become a junior instructor after attending the District Education Center. |
M9 |
Torres as a factory worker
in "Workforce"
Completely unaware of her real life, Lieutenant Torres believed she was a worker at an alien power distribution facility. She and many of her crewmates had been abducted from Voyager and made to forget their real identities. Thus "reconditioned," Torres worked nights at the factory. She didn't like crowds, and she didn't like Tom Paris' advances. But she was touched when he showed concern for her safety and well-being. Torres was the first to be rescued by Commander Chakotay.
One of the first things Torres recalled about Paris was that he watches cartoons. |
R1 |
Reflections on Captain Janeway: Chakotay
"As first officer, it is my duty to share my opinions with Captain Janeway, even when those opinions are contrary to hers. Our differences of opinion were never so great as they were during the crisis with the Borg and Species 8472. But the Captain was right – we had to stop fighting each other to save Vorager. I've leamed to trust her instincts over the seven years we've served together, even when we disagree." – Commander Chakotay
Trivia: A cortical implant overload once caused Seven of Nine to pit Janeway against Chakotay in a series of paranoid theories. |
R2 |
Reflections on Captain Janeway: The Doctor
"Captain Janeway has given me every opportunity to evolve beyond my original programming. When I made the decision to save Ensign Kim's life at the expense of Ensign Jetal's, it caused a severe conflict in my programming. At first the Captain erased my memories of that event, but then she allowed me to struggle with it until I could come to terms with the dilemma on my own. in so doing, Captain Janeway demonstrated the greatest respect for me that I have ever known." – The Doctor
Trivia: Janeway read "La Vita Nuova," a book of 1,000-year-old poetry while sitting with the conflicted Doctor. |
R3 |
Reflections on Captain Janeway: Tuvok
"Captain Janeway is more than a remarkable leader. She is also a friend who has helped me through difficult times. When Teero's mind control experiments of seven years ago suddenly surfaced in me, forcing me to attack the crew, Captain Janeway helped guide me with meditation. Teero's voice was strong, but the Captain's voice was equally compelling. I could not have overcome Teero's commands or regained control of my mind without the Captain's help." – Lt. Commander Tuvok
Trivia: Janeway and Tuvok attended a showing of "Attack of the Lobster People" after Teero's threat was eliminated. |
R4 |
Reflections on Seven of Nine: Harry Kim
"Tom says I always go for the tough ones. Take Seven af Nine, for example. She's beautitul, complex and incredibly intelligent. She's even got a sense of humor. It's offbeat, a bit subtle maybe, but it's there. But trying to take our relationship to a more romantic level was excruciating. One minute Seven was ice cold, the next she was demanding that I strip. I decided to take a rain check on human-Borg social relations." – Ensign Harry Kim
Trivia: While working with Kim, Seven of Nine misaligned an optical assembly by 0.5 degrees. |
R5 |
Reflections on Seven of Nine: The Doctor
"I took great pleasure in teaching Seven of Nine how to form relationships with the opposite sex … until I realized my interest in her was more than professional. Seven diligently worked through the lessons I devised, unaware that I had developed romantic feelings for her. The lessons turned bittersweet for me when it became clear my feelings would not be returned. Seven and I remain close friends." – The Doctor
Trivia: Lesson 2 in the Doctor's relationship course was "Encounter in a Public Place." |
R6 |
Reflections on Seven of Nine: Icheb
"Since freeing me from the Collective, Seven of Nine has been like a mother to me. At first she was too controlling, implementing punishment protocols whenever I deviated from her instructions. But Seven helped save me from my real parents when they tried to sacrifice me to the Borg, Later, when her cortical node destabilized, Seven was embarrassed to appear imperfect in front of me. It was my honor to give up my own node so that she might live." – Icheb
Trivia: Icheb's research showed an 86.9 percent chance Seven's implants would adapt to his node. |
R7 |
Reflections on Lieutenant Torres: Tom Paris
There are still plenty of things I don't know ahout my new bride. She has always been sensitive about being half-Klingon, but I had no idea how deeply the sentiment ran. In fact, B'Elanna wanted to remove our baby's Klingon genetic material. Her father had left when B'Elanna was young, and she feared I might do the same thing just because our baby was part Klingon. I guess B'Elanna still has a few things to lean about me, too." – Lieutenant Tom Paris
Trivia: Torres' father left home 12 days after a fateful camping trip. |
R8 |
Reflections on Lieutenant Torres: Neelix
"If I ever saw a job for the morale officer, it was Lieutenant Torres on the Klingon Day of Honor. I found her in the mess hall with a black cloud hanging over her head. B'Elanna has a temper that she keeps reigned in, so I offered to be a pressure valve. When angry she could come see me, call me names and insult me – I wouldn't take it personally. She declined, but she did accept the blood pie I'd made for her." – Neelix
Trivia: Part of the Day of Honor ceremony involves traversing the sulfur lagoons of Gorath. |
R9 |
Reflections on Lieutenant Torres: Chakotay
"B'Elanna really had me worried after she got news from home about our dead Maquis friends. She said she couldn't feel anything for her lost comrades, and thats why she was intentionally hurting herself on the holodeck. The truth was, B'Elanna was afraid that if she let herself start to feel grief, she might not be able to stop. She thought she had no family let – but I assured her that the crew of Voyager was her family, and we wouldn't abandon her." – Commander Chakotay
Trivia: Torres' Maquis holodeck program was Torres Zeta One. |
SF1 |
Delta Flyer |
SF2 |
U.S.S. Excelsior |
SF3 |
Borg Sphere |
SF4 |
Hologram Ship |
SF5 |
Kazon Raider |
SF6 |
Caretaker's Array |
AutoFEX™ Guest Autograph Series |
A1 |
Martha Hackett
as Seska |
A2 |
Nancy Hower (Binder exclusive)
as Ensign Wildman |
A3 |
Vanessa Branch (Case topper)
as Adult Naomi WIldman
in "Shattered" |
A4 |
Sharon Lawrence
as Amelia Earhart
in "The 37s" |
A5 |
Virginia Madsen
as Kellin
in "Unforgettable" |
A6 |
Marjorie Monaghan
as Freya
in "Heroes and Demons" |
A7 |
Tracey Ellis
as Yifay
in "Child's Play" |
A8 |
Jessica Collins
as Linnis Paris
in "Before and After" |
A9 |
Marley McClean
as Mezoti
in "Collective" |
A10 |
Carolyn Seymour
as Mrs. Templeton
in "Persitence of Vision" |
A11 |
Gwynyth Walsh
as Nimira
in "Random Thoughts" |
A12 |
Peggy Jo Jacobs
as Ch'rega
in "Prophecy" |
A13 |
Kaitlin Hopkins
as Dala
in "Live Fast and Prosper" |
A14 |
Kamala Lopez-Dawson
as Tincoo
in "Virtuoso" |
A15 |
Lori Petty
as Noss
in "Gravity" |
AutoFEX™ Seven of Nine Autograph Series |
SA1 |
Jeri Ryan
as Seven of Nine |
SA2 |
Katelin Peterson
as Annika Hansen
in "Dark Frontier" |
SA3 |
Erica Lynne Bryan
as Annika Hansen
in "The Gift" & "The Raven" |
SA4 |
Laura Stepp
as Erin Hansen
in "Dark Frontier" |
SA5 |
Nikki Tyler
as Erin Hansen
in "Scorpion, pt. II" & "The Raven" |
SA6 |
Kirk Baily
as Magnus Hansen
in "Dark Frontier" |
SA7 |
J. Paul Boehmer
as One
in "Drone" |
F1 |
Seven of Nine
Pink swatch |
F2 |
Captain Janeway
Black swatch |
F2 |
Captain Janeway
Red swatch |
F2 |
Captain Janeway
Two-colour swatch |
Back |
Back of Seven of Nine F1 |
CRIS BOLSON - Untitled except where stated |
- |
U.S.S. Voyager from above
400 drawn |
- |
U.S.S. Voyager from below
200 drawn |
- |
Back of Sketch Card |
EMIR RIBEIRO - Untitled except where stated |
- |
B'Elanna Torres
200 drawn - Two black signatures |
- |
Seven of Nine
200 drawn - Two black signatures |
JOHN CZOP - Untitled except where stated |
- |
B'Elanna Torres
275 drawn - Black, green, light purple, or orange signature |
- |
Seven of Nine
125 drawn - Black or purple signature
++ 7 of 9 |
- |
300 drawn - Black, light or dark green, orange, light purple, purple, or red signature |
WARREN MARTINECK - Variations in background scenery exist for the following sketches |
- |
Borg Queen's Ship
125 drawn - Black or pencil signature |
- |
S.S. Raven
125 drawn - Black signature
++ S.S. Raven NAR-32450 |
- |
U.S.S. Voyager
125 drawn - Black signature
++ U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 |
- |
U.S.S. Voyager & Borg Queen's Ship
125 drawn - Black signature
++ Borg: Queen's Ship ... U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656
++ Borg Queen's Ship / U.S.S. Voyager
++ Borg Queen's Ship ... Voyager NCC-74656
++ Borg: Queen's Ship / U.S.S. Voyager
++ Borg Queen's Ship / USS Voyager
++ Borg Queen's Ship ... U.S.S. Voyager
++ U.S.S. Voyager / Borg: Queen's Ship |
- |
U.S.S. Voyager / Borg Tactical Cube
125 drawn - Black signature
++ U.S.S. Voyager / Borg: Tactical Cube
++ U.S.S. Voyager ... Borg: Tactical Cube
++ U.S.S. Voyager ... Borg Tactical Cube
++ U.S.S. Voyager / Borg: Tactical Cube (Around corner)
++ Borg Tactical Cube ... U.S.S. Voyager
++ Borg Tactical Cube / U.S.S. Voyager
++ U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 (Top) Borg÷Class 4 Tactical Cube (Bottom) |
- |
Borg Tactical Cube
125 drawn - Black signature
++ Borg Class-4 Tactical Cube
++ Borg: Class-4 Tactical Cube
++ Borg: Tactical Cube
++ Borg Tactical Cube
++ Class-4 Tactical Cube
++ Tactical Cube - Borg
++ Tactical Cubes
++ Borg: Tactical Cubes |
WARREN MARTINECK - Ink drawn (3,000 points) |
- |
Borg Queen's Ship
Black signature |
- |
Borg Queen's Ship / U.S.S. Voyager
Black signature
++ U.S.S. Vyager / Borg Queen's Ship |
- |
Borg: Class 4 Tactical Cube
Black signature |
- |
U.S.S. Voyager
Black signature |
- |
U.S.S. Voyager / Borg: Tactical
Black signature |
- |
S.S. Raven NAR-32450
Black signature |
- |
Borg Queen's Ship - coloured version
Black signature |
- |
U.S.S. Voyager - coloured version
Black signature |
WARREN MARTINECK - Pencil drawn (1,500 points) |
- |
Alixia - Pencil drawn, variations exist
Black signature |
- |
Daelen - Pencil drawn, variations exist
Black signature |
JOHN CZOP - All pencil drawn (2,000 points for Kes, 5,000 points for Seven and B'Elanna) |
- |
with coloured background - untitled
Black signature, or unsigned ? |
- |
Seven of Nine
with coloured background - untitled
Green signature version |
- |
Seven of Nine
with coloured background - untitled
Unsigned version |
- |
B'Elanna Torres
with coloured background - untitled
Purple signature, or unsigned ? |
MONTE MOORE - Pencil drawn (5,000 points) |
- |
B'Elanna Torres - untitled
Pencil signature |
- |
Seven of Nine - untitled
Pencil signature |
UNRELEASED WARREN MARTINECK - BORG FLEET - Just three cards were drawn and these are two of them |
- |
Borg Fleet version 1
Black signature |
- |
Borg Queen's Ship / U.S.S. Voyager
Black signature |
Autograph Card |
ArtiFEX Cards - Original Art by Monte Moore |
A3 |
Vanessa Branch
as Naomi Wildman in "Shattered" |
AR1 |
Seven of Nine |
AR2 |
B'Elanna Torres |
Back |
Back of Autograph Card A3
Vanessa Branch
as Naomi Wildman in "Shattered" |
Back |
Back of AR1 |
Back |
Back of AR2 |
- |
Binder with 12 nine-pocket pages, Promo, and A2 Autograph Card |
- |
MoreFEX Cards M1-M9 (2 sets per sheet) |
- |
ReflectiFEX Cards R1-R9 (1 set per sheet) |
- |
SpaceFEX Cards SF1-SF6 (1 set per sheet) |
- |
Binder Exclusive Promo Card |
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ArtiFEX Cards AR1-AR2 (1 set per sheet) |
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Base Set, numbered to 100 and signed by Steve Charendoff - advertised as 72 cards |
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Seven of Nine promo 3-up panel, numbered to 50 and signed by Steve Charendoff |
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Captain Janeway promo 2-up panel, numbered to 50 and signed by Steve Charendoff |
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Black proof, 1 each of 70 cards |
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Yellow proof, 1 each of 70 cards |
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Magenta proof, 1 each of 70 cards |
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Cyan proof, 1 each of 70 cards |
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Completed cards, 1 each of 70 cards |
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Seven of Nine |
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Captain Janeway |
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Torres, 7 of 9, Janeway (Binder exclusive) |
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Dealer sell sheet (1 page)
11" x 8.5" |

Gallery 1 featuring Alixia |

Gallery 2 featuring Daleen |

Gallery 3 featuring SS Raven |

Gallery 4 featuring SS Raven, USS Voyager,
and USS Voyager & the Borg Queen's Ship |

Gallery 5 featuring USS Voyager & the Borg Queen's Ship,
USS Voyager & the Borg Tactical Cube |

Gallery 6 featuring the USS Voyager & the Borg Tactical Cube,
the Borg Queen's Ship, and the Borg Tactical Cube |

Gallery 7 featuring the Borg Tactical Cube
with 2 unreleased Borg Tactical Cubes in colour |