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Star Trek Aliens

Star Trek Aliens

All of the artists for the pack inserted sketches had various amounts of "Returns" set back to them by Rittenhouse Archives! I have images below of all the ones that have found so far.
Manufacturer Date of release Production run Packs per box Cards per pack Card size
Rittenhouse Archives 19 November 2014 N/A N/A N/A 2½" x 3½"
Uncut 4" x 5"

Artist Return Sketch Cards (not inserted in packs)
Many thanks to Joseph Moreno (Tardis SyFy Cards) for his invaluable help with sourcing many of these images.

Irma Ahmed


Kristin Allen

Kristin Allen Sketch Return - Borg Queen
Borg Queen (Uncut)
Kristin Allen Sketch Return - Spock
Spock (Uncut)

Dan Borgoños


Thanh Bui

Thanh Bui Sketch Return - Spock
Spock and Tribbles (Uncut)
Thanh Bui Sketch Return - Seven of Nine)
Seven of Nine (Uncut)
Thanh Bui Sketch Return - DS9 Montage
DS9 Montage (Uncut)
Thanh Bui Sketch Return - Borg Montage
Borg Montage (Uncut)

Jomar Bulda

Jomar Bulda Sketch Return - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine (Uncut)
Jomar Bulda Sketch Return - Sirna Kolrami
Sirna Kolrami (Uncut)
Jomar Bulda Sketch Return - Quark
Quark (Uncut)
Jomar Bulda Sketch Return - Jadzia Dax
Jadzia Dax (Uncut)
Jomar Bulda Sketch Return - Worf
Worf (Uncut)

François Chartier


Roy Cover

Roy Cover Sketch Return - Seven of Nine 01Sketch - Roy Cover
Seven of Nine
Roy Cover Sketch Return - Seven of Nine 02
Seven of Nine
Roy Cover Sketch Return - Seven of Nine & Voyager
Seven of Nine and USS Voyager
Roy Cover Sketch Return - USS Voyager
USS Voyager
Roy Cover Sketch Return - T'Pol
Roy Cover Sketch Return - T'Pol & USS Enterprise 1701-J
T'Pol and USS Enterprise 1701-J

John Czop


Dan Day


Bien Flores


Allen Geneta

Allen Geneta Sketch Return - 2009 Klingon
Klingon from STID (Uncut)
Allen Geneta Sketch Return - Gorn
Gorn (Uncut)

Javier Gonzalez

Javier Gonzalez Return - Sarek
Javier Gonzalez Return - Jadzia Dax
Jadzia Dax from "Trials and Tribbleations"
Javier Gonzalez Return - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine

Jessica Hickman

Jessica Hickman Sketch Return - Quark
Jessica Hickman Sketch - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine

Chris Hoffman

Chris Hoffman Sketch Return - Mirror Spock
Mirror Spock (Uncut)

John Jackman


Achilleas Kokkinakis


Tim Levandoski

Tim Levandoski Sketch Return - Spock 01
Tim Levandoski Sketch Return - Spock 02
Tim Levandoski Sketch Return - Lt. Saavik
Lt. Saavik
Tim Levandoski Sketch Proof - Spock
Spock (Uncut) Artist Proof
Tim Levandoski Sketch - Kirk
Kirk (Uncut)

Lee Lightfoot

Lee Lightfoot Sketch Return - Spock
Lee Lightfoot Sketch Return - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine

Lak Lim

Lak Lim Sketch Return - Worf

Chris Meeks

Chris Meeks Sketch Return - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine (Uncut)
Chris Meeks Sketch Return - General Chang
General Chang

Rich Molinelli

Rich Molinelli Sketch Return - Spock
Rich Molinelli Sketch - Hugh
Rich Molinelli Sketch - Worf
Rich Molinelli Sketch - Worf

Sean Moore

Sean Moore Sketch Return - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine
Sean Moore Sketch Return - Vina
Sean Moore Sketch Return - Borg

Mat Nastos

Mat Nastos Sketch Return - Worf

Rhiannon Owens


Mary Jane Pajaron


Gener Pedriña

Gener Pedrina Sketch Return - Borg Queen
Borg Queen
Gener Pedrina Sketch Return - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine

Brent Ragland

Brent Ragland Sketch Return - Chang
General Chang
Brent Ragland Sketch Return - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine

Scott Rorie

Scott Rorie Sketch Return - Spock

Jason Sobol

Jason Sobol Sketch Return - Mirror T'Pol
Mirror T'Pol
Jason Sobol Sketch Return - Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine
Jason Sobol Sketch Return - 'Tribbleations' Jadzia Dax
Jadzia Dax from "Trials and Tribbleations"

Eric van Elslande

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