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Diamond Select/Art Asylum Action Figures - The Next Generation

Art Asylum Lgog  


Star Trek: The Next Generation - Wave 1 (March 2006)

Commander William Riker
in 7th Season Uniform
with Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder, PADD, Extra Hands, Display Base
Commander William Riker Lieutenant Worf
in 7th Season Uniform
with Type 2 Phaser, Type 3 Phaser Rifle, Tricorder, Extra Hands, Display Base
Lieutenant Worf
Lieutenant Thomas Riker
as Seen in "Second Chances"
with Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder, PADD, Trombone, Extra Pair of Hands, Display Base

Limited Edition Chase Figure
Lieutenant Thomas Riker Admiral William Riker
as Seen in "All Good Things…"
with Type 2 Phaser, Compression Phaser Rifle, Tricorder, PADD, Extra Hands, Display Base

Previews Exclusive
Admiral William Riker
Governor Worf
as Seen in "All Good Things…"
with Mek'leth, Klingon Phaser Rifle, Klingon Knife, Extra Hands, Display Base

Tower Records Exclusive
Limited Edition
Governor Worf Lieutenant Commander Worf
as Seen in "Star Trek Nemesis"
with Type 2 Phaser, Phaser Rifle, Isomagnetic Disintegrator, Extra Hands, Display Base

New Force Exclusive
Limited Edition - 3,000 US, 1,000 UK, 1,000 Australia & Japan
Worf from 'Nemesis'
Lieutenant Commander Worf
as Seen in DS9's "Soldiers of the Empire"
with Klingon Disruptor, Klingon Dagger, Bat'leth, Klingon PADD, Holster, Extra Hands, Display Base

Musicland Group Exclusive
Limited Edition
Worf from 'Soldiers of the Empire' Lieutenant Commander Worf
as Seen in DS9's "Shattered Mirror"
with Klingon Disruptor Rifle, Klingon Dagger, Sword of Kahless, Extra Hands, Display Base

Action Figure Xpress Exclusive
Limited Edition of 3,500
Worf from 'Shattered Mirror'

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Wave 2 (August 2006)

Captain Jean-Luc Picard
in 7th Season Uniform
with Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder, PADD, Cup of Earl Grey Tea, Ressikan Flute (2 parts), Display Base
Captain Jean-Luc Picard Counselor Deanna Troi
in 7th Season Uniform
with Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder, PADD, Chocolate Sundae, Display Base
Counselor Deanna Troi
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
in Captain's Jacket
with Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder, PADD, Cup of Earl Grey Tea, Ressikan Flute (2 parts), Display Base

Limited Edition Chase Figure
Picard in Captain's Jacket Locutus
as Seen in "The Best of Both Worlds"
with Extra Borg Arm, Removable Chest Plate, Display Base

Previews Exclusive
Counselor Deanna Troi
in Lavender Casual Duty Uniform
with Type 2 Phaser, PADD, Desktop Computer, Phaser Carving of Janaran Falls from "Second Chances", Display Base

Entertainment Earth Exclusive
Limited Edition of 3,000
Deanna Troi in Lavender Captain Jean-Luc Picard
in Vest as Seen in "Star Trek First Contact"
with Type 2 Phaser, Phaser Rifle, Tricorder, PADD, Borg Queen's Skull, Display Base

Action Figure Exclusive
Limited Edition of 3,000
US Edition labelled "First Contact"
International Edition labelled "The Next Generation"
Picard from 'First Contact'
Jean-Luc Picard
as Seen in "All Good Things…"
with Phaser, PADD, Bottle of Chateau Picard, Display Base

Toyrocket Exclusive
Limited Edition of 3,000
Picard from 'AGT'    
"Tapestry" Picard
as Seen in "Tapestry"
with Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder, PADD, Cup of Earl Grey Tea, Ressikan Flute in Box

Star Trek Fan Collective - Q DVD Set Mail-In Exclusive
Limited Edition of 3,000
Issued in a Bag
'Tapestry' Picard Season 3 Troi
in Maroon Casual Attire
with Type 2 Phaser, PADD, Desktop Computer, Phaser Carving of Janaran Falls from "Second Chances"

Retailer Summits Exclusive
Limited Edition of ??
Issued in a Bag
Deanna Troi in Maroon

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Wave 3 (February 2007)

Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
in 7th Season Uniform
with Engineering Tools, Tricorder
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge Lieutenant Commander Data
in 7th Season Uniform
with Tricorder, Spot the Cat, Violin and Bow, Removable Head Panel
Lieutenant Commander Data
Lieutenant Reginald Barclay
in 7th Season Uniform
with Tricorder, Engineering Tools

Limited Edition 1 per Case
Lieutenant Reginald Barclay Lore
as Seen in "Descent"

Previews Exclusive
Lieutenant Commander Data
as Seen in "Chain of Command"
with Tricorder, Spot the Cat, Violin and Bow, Removable Head Panel

New Force Exclusive
Limited Edition of 1,000
Data from 'Chain of Command' Lieutenant Commander Data
as Seen in "Star Trek First Contact"
with Extra Head, Extra Assimilated Arm, Power Cable

Diamond Select Exclusive
Limited Edition
Hand Numbered to 1,701

October 2007
Data from 'First Contact'
Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
as seen in "Star Trek Nemesis"with Tricorder, Engineering Tools

New York Comic Con Exclusive
Limited Edition
Hand Numbered to 1,701
La Forge from 'Star Trek Nemesis' "Timeless Geordi"
as Seen in ST Voyager "Timeless"
with PADD

Star Trek Fan Collective - Alternate Realities DVD Set Mail-In Exclusive
Limited Edition of ?
Issued in a Bag

December 2008
'Timeless' Geordi

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Wave 4 (August 2007)

Dr. Beverly Crusher
in 7th Season Uniform
with Medical Tricorder, PADD, Hypospray, Desktop Computer
Dr. Beverly Crusher Ensign Wesley Crusher
in 7th Season Uniform
with Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder, PADD, Starfleet Duffle Bag
Ensign Wesley Crusher
in 7th Season Starfleet Uniform
with Miniature U.S.S. Enterprise

Limited Edition 1 per Case
Q Captain Beverly Picard
as Seen in "All Good Things…"
with Phaser, Tricorder, PADD

Previews Exclusive
Captain Beverly Picard

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Wave 5 (January 2009)

Dr. Beverly Crusher
as Seen in "Star Trek Nemesis"
with Medical Tricorder, Phaser, PADD, Medical Kit
Dr. Beverly Crusher from 'Nemesis' Transporter Chief Miles O'Brien
in 7th Season Uniform
with Type 2 Phaser, Tricorder, PADD, Plant
Transporter Chief Miles O'Brien
Nurse Alyssa Ogawa
in 7th Season Uniform
with Hypospray, Medical Tricorder, Medical Scanner, Medical Kit

Limited Edition 1 per Case
Nurse Alyssa Ogawa Ensign Ro Laren
in Starfleet Uniform
with Type 2 Phaser, Phaser Rifle, Tricorder, PADD

Previews Exclusive
Ensign Ro Laren

Star Trek: Nemesis - 2-Packs (2006)

Commander William Riker
as Seen in "Star Trek Nemesis" Counselor Deanna Troi
as Seen in "Star Trek Nemesis"
with 2 Type 2 Phasers, Phaser Rifle, 2 Small PADDs, 1 Large PADD, 2 Display Bases

2006 New Force Exclusive
Limited Edition of 5,000
Riker & Troi 2-Pack

Star Trek: Nemesis - 2-Packs (July 2006)

Commander William Riker
as Seen in "Star Trek Nemesis" Counselor Deanna Troi
as Seen in "Star Trek Nemesis"
with 2 Type 2 Phasers, Phaser Rifle, 2 Small PADDs, 1 Large PADD, 2 Display Bases

2006 SDCC New Force Exclusive
Limited Edition
Hand Numbered to 500
Riker & Troi 2-Pack Numbered

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 2-Pack (2007)

Lieutenant Commander Data
as Seen in "All Good Things…" Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
as Seen in "All Good Things…"
with 2 Tricorders, Black Cat, White Cat, Book

2007 Previews Exclusive
Data & Laforge 2-Pack
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