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IDW - Star Trek/Planet of the Apes - The Primate Directive

It’s the crossover nobody ever expected! STAR TREK: The hope for the best of mankind’s future! PLANET OF THE APES: A chilling look at the fall of humanity! How could these worlds possibly collide? What could possibly cause Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise to side with Dr. Zaius to protect Ape City? And what does Colonel George Taylor have to say about it? It’s a madhouse! A madhouse!!


Contains pages 1 to 5 of issue 1. Released at the NYCC 2014.
Sole Cover  

Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Letters: Tom B. Long
Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Price: None
Issue Date: 9 October 2014

IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective Preview    

Issue 1

It's the crossover nobody ever expected! STAR TREK: The hope for the best of mankind's future! PLANET OF THE APES: A chilling look at the fall of humanity! How could these worlds possibly collide? What could possibly cause Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise to side with Dr. Zaius to protect Ape City? And what does Colonel George Taylor have to say about it? It's a madhouse! A madhouse!!
Cover A Cover B

Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Letters: Tom B. Long
Edits: (IDW) Sarah Gaydos, (Boom) Dafna Pleban
Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 31 December 2014

IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1A Cover Artist: Juan Ortiz
Cover Price: $3.99
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1B
Cover SUB Cover RI-B (1 for 25 variant)
Cover Artists: George Pérez
Colors: Len O'Grady
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1 SUB Cover Artist: Tone Rodriguez
Colors: Charlie Kirkoff
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1RIB
Cover RI-A (1 for 10 variant) Cover SKETCH CVR
Cover Artist: George Pérez
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1RIA Cover Price: None IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1 SKETCH CVR
**This cover was cancelled by Think Geek but a few copies have made it through to the market
Cover Artist: John Midgley
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1REA Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Price:
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1 REB
Cover 1 Reprint  
Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 4 March 2015
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 1 Reprint    

Issue 2

Spock is fascinated by talking, self-aware gorillas with firearms provided by Klingons. Before he can elaborate on his theories, the landing party is seen and chased by a gorilla patrol. A crewman is wounded by gunfire. A gorilla is stunned by a phaser. When Kor is questioned about his human "friends" he dismisses them. Kirk and the landing party eventually find more humans, incapable of speech, behaving like young children. Kirk orders a return to the Enterprise to reassess the situation. A lengthy, action-packed meeting ensues! Having agreed on a theory of the alternate Earth's evolution and the dangers of Klingon tradition, Kirk takes a landing party back to the planet and is a little disturbed by Spock's choice of a recognizable landmark. Nevertheless, they find and follow tracks leading them to more humans where they meet a stunned Colonel George Taylor and a silent Nova. Taylor fails to introduce Nova and everyone ignores her. Taylor wants Kirk's help overthrowing the apes. Kirk informs the excitable astronaut that direct interference is forbidden by Starfleet orders and he needs more information about the apes. Taylor reluctantly agrees to help find the dig site where he left his more knowledgable friends, Zira and Cornelius. Scotty saves everyone lots of time by transporting the humans to a cliff overlooking the dig, then fires a low-level phaser burst to stun all the apes. Taylor is impressed! After they are revived, Zira and Cornelius are stunned to meet more humans capable of speech and thought. Moving to a safer location, Kirk informs the apes about the Klingons. Zira tells Kirk that the gorillas have been far more active than usual. Taylor doesn't care. He wants Kirk to bring down troops and "wipe these baboons off the map." Kirk refuses and a chastened Taylor backs off. While Kirk and his crew continue their discussion with the apes, Taylor drags Chekov into the brush, takes his communicator and runs!
Regular Cover Cover SUB

Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Letters: Tom B. Long
Edits: (IDW) Sarah Gaydos, (Boom) Dafna Pleban
Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 21 January 2015

IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 2 Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Artist: Brian Miller
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 2 Sub
Cover RI  
Cover Photo: Gold Key Style
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 2-RI    

Issue 3

While Doctor Zaius worries about famine, civil unrest, and the increasingly militaristic gorillas, Taylor tricks Kyle into beaming him aboard the Enterprise. When the landing party finds Chekov injured, Kirk warns the crew that an intruder may be on the ship. Taylor overpowers Kyle, takes his clothing, and begins exploring. Kirk and Spock escort Chekov back to the ship while McCoy and the others continue learning from Zira and Cornelius. Spock advises Kirk that Taylor must be found immediately. The trauma of his recent experiences has made him angry, suspicious and dangerous. They deduce that Taylor will go for a shuttle. Kirk moves to intervene. The Captain is confident he can talk Taylor down, and he does, but not before they give each other a beating. Now that they're on the same page, Kirk agrees to fully brief Taylor, but to do so, he needs to know more about Klingon activity. Meanwhile, Kor has some new toys for General Marius, provided to guarantee his authority over apes and humans. Marius is pleased. Kor even more so.
Regular Cover Cover SUB
Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Letters: Tom B. Long
Edits: (IDW) Sarah Gaydos, (Boom) Dafna Pleban
Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 4 March 2015
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 3 Cover Artist: Kevin Wada
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 3 Sub
Cover RI  
Cover Photo: Gold Key Style
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 3-RI    

Issue 4

Kirk briefs Taylor about the Enterprise, their unusual situation, and the Klingon threat. Kirk takes Taylor and a landing party back to the planet's surface to find the Klingons. Reunited with Zira and Cornelius, Kirk informs them that the gorillas are on the move. The apes are astounded because war among their own kind is a blasphemous notion. Hoping to stop the war, Zira is transported to the Ministry of Science in order to warn Dr. Zaius. General Ursus volunteers to meet with Marius and his army. Meanwhile, the humans are discovered and attacked by gorilla outriders. A brief but fierce battle ensues. In the aftermath, Cornelius finds a carrying case for a Klingon disruptor rifle. Kirk must track down Kor before he can light the fuse on the ape war. Kor has his eyes on the gorilla generals.
Regular Cover Cover SUB

Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Letters: Tom B. Long
Edits: (IDW) Sarah Gaydos, (Boom) Dafna Pleban
Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 18 March 2015

IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 4 Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 4 Sub
Cover RI  
Cover Photo: Gold Key Style
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 4-RI    

Issue 5

Taylor prevents Kor from killing a gorilla general with a timely rifle shot. Kirk rides Kor down on horseback. Insults and fisticuffs ensue. An Enterprise crewman is stabbed and Cornelius tends to him. Although he gets the worst of it, Kor is nonplussed as he is transported away, intending to strand Kirk and his crew. Meanwhile Ursus confronts the Klingon-armed Marius and wins the day. Unsure that Ursus is an improvement over Marius, Cornelius and Zira, meet with the humans one last time. With the Klingons gone, Kirk, Spock and the rest of the landing party say their goodbyes, asking that their presence be kept a secret. Taylor decides to stay and learn what happened to this planet, his home. Transporting back to the Enterprise, Kirk is confronted by Kor. Free from Organian influence, the Klingon commander is ready to settle this like warriors. Three days later, Klingon and Starfleet crews are still playing a cat-and-mouse game because Kor has really been waiting for reinforcements. As two more Klingon ships arrive and try to maneuver in Saturn's rings, they destroy themselves. When Kor makes a run for the portal back to their own universe, Earth's atmosphere ignites, the result of a massive cobalt bomb, eradicating all life. Kirk let's Kor go. There's been enough damage done. The Enterprise returns home. Their planet is dead, but some of the apes had a plan. Cornelius has something that may help.
Regular Cover Cover SUB

Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Letters: Tom B. Long
Edits: (IDW) Sarah Gaydos, (Boom) Dafna Pleban
Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Colors: Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 8 April 2015

IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 5 Cover Artist: J.K. Wodward
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 5 Sub
Cover RI - With Leonard Nimoy Tribute 1:10  
Cover Photo: Gold Key Style
Cover Price: None
IDW Star Trek Primate DIrective 5 RI    

Collected Edition

Sole Cover  

Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artist: Rachael Stott
Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Cover Price: $19.99
Issue Date: 12 August 2015
ISBN: 978-16131403620

IDW Star Trek Planet of the Apes TPB    
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