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IDW - One Shots and Annuals

"Strange New Worlds" - 40pp

A special extra-length 'fotonovel' sequel to a beloved classic! Years ago, James Kirk saved his ship, but the price was the life of his oldest friend in Starfleet - or was it?
1st Printing 2nd Printing

Story: John Byrne
Photomontage: John Byrne
Edits: Chris Ryall
Cover Artist: John Byrne
Cover Price: $7.99
Issue Date: 11 December 2013

IDW Star Trek Photonovel: Strange New Worlds

Story: John Byrne
Photomontage: John Byrne
Edits: Chris Ryall
Cover Artist: John Byrne
Cover Price: $7.99
Issue Date: 7 May 2014

IDW Star Trek Photonovel: Strange New Worlds - Reprint

Flesh and Stone

A low-warp escape pod approaches Space Station Diamandis 1. Typically used to ferry sick or wounded from remote locations, the pod is coming to the right place, host of a large Starfleet medical conference. Traveling to the conference via shuttle, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Dr. Julian Bashir, and Dr. Katherine Pulaski, monitor a distress signal from Diamandis 1. The Doctor, formerly Voyager's Chief Medical Officer, informs them of an unknown contagion carried by four humans in an escape pod, that has incapacitated all station personnel. The disease paralyzes, then begins transforming the victim into a stone-like substance. Four more escape pods are heading towards populated worlds and the Doctor also discovers that records related to the disease have been deleted from the station's medical database. The oldest record deleted was recorded by the Constitution-class Enterprise. Since Admiral McCoy is still alive and living on a nearby agricultural facility, the doctors divert their shuttle hoping to learn more about the disease. McCoy has retired to what amounts to a frontier town, but is as sharp and irascible as ever. He recalls the incident deleted from the medical database. The Enterprise answered a colony distress call from Doctor Phlox, asking for help treating victims of the same disease. Phlox and McCoy learned that the stone-like substance resembles the Tholian crystalline carapace and were able to create the anti-viral necessary for treatment. Armed with this information, the Doctor is able to synthesize the antivirus, begin treating victims, and warn Starfleet. Exceeding his programming as usual, the Doctor also does some detective work to learn why the contagion was directed at Diamandis 1 and averts a crisis. Even Dr. Pulaski is impressed.
Sole Cover  

Writers: Scott Tipton, David Tipton
Artists: Sharp Brothers, Andrew Elder
Cover Artist: Sharp Borthers, John Rauch
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 16 July 2014

IDW One Shot - Flesh and Stone    

50th Anniversary Cover Celebration

Introduction by Mike Johnson
No wroter wants to admit it, but a cover can make or break you. Prose, poems, pop-ups, definitely comic books: a great cover cuts through the noise on the shelf and casts a spell: Pick me! It takes a special talent. From daring concept to skillful execution, an artist has to capture the heart of the book while catching the eye of the reader. Fortunately for Star Trekwriters our planet is bursting with talented artists. What begins as a fleeting of story in the writer's brain is brought to vibrant life by these gifted visualists, each with their own unique style and approach. Iconic portraits of your favorite characters? Look inside. Movie-poster-worthy paintings of strange new words? Scratch that. Movies wish they had posters like this. Starfleet recruitment ads. Boldly-designed evocations of classic episodes. Mind-bending crossovers between Star Trek and other beloved franchises. You'll find a special selection of them all in these pages, spanning the history of Star Trek comics at IDW. So in the words of that beloved Earl Grey-quaffing starship captain. Engage! And enjoy.

The 50 Covers reprinted inside include:

Star Trek ongoing #1 Cover A
Star Trek Green Lantern #1 RE cover by Jae Lee
Star Trek: Romulans - The Hollow Crown #1 Cover A
Star Trek #55 SUB Cover
Star Trek #33 Cover A
Star Trek: Year Four #1 Cover A
Star Trek #30 Cover A
Star Trek Planet of the Apes #3 SUB Cover
Star Trek: Alien Spotlight: Borg Cover B
Star Trek Classics Vol 3
Star Trek #6 Cover A
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #5 SUB Cover
Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #2 RI Cover
Star Trek #52 Archie Tribute Variant Cover
Star Trek Legion of Super-Heroes #2 Cover A
Star Trek: Starfkeet Academy #1 SUB Cover
Harlan Ellison's © City on the Edge of Forever #5 SUB Cover
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #4 RI Cover
Star Trek Green Lantern #6
Star Trek #47 EC Tribute Cover
Star Trek: Spock: Reflections #3 RI Cover
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #5 Cover A
Star Trek TNG: The Space Between #6 RI Cover
Star Trek #49 Cover A
Star Trek TNG: The Space Between #2 RI Cover
Star Trek: Mirror Images #1 Cover A
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #2 RI Cover
Star Trek : Alien Spotlight: Orions #1 Cover A
Star Trek Planet of the Apes #1 Cover A
Star Trek #17 Cover A
Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #4 SUB Cover
Harlan Ellison's © City on the Edge of Forever #5 Cover A
Star Trek Countdown TPB
Star Trek: Manifest Destiny RE Cover
Star Trek Gold Key #7
Star Trek #6 RI Cover
Star Trek: Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor #4 Cover A
Star Trek TNG: Hive #2 RI Cover
Star Trek #58 Cover A
Star Trek TNG: Intelligence Gathering #4 Cover B
Star Trek #53 RE Cover
Star Trek Classics Vol 4
Star Trek #50 Artist's Edition Tribute Cover
Star Trek Legion of Super-Heroes #4 Cover B
Star Trek Legion of Super-Heroes #5 Cover B
Star Trek Gold Key #15
Star Trek #57 SUB Cover
Star Trek Planet of the Apes #1 SUB Cover
Harlan Ellison's © City on the Edge of Forever #1
Star Trek #51 Cover A
Regular Cover  

Cover Artist: Tony Shasteen
Cover Price: $7.99
Issue Date: 17 August 2016

IDW 50th Anniversary Cover Celebration    
Convention Covers A, B and C - each cover limited to 250 copies  

Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover Price: None
Issue Date: Cover A 3 August 2016, Cover B 2 September 2016, Cover C 6 October 2016

IDW 50th Anniversary Cover Celebration Convention AIDW 50th Anniversary Cover Celebration Convention BIDW 50th Anniversary Cover Celebration Convention C


In a world where the Romulans discovered Earth before the Vulcans, Earth is now a brutal penal colony. Resistance fighter William Riker has uncovered a vast conspiracy, and together with his band of prisoner outlaws (you just might recognize a few!), must fight to rescue a mysterious prisoner in the darkest level of the Romulan dungeons. The only man on Earth that still holds the key to humanity’s return to the stars!
Includes an article written by the writer of the comic about the development of the story, five pages of concept, art and a "preview" of page 1 of three current series; "Boldly Go", "Waypoint" and Star Trek/Green Lantern - Stranger Worlds".
Regular Cover Cover SUB

Writer: Donny Cates
Artist: Josh Hood
Colors: Jason Lewis
Letters: AndWorld Designs
Edits: Sarah Gaydos & Chris Cerasi
Cover Artist: Josh Hood
Colors: Jason Lewis
Cover Price: $4.99
Issue Date: 15 March 2017

IDW Star Trek Deviations 1 Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
Cover Price: $4.99
IDW Star Trek Deviations 1 SUB
Cover RI  

Cover Artist: Clay McCormack
Colors: Jason Lewis
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek Deviations 1 RI    

IDW - Star Trek: Discovery - Annuals

The 2018 CONVENTION SKETCH cover variant is to be sold at the 2018 San Diego Comic Con. These comics are limited to 500 copies priced $10 each.

Star Trek: Discovery Annual 2018

The U.S.S. Discovery is a ship unlike any the galaxy’s ever seen, developing tech based on an unstable mycelial network… and it’s all in the hands of Science Officer Lt. Stamets, tasked with perfecting it to win the war against the Klingons. Explore the origin of the mycelial network in an all-new story that ties directly into the hit CBS All Access series!
Cover A Cover B

Writers: Kirsten Beyer, Mke Johnson
Artist: Angel Hernandez
Colors: Mark Roberts
Letters: AndWorld Design
Edits: Sarah Gaydos
Cover Artist: Angel Hernandez
Cover Colors: Esther Sanz
Cover Price: $7.99
Issue Date: 18 April 2018

IDW Star Trek Discovery - 2018 Annual A Cover Artist: George Caltsoudas
Cover Price:
IDW Star Trek Discovery - 2018 Annual B
Cover CONVENTION SKETCH - 2018 SDCC - Limited to 500 and priced at $10.00

Cover Artist: None
Cover Price:
Issue Date: 18 July 2018

IDW Star Trek Discovery - 2018 Annual Sketch    

Star Trek: The Next Generation 20/20

Twenty years before he took command of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Jean-Luc Picard sat in the captain’s chair of the U.S.S. Stargazer. Picard served with distinction aboard the Stargazer for many years on his way to becoming the most respected captain in Starfleet. But in this early mission, Picard shows us a vulnerable side as well as glimpses of the brilliant tactician he would become.
Regular Cover RI Cover

Writer: Peter David
Artist: J.K. Woodward
Letters: Gilberto Laczano
Edits: Denton Tipton, Chase Marotz
Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover Price: $4.99
Issue Date: 30 January 2019

IDW Star Trek 20/20

Cover Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
Colors: Nelson Daniel
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek 20/20 RI Cover

2019 - Star Trek: Discovery - Captain Saru

An all-new Discovery adventure that ties directly into season 1 of the hit CBS All Access show! Soon after the events on Q’onoS, the Discovery receives a distress call from someone from Tilly’s past. It’s up to Commander Saru to lead the crew against this sinister alien threat in his first mission as acting captain!.
Cover RI Cover

Writers: Kirsten Beyer, Mke Johnson
Artist: Angel Hernandez
Colours: J.L. Rio, Valentina Pinto
Letters: Christa Miesner
Edits: Chase Marotz
Cover Artist: Paul Shipper
Cover Price: $7.99
Issue Date: 13 March 2019

IDW Star Trek Discovery - 2019 Annual

Cover Artist: Angel Hernandez
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek Discovery - 2019 Annual RI Cover

Star Trek: Voyager - Mirrors & Smoke

Introducing Captain Janeway of the Voyager, a rebel ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant, far from the ruins of the Terran Empire. When Janeway crowns herself Pirate Queen of the Quadrant, the locals -- including scavengers Neelix and Kes -- won't give up without a fight. Amid this conflict, the crew of the Voyager has a second problem on their hands: just who is the Terran calling herself Annika Hansen, and can she be trusted? 
Regular Cover RI Cover

Writer: Paul Allor
Artist: J.K. Woodward
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Edits: Anni Perheentupa
Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover Price: $4.99
Issue Date: 15 October 2019

IDW Star Trek Voyager Mirror & Smoke

Cover Artist: George Caltsoudas
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek Voyager Mirror & Smoke RI Cover

Star Trek: Sky's the Limit

An exclusive 16-page comic book from IDW Publishing, featuring an original, never-before-seen storyline inspired by the iconic franchise.
Sole Cover DVD Box

Writer: Thomas F. Zahler
Artist: Carlos Nieto
Letters: ?
Edits: ?
Cover Artist: Carlos Nieto ?
Cover Price: None
Issue Date: 15 October 2019

IDW Star Trek Sky's the Limit


IDW Star Trek Sky's the Limit

Star Trek: Hell's Mirror

Legendary writer J.M. DeMatteis returns to Star Trek for the first time in nearly 40 years! And it'll be well worth the wait, as he tackles two of the franchise's most popular concepts: Khan Noonien Singh and the Mirror Universe! 24pp
Regular Cover RI Cover

Writer: J.M. DeMatteis
Artist: Matthew Dow Smith
Artist: Candice Han
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Edits: Chase Marotz, Denton . Tipton
Cover Artist: Matthew Dow Smith
Cover Price: $4.99
Issue Date: 2 September 2020

IDW Star Trek Hell's Mirror

Cover Artist: George Caltsoudas
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek Hell's Mirror RI Cover

Star Trek: 400th Issue

Celebrate IDW's 400th issue of Star Trek comics with this monumental issue highlighting fan-favorite eras of the acclaimed series. This collection of minis brings together Star Trek comics veterans in an equal celebration of IDW's Star Trek comics past and future. Join little Keyla Detmer-as seen in Star Trek: Discovery-Adventures in the 32nd Century #3-on a new expedition, visit the Kelvin Universe, witness a heartfelt tale by TNG's very own Wil Wheaton, and more by Chris Eliopoulos, Declan Shalvey, Rich Handley, and Mike Johnson, with art by Luke Sparrow, Seth Damoose, Megan Levens, Angel Hernandez, and Joe Eisma!

1. Captain's Log 8pp - Captain Hikaru Sulu reminisces at the end of his career aboard the Enterprise. Stardate 8810.2
2. Soldier On 8pp - In his personal log, Petty Officer Miles O'Brien relates the details of capturing a Cardassian spy on the U.S.S. Rutledge. And a certain tailor tells the rest of the story. Stardate 22111.82
3. Meanwhile… 1pp - Scotty and Keenser discuss new ship upgrades.
4. A Matter of Choice 8pp - Wesley Crusher, in need of advice, visits an old friend and mentor at his vineyard.
5. The Starfleeter! 6pp- Solving the puzzle of an extremely anomalous anomaly is a job for Commander Keyla Detmer, The Starfleeter! She has gahg for lunch and makes a new friend.
— Nichelle Nicholls Memorial 1pp
6. A Perfect System 8pp  - A god-like Gary Mitchell ponders the concept of unity, the Federation, and his own mortality.
7. Where No Publisher Has Gone Before 1pp - An essay on IDW Publishing's tenure as the Star Trek comics licencee.
Cover gallery 9pp
Cover A (Wraparound)

Writers: 1. Chris Eliopoulos, 2. Declan Shalvey, 3 & 5. Mike Johnson, 4. Wil Wheaton, 6. Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing, 7. Rich Handley
Artists: 1. Luke Sparrow, 2. Seth Damoose, 3. Angel Hernandez, 4. Joe Eisma, 5. Megan Levens, 6. Ramon Rosanas
Colors: 1, 2 & 4. DC Alonso, 3. Steve Dellasala, 5. Ronda Pattison, 6. Lee Loughridge
Letters: 1. Jake Wood, 2, 3 & 5. Neil Uyetake, 4 & 6. Nathan Widick
Edits: Heather Antos
Cover Artist: Louie De Martinis
Cover Price: $7.99
Issue Date: 7 September 2022

IDW Star Trek 400th Issue Cover A
Cover B Cover C

Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover Price: $7.99

IDW Star Trek 400th Issue Cover B

Cover Artist: Megan Levens, Charlie Kirchoff
Cover Price: $7.99

IDW Star Trek 400th Issue Cover C
Cover D  

Cover Artist: Angel Hernandez, J.D. Mettler
Cover Price: $7.99

IDW Star Trek 400th Issue Cover D    
Cover RI (Wraparound)  

Cover Artist: Chris Fenoglio
Cover Price: NONE

IDW Star Trek 400th Issue Cover RI
Cover Online Exclusive Cover Convention Exclusive

Cover Artist: Marcus To, Fran Gambola
Cover Price: NONE

IDW Star Trek 400th Issue Cover Online Exclusive

Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
Cover Price: NONE

IDW Star Trek 400th Issue Cover Convention Exclusive

Star Trek: Prelude to Day of Blood

Prelude prefigures the formal kickoff of a sweeping new Trek crossover in July that will continue throughout other Star Trek comic book series, including IDW’s ongoing flagship Trek series and the recently announced Star Trek: Defiant series, launching in March. Prelude to Day of Blood will be co-written by veteran Trek comic creators Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Christopher Cantwell with art by Mike Feehan.

In Prelude to Day of Blood, the U.S.S. Santa Cruz travels to the Korvat colony for Kot’baval. But what was supposed to be a simple observation of the sacred Klingon festival quickly turns into a bloodbath when the cult of the godkiller reveals themselves to the universe.

Following the May FCBD one-shot, the full Star Trek: Day of Blood arc will include the following issues:
  •  Star Trek: Day of Blood #1 (July 2023)
  •  Star Trek: Defiant #6 (August 2023)
  •  Star Trek #11 (August 2023)
  •  Star Trek: Defiant #7 (September 2023)
  •  Star Trek #12 (September 2023)
  • Regular Cover  

    Writers: Christopher Cantwell, Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly
    Artist: Mike Feehan
    Letters: ?
    Edits: ?
    Cover Artist: Malachi Ward
    Cover Price: FREE
    Issue Date: 6 May 2023

    IDW Star Trek Prelude to Day of Blood    

    Star Trek Annual 2023 - The Photonic Man

    The Theseus crew finally get a chance to relax. But just as everyone settles down, a strange signal comes in with a message that reads, "Mr. Scott. We have a problem. Bring help. - Jim". Upon finding the source of the signal, the Theseus bridge crew step into a fully activated holodeck recreating the bridge of the original U.S.S. Enterprise - complete with a "discovery" of some "strange new" guest stars!
    Cover A Cover B

    Writers: Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly
    Artist: Rachael Stott
    Letters: Clayton Cowles
    Edits: ?
    Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
    Cover Price: $5.99
    Issue Date: 31 May 2023

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover A

    Cover Artist: Steffi Hochreigl
    Cover Price: $5.99

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover B
    Cover C Cover RI-A (1:10)

    Cover Artist: Rhys Yorke
    Cover Price: $5.99

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover C

    Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover RI-A
    Cover RI-B (1:25) Cover RI-C (1:50)

    Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover RI-B

    Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover RI-C
    Cover RE-A Cover RE-B

    Cover Photo: Kirk
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover RE-A

    Cover Photo: Kirk
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover RE-B
    Cover RE-C Cover RE-D

    Cover Photo: Kirk & Picard
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover RE-C

    Cover Photo: Kirk & Picard
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover RE-D

    Star Trek Defiant Annual 2024

    After the classified information she stole from the Klingon High Council fails to earn back her favor with Romulan intelligence, Commander Sela is forced to take drastic action and turns back the clock--literally. But what was supposed to be a surefire plan to correct her failed coup over the Klingons quickly spirals into chaos when the technology malfunctions and sends her to a devastated war-torn past with the last person Sela ever wanted to see again--her mother, Tasha Yar.
    Cover A Cover B

    Writer: Christopher Cantwell
    Artist: Ramon Rosanas, Lee Loughridge
    Letters: Clayton Cowles
    Edits: ?
    Cover Artist: Ramon Rosanas
    Cover Price: $5.99
    Issue Date: 24 January 2024

    IDW Star Trek Defiant Annual 2024 Cover A

    Cover Artist: Liana Kangas
    Cover Price: $5.99

    IDW Star Trek Defiant Annual 2024 Cover B
    Cover RI Cover ONLINE EXCLUSIVE - Limited to 200

    Cover Artist: Rahzzah
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Defiant Annual 2024 Cover RI

    Cover Artist: Judd Mercer
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Defiant Annual 2024 Cover Online

    Star Trek: Celebrations

    IDW proudly presents a one-shot anthology centering and celebrating LGBTQIA+ characters from across the Star Trek universe! Join legendary heroes from each era of the beloved franchise in stories that showcase the strengths of infinite diversity in infinite combinations, brought to you by a star-studded cast of writers and artists including Vita Ayala, Steve Orlando, Mags Visaggio, and more!
    Cover A Cover B

    Writers: Vita Ayala, Hannah Rose May, Steve Orlando, Magdalene Visaggio, Stephanie Williams
    Artists: Liana Kangas, Jack Lawrence, J.P. Jordan, Lauren Knight, Denny Minonne, Denny More, Trench
    Letters: ?
    Edits: ?
    Cover Artist: Paulina Ganucheau
    Cover Price: $5.99
    Issue Date: 29 May 2024

    IDW Star Trek: Celebrations One-shot Cover A

    Cover Artist: Ángel Solórzano
    Cover Price: $5.99

    IDW Star Trek: Celebrations One-shot Cover B
    Cover RI  

    Cover Artist: Kevin Wada
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek: Celebrations One-shot Cover RI    

    Star Trek Annual 2024

    With no one but himself to blame for his brother's sudden escape during the Klingon Day of Blood, Lieutenant Commander Data sheds his Starfleet uniform for an ensemble inspired by none other than Sherlock Holmes to track down Lore's whereabouts... and figure out what sinister plans he's been scheming. With the one and only Miles O'Brien as his Watson at his side, there is no mystery that Detective Data can't solve!
    Cover A Cover B

    Writers: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing
    Artist: Rachael Stott
    Letters: ?
    Edits: ?
    Cover Artist: Rachael Stott
    Cover Price: $5.99
    Issue Date: 17 July 2024

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2024 Cover A

    Cover Artist: Ramon Rosanas
    Cover Price: $5.99

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2024 Cover B
    Cover RI  

    Cover Artist: Suspiria Vilchez
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Annual 2023 Cover RI    

    Star Trek: 500th Issue

    Celebrate IDW’s 500th issue of Star Trek comics (and an early Star Trek Day!) with this landmark oversized anthology issue! This collection of seven short stories spans through fan-favorite eras of the beloved franchise from Lower Decks to Strange New Worlds, legacy characters from The Next Generation and the original series, written and illustrated by Star Trek comics veterans and new voices alike. Plus, don’t miss out on the prelude to 2025’s big Star Trek and Defiant comic crossover event written by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Christopher Cantwell!

    1. I Knew You Were Tribble When You Walked In - Based on the episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" written by David Gerrold. This is the Tribble tale retold from the perspective of a furry entity that hungers for its golden beloved!
    2. Yesterday's Shadows - La'an has difficulty interviewing Sam Kirk while trying to reconcile her feelings about her alternate timeline experience with Jim Kirk.
    3. The Unexpected Mentor - Captain Michael Burnham helps a young girl over her fears and learn that we are not alone.
    4. Latinum Glove - He might not be able to throw, but he can sure catch!
    5. Go See Cal! - Rutherford and Tendi learn that buying a bi-neural compensator from a Ferengi for their new sentient android wasn't the best decision to make.
    6. What's a Q to You? - Q Junior has the sniffles and a new appreciation for comics readers.
    7. The Final Masterpiece - Following the events of Star Trek #23… Lore has plans for a new and improved reality, so his brother Data had better get to work and finish in time for Star Trek: Lore War #1 coming March 2025.
    Star Trek #500: The Continuing Comics Voyage - An essay on the author's love affair with Star Trek comics by Dayton Ward.
    Cover gallery ? pp
    Cover A

    Writers: 1. Jordan Blum, Patton Oswalt, 2. Jody Houser, 3.Stephanie Williams, 4. Mike Chen, 5. Magdalene Visaggio, 6. Morgan Hampton, 7. Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, Christopher Cantwell, 8. Dayton Ward
    Artists: 1. Leonard Kirk, Lee Loughridge, 2. Vernon Smith, Charlie Kirchoff, 3. Tench, J.P. Jordan, 4. Angel Hernandez, Nick Filardi, 5. Megan Huang, Charlie Kirchof, 6. Megan Levens, Charlie Kirchoff, 7. Davide Tinto, Lee Loughridge
    Letters: 1-6. Jodie Troutman, 7. Clayton Cowles
    Cover Artist: Joëlle Jones
    Cover Price: $6.99
    Issue Date: 4 September 2024

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover A    
    Cover B (Wraparound)  

    Cover Artist: Jake Bartok
    Cover Price: $6.99

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover B  
    Cover C  

    Cover Artist: J.K. Woodward
    Cover Price: $6.99

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover C    
    Cover RI (1:10 Wraparound)  

    Cover Artist: Chris Fenoglio
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek 400th Issue Cover RI  
    Cover RE - Alex Ross
    The art for this cover was originally used for the Polar Lights 2012 1:350 Model kit

    Cover Artist: Alex Ross
    Cover Price: NONE

    Retailed at alexrossart.com for:
    Unsigned copy $40.00
    Signed copy $80.00
    CGC 9.8 Signed copy $250.00

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover RE-A Colour  IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover RE-A Colour Signed  IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover RE-A Colour CGC
    Cover RE - Alex Ross Black and White Sketch Cover RE - Ryan Kincaid

    Cover Artist: Alex Ross
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover RE Alex Ross Sketch

    Cover Artist: Ryan Kincaid
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover RE Ryan Kincaid
    Cover RE - Bill Galvan Cover RE - Dan Parent Foil

    Cover Artist: Bill Galvan
    Cover Price: $6.99

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover RE Bill Galvin

    Cover Artist: Dan Parent
    Cover Price: $6.99

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover RE Dan Parent
    Cover RE - Foil Logo  

    Cover Artist: ??
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek 500th Issue Cover RE Foil Logo    

    Star Trek: Section 31 - Emperor Born

    The exciting single issue spin-off of the forthcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie! The issue features Emperor Philippa Georgiou on a brand-new, raucous, and exhilarating adventure.
    Cover A Cover B

    Writer: Alyssa Wong
    Artist: Megan Levens
    Letters: ?
    Edits: ?
    Cover Artist: Megan Levens
    Cover Price: $5.99
    Issue Date: 5 February 2025

    IDW Star Trek Section 31 Cover A

    Cover Artist: Movie Poster
    Cover Price: $5.99

    IDW Star Trek Section 31 Cover B
    Cover RI  

    Cover Artist: Annie Wu
    Cover Price: NONE

    IDW Star Trek Section 31 Cover RI    
    Contact Wixiban | © 2007-2024 Wixiban
    Star Trek, in all its various forms, is a trademark of CBS Studios and\or Paramount Pictures. This website is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios or Paramount Pictures. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective holders.