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IDW - Star Trek: The Next Generation - Ghosts

Issue 1

Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise respond to a distress call and find a terribly wounded scientist aboard a marooned ship. While evaluating the planet below (and its two warring nations) for possible Federation membership, Picard discovers to his horror that the survivor of the disaster is foreseeing his death.
Regular Cover Cover RI

Writer: Zander Cannon
Artist: Javier Aranda
Inks: German Torres-Ruiz
Colors: John Hunt
Letters: Robbie Robbins
Edits: Scott Dunbier
Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 18 November 2009

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #1

Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #1RI

Issue 2

The negotiations to end the civil war on Allios IV continue while Worf investigates the history of the less advanced of the two civilizations. Meanwhile, Picard is rattled by being identified as one of the phantoms that haunts a seriously wounded researcher they rescued from a marooned orbiter, and Troi, Geordi, and Dr. Crusher investigate the mysteries of what caused the accident.
Regular Cover Cover RI

Writer: Zander Cannon
Artist: Javier Aranda
Inks: German Torres-Ruiz
Colors: John Hunt
Letters: Robbie Robbins
Edits: Scott Dunbier
Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 23 December 2009

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #2

Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #2RI

Issue 3

With Worf captured and under threat of execution, Geordi, Troi, and Dr. Crusher race to get information that will exonerate him. Picard and Riker negotiate with Worf's captors, but the paranoid warlords continue to regard all outsiders as a threat, and launch a military attack on the ship under the Enterprise's protection.
Regular Cover Cover RI

Writer: Zander Cannon
Artist: Javier Aranda
Inks: Marc Rueda
Colors: John Hunt
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Edits: Scott Dunbier
Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 27 January 2010

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #3

Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #3RI

Issue 4

With Captain Picard shifted into another dimension, Commander Riker takes command of the Enterprise and negotiates with Worf's hot-tempered captors for his release. Troi tries to pick through the noise in her patient's head to unravel information on the extra-dimensional ghosts. Meanwhile, the missing Picard finds himself in a peculiar leadership role.
Regular Cover Cover RI

Writer: Zander Cannon
Artist: Javier Aranda
Inks: Marc Rueda
Colors: John Hunt
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Edits: Scott Dunbier
Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 24 February 2010

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #4

Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #4RI

Issue 5

Riker sends Data alone into enemy territory to find him. Meanwhile, Picard and his fellow prisoners search desperately for a way out of the white zone before their link to the real world disappears-trapping them forever!
Regular Cover Cover RI

Writer: Zander Cannon
Artist: Javier Aranda
Inks: Marc Rueda
Colors: John Hunt
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Edits: Scott Dunbier
Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: $3.99
Issue Date: 31 March 2010

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #5

Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: None

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts #5RI

Collected Edition

Sole Cover  

Writer: Zander Cannon
Artist: Javier Aranda
Cover Artist: Joe Corroney
Cover Price: $19.99
Issue Date: 9 June 2010
ISBN: 978-1600106828

IDW Star Trek TNG Ghosts TPB    
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