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Star Trek Customizable Card Game, Second Edition - Second Edition Starter Decks

Decipher Star Trek CCG 2nd Edition Premiere Starter Decks  

Welcome to the new Second Edition core set! New cards and streamlined game-play make a perfect entry point for both new players and former players eager to return. In addition, many Second Edition cards are compatible with First Edition game-play – truly the best of both worlds! The first in the new revamped series, the Second Edition set comprises a whopping 415 cards. 121 rares, 121 commons, 121 uncommons and 52 cards found only in starter decks. The product was released as booster boxes and combo boxes (24 booster packs and 8 starter decks). There are 4 different starter decks, each with a 60 card pre-constructed deck and three random rare cards. This new set features mostly The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, with a sprinkling of Voyager, Original Series and movie images. If you spent $20 at Decipher Store’s in the summer of 2003, you received an oversized 5" x 7" 1M1 Picard, Explorer card. There were nine cards from this set reprinted later as a promotional incentive for the next release, Energize.

Deep Space Nine Starter Deck


Dual Cost 3 Antedean Assassins - x2 Planet Cost 2 Authenticate Artifacts Space Cost 1 Command Decisions - x2
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Anthropology or a personnel who has 2 Telepathy, your opponent chooses an Anthropology or Telepathy personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to it's dilemma pile. Antedean Assassins Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Anthropology or a personnel who has 2 Archaeology, your opponent chooses an Anthropology or Archaeology personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Authenticate Artifacts Choose a personnel who has Leadership or Officer to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Command Decisions
"They were planning on blowing up the entire conference."
1 C 4
"You can tell Baran that I’m working as fast as I can."
1 C 8
Although there are as many command styles as there are ships in the fleet, all the best captains share the ability to make quick decisions in a crisis situation.
1 S 17


Dual Cost 1 Equipment Malfunction Planet Cost 1 Kolaran Raiders - x2 Dual Cost 2 Limited Welcome - x2
Return all your equipment to their owner's hands. Equipment Malfunction Choose a personnel who has Leadership or Security to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Kolaran Raiders Randomly select nine personnel. All your other personnel are stopped. Place this dilemma on this mission. When you attempt this mission again, after your opponent draws dilemmas, he or she may take this dilemma and add it to those drawn. Limited Welcome
"Heh… must be the radiation."
1 S 25
"Isolated pockets of humanoids. It appears to be a pre-warp civilization at an early stage of industrial development."
1 S 33
"I hope you'll forgive the darkness. We are not comfortable in the light."
1 S 34


Dual Cost 4 Ornaran Threat Dual Cost 2 Pinned Down - x2 Dual Cost 3 Recurring Injury - x2
Randomly select a personnel to be stopped. Unless you have Diplomacy and Medical or 2 Security, that personnel is killed instead, then all your other personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Ornaran Threat Randomly select a personnel to be stopped. If you still have nine personnel remaining, randomly select a second personnel to be stopped. If you still have ten personnel remaining, randomly select a third personnel to be stopped. Pinned Down Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Biology or a personnel who has 2 Medical, your opponent chooses an Biology or Medical personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Recurring Injury
"You will take us to our planet. Leave us there with our medicine or this person dies."
1 C 41
"Quick! Into the forest!"
1 S 43
"It’s his shoulder. It’s popped out of his socket."
1 C 48


Dual Cost 3 Stellar Core Fragment - x2 Space Cost 2 Systems Diagnostic Planet Cost 1 Triage
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Physics or a personnel who has 2 Science, your opponent chooses an Physics or Science personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Stellar Core Fragment Choose a personnel who has Engineer or Programming to be stopped. If you cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Systems Diagnostic Choose a personnel who has Biology or Medical to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Triage
"With my theories and their equipment, we might be able to alter the fragment’s path."
1 C 50
Starship systems can be checked by computer-automated diagnostics, but this routine examination is no substitute for the scrutiny of a trained engineer.
1 C 52
"Don’t be afraid. There’s a lot of bleeding, but it’s not as bad as it looks."
1 C 57




Space Cost 2 Wavefront Equipment Cost 1 Medical Tricorder Event Cost 3 Cry "Havoc!" - x2
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Astrometrics or a personnel who has 2 Navigation, your opponent chooses an Astrometrics or Navigation personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Wavefront Each of your Medical personnel present gains Exobiology. Medical Tricorder Maneuver. Plays in your core.
Order - Destroy this event to begin an engagement involving your Leadership personnel. If you win, randomly kill an opponent's personnel involved.
"Let’s batten down the hatches."
1 C 60
"Localized tenderness to the ulnar bone. No epidermal damage, moderate edema. … the tricorder indicates this is a small stress fracture."
1 C 68
"‘…and let slip the dogs of war.’"
1 S 83



Event Cost 2 D'Arsay Archive - x2 Interrupt Render Assistance - x2 Interrupt Ties of Blood and Water - x2
Count the number of cards in your hand, shuffle them, and place them on the bottom of your deck to draw an equal number of cards. Destroy this event. D'Arsay Archive Maneuver. When an engagement involving your ship begins, another one of your ships at that mission joins the engagement. Render Assistance When your Bajoran personnel is facing a dilemma, he or she gains all skills on a Bajoran personnel in your discard pile. This effect lasts until the end of that dilemma. Ties of Blood and Water
"…it’s using our ship – our alloys, our DNA – to create elements of its own culture."
1 S 84
"Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one?"
1 S 136
"I saw so much death during the Occupation. I felt so much pain. But my father. He was my strength. And I… I couldn’t stand to see that strength slipping away. So I ran. … I owed it to my father to get it right this time."
1 S 145


Space •Fissure Research Space •Mining Survey Headquarters •Mouth of the Wormhole, Deep Space 9
Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Astrometrics, Engineer, Physics, Science, and Cunning>36
•Fissure Research Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Engineer, Geology, Physics, Science, and Cunning>34
•Mining Survey Alpha Quadrant Headquarters
You may play [DS9] cards, [NA] cards, and equipment at this mission.

Region: Bajor System. When any player is about to move a ship between this mission and a Gamma Quadrant mission, do not add 2 to the span total of those missions.
•Mouth of the Wormhole, Deep Space 9
Forcas sector: Perform scans of this "keyhole" intersecting different quantum realities.

Any affiliation may attempt this mission.

Span 3
1 S 170
Unclaimed asteroid belt: Evaluate feasibility of a proposed mining station in this star system.

Any affiliation (except Borg) may attempt this mission.

Span 3
1 S 187

Deep Space 9: "…this has become my home."

Bajoran/Federation Headquarters

Span 1
1 S 188



Planet •Search for Survivors Planet •Security Briefing Bajoran 1 Cost Anara - x2
Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Leadership, Officer, Programming, Security, and Strength>36
•Search for Survivors Alpha Quadrant Points 35
2 Diplomacy, 2 Security, and Cunning>32
•Security Briefing Staff DS9 Bajoran

Red Dot Engineer Red Dot Physics
Red Dot Transporters
Dozaria: Pursue a lead to a possible crash site of the missing Cardassian prisoner transport Ravinok.

BajoranCardassian Span: 2
1 S 198
Korma: Attend a conference on this Cardassian outpost and share intelligence on the Klingon Empire.

BajoranCardassianDominion Span: 2
1 S 199
In the early years following the Occupation, Bajoran tours of duty aboard Deep Space 9 often lasted only a few months. The Militia hoped to train a number of junior officers in skills useful for the rebuilding efforts on Bajor.


1 C 207


Bajoran Cost 1 Brilgar - x2 Bajoran Cost 1 Jabara - x2 Bajoran Cost 2 •Li Nalas, Legend of Bajor
Staff DS9 Bajoran

Red Dot Anthropology Red Dot Law
Red Dot Security
Brilgar DS9 Bajoran

Red Dot Exobiology Red Dot Medical
Red Dot Programming
Jabara Command DS9 Bajoran

Red Dot Geology Red Dot Honor
Red Dot Leadership Red Dot Officer

Bajoran Resistance.
 When you play this personnel, you may draw a card. When this personnel is killed, you must discard a card from hand.
•Li Nalas, Legend of Bajor
Most improvements to Deep Space 9's security came from knowledge of how Bajorans had defeated it while the station was under Cardassian control.


1 C 210
Bajorans on the Infirmary staff proved every bit as reliable as the Starfleet personnel.


1 C 214
"…I have done what Bajor needed me to do. I've allowed myself to be a slave to my reputation all of these years. And now, it is enough."


1 S 217



Bajoran Cost 1 Shandor - x2 Federation Cost 1 Altman Federation Cost 1 Bandee
DS9 Bajoran

Red Dot Archaeology Red Dot Diplomacy
Red Dot Honor

Shandor Staff DS9 Human

Red Dot Biology Red Dot Engineer
Red Dot Transporters
Altman DS9 Human

Red Dot Biology Red Dot Medical
Red Dot Programming
"Yelim cha ono… tamah purono dhar jeek… teram far che… yavar ha iktasho…".


1 C 225
The engineering staff of Deep Space 9 is faced with the constant challenge of making Starfleet, Cardassian, and Bajoran technology work together.

1 C 251
After the retaking of Deep Space 9 in 2374, the number of starfleet personnel aboard was increased in all departments. The medical staff was nearly doubled, in case of a surprise Dominion attack.

1 C 254


Federation Cost 4 •Benjamin Sisko, Defiant Captain - x2 Federation Cost 1 Hoya - x2 Federation Cost 1 Mills - x2
Command DS9 Human

Red Dot Diplomacy Red Dot Engineer
Red Dot Honor Red Dot Leadership
Red Dot Navigation Red Dot Officer

Commander: U.S.S. Defiant.
When you play this personnel, you may download a DS9 ship.
Staff DS9 Benzite

Red Dot Astrometrics Red Dot Navigation
Red Dot Officer
Hoya Staff DS9 Human

Red Dot Geology Red Dot Physics
Red Dot Security
"Let's just say we're preparing a few surprises just in case the Dominion comes through the wormhole.".

1 S 256
Within a decade of the first Benzite joining Starfleet, many others enlisted. Advances in medical technology made it possible for Benzites to breathe in an oxygen-rich atmosphere without a respiration device..

1 C 265
Although there was some initial friction, Starfleet and Bajoran security forces aboard Deep Space 9 were soon working together smoothly.

1 C 278


Federation Cost 1 Paulson Federation Cost 1 T'Lor Federation Cost 4 •Worf, Strategic Operations Officer
Staff DS9 Human

Red Dot Astrometrics Red Dot Science
Red Dot Transporters
Paulson Staff DS9 Tiburonian

Red Dot Geology Red Dot Programming
Red Dot Science
T'Lor Command DS9 Klingon

Red Dot Diplomacy Red Dot 2 Honor
Red Dot Leadership Red Dot Officer

When an engagement involving your [Fed] ship begins at this mission, if this personnel is aboard a ship, that ship may join that engagement.
•Worf, Strategic Operations Officer
Starfleet posted a number of astrophysicists at Deep Space 9 to study the unusual properties of the stable Bajoran wormhole.

1 C 280
Member of the team dispatched from Deep Space 9 to confirm readings of large cormaline deposits on the Gamma Quadrant planet Torga IV.

1 C 285
"There are many Klingons who say we have been at peace too long. That the Empire must expand in order to survive. … If my people return to the old ways, no one will be safe."

1 S 291


Non-Aligned Cost 2 Bhavani Non-Aligned Cost 1 Leyor Non-Aligned Cost 2 •Ty Kajada, Relentless Investigator

Red Dot Diplomacy Red Dot Honor Red Dot Law Red Dot Leadership Red Dot Physics
Bhavani Caldorian

Red Dot Astrometrics Red Dot Diplomacy
Red Dot Science
Leyor Command Kobliad

Red Dot Intelligence Red Dot Leadership
Red Dot Programming Red Dot 2 Security
•Ty Kajada, Relentless Investigator
"The Barzan has been a society dependent on others for generations. We want that to end. The appearance of this stable wormhole in our space provides us with our first true natural resorce. We have neither the experience nor the technology to exploit it. But you do."

1 C 320
The Caldonians are well-respected as scholars dedicated to pur research. Their representative in the Barzan wormhole negotiations was thus understandably intimidated by the potential administrative demands of a winning bid.

1 C 334
Officer for Kobliad Security who pursued the dangerous and devious Rao Vantika for 20 years. "I know Vantika. I've learned to think as he thinks… He's alive. And he's on board this station."

1 S 351


Federation Cost 6 U.S.S. Akira - x3  
Command Staff Staff Staff DS9
Akira Class

U.S.S. Akira  
Starship designed for border defense after the dissolution of the Federation/Klingon treaty. The hull configuration of the Akira-class starship was something of an homage to the look of the earliest Starfleet exploratory vessels.

1 S 390
Klingon Starter Deck  


Planet Cost 2 Authenticate Artifacts Space Cost 1 Command Decisions - x2 Dual Cost 1 Equipment Malfunction
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Anthropology or a personnel who has 2 Archaeology, your opponent chooses an Anthropology or Archaeology personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Authenticate Artifacts Choose a personnel who has Leadership or Officer to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Command Decisions Return all your equipment to their owner's hands. Equipment Malfunction
"You can tell Baran that I’m working as fast as I can."
1 C 8
Although there are as many command styles as there are ships in the fleet, all the best captains share the ability to make quick decisions in a crisis situation.
1 S 17
"Heh… must be the radiation."
1 S 25


Planet Cost 1 Kolaran Raiders - x2 Dual Cost 2 Limited Welcome - x2 Dual Cost 3 Microbrain - x2
Choose a personnel who has Leadership or Security to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Kolaran Raiders Randomly select nine personnel. All your other personnel are stopped. Place this dilemma on this mission. When you attempt this mission again, after your opponent draws dilemmas, he or she may take this dilemma and add it to those drawn. Limited Welcome Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Exobiology or a personnel who has 2 Geology, your opponent chooses an Exobiology or Geology personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Microbrain
"Isolated pockets of humanoids. It appears to be a pre-warp civilization at an early stage of industrial development."
1 S 33
"I hope you'll forgive the darkness. We are not comfortable in the light."
1 S 34
"How could it be alive? It’s inorganic."
1 C 37


Dual Cost 4 Ornaran Threat Dual Cost 2 Pinned Down - x2 Dual Cost 3 Stellar Core Fragment - x2
Randomly select a personnel to be stopped. Unless you have Diplomacy and Medical or 2 Security, that personnel is killed instead, then all your other personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Ornaran Threat Randomly select a personnel to be stopped. If you still have nine personnel remaining, randomly select a second personnel to be stopped. If you still have ten personnel remaining, randomly select a third personnel to be stopped. Pinned Down Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Physics or a personnel who has 2 Science, your opponent chooses an Physics or Science personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Stellar Core Fragment
"You will take us to our planet. Leave us there with our medicine or this person dies."
1 C 41
"Quick! Into the forest!"
1 S 43
"With my theories and their equipment, we might be able to alter the fragment’s path."
1 C 50


Space Cost 2 Systems Diagnostic Dual Cost 3 Tense Negotiations - x2 Planet Cost 1 Triage
Choose a personnel who has Engineer or Programming to be stopped. If you cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Systems Diagnostic Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Diplomacy or a personnel who has 2 Leadership, your opponent chooses an Diplomacy or Leadership personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Tense Negotiations Choose a personnel who has Biology or Medical to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Triage
Starship systems can be checked by computer-automated diagnostics, but this routine examination is no substitute for the scrutiny of a trained engineer.
1 C 52
"You swear well, Picard. You must have Klingon blood in your veins."
1 C 54
"Don’t be afraid. There’s a lot of bleeding, but it’s not as bad as it looks."
1 C 57



Space Cost 2 Wavefront Event Cost 3 Cry "Havoc!" - x2 Event Cost 2 D'Arsay Archive - x2
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Astrometrics or a personnel who has 2 Navigation, your opponent chooses an Astrometrics or Navigation personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Wavefront Maneuver. Plays in your core.
Order - Destroy this event to begin an engagement involving your Leadership personnel. If you win, randomly kill an opponent's personnel involved.
Count the number of cards in your hand, shuffle them, and place them on the bottom of your deck to draw an equal number of cards. Destroy this event. D'Arsay Archive
"Let’s batten down the hatches."
1 C 60
"‘…and let slip the dogs of war.’"
1 S 83
"…it’s using our ship – our alloys, our DNA – to create elements of its own culture."
1 S 84



Interrupt Render Assistance - x2 Interrupt The Promise - x2 Space •Explore Black Cluster
Maneuver. When an engagement involving your ship begins, another one of your ships at that mission joins the engagement. Render Assistance When your Klingon personnel is facing a dilemma, he or she gains all skills and attributes on a Klingon personnel in your discard pile. This effect lasts until the end of that dilemma. The Promise Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Astrometrics, Leadership, Physics, Science, and Cunning>24
•Explore Black Cluster
"Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one?"
1 S 136
"Then Kahless said, ‘You are Klingons. You need no one but yourselves. I will go now, to Sto-Vo-Kor. But I promise one day I will return.’"
1 S 143
Sector 97: Conduct a survey of this region known for its violent and unpredictable gravitational wavefronts.

Any affiliation (except Borg) may attempt this mission.

Span 4
1 S 167


Planet •Khitomer Investigation Headquarters •Qo'noS, Heart of the Empire Planet •Sensitive Search
Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Programming, Security, Cunning>32, and (2 Honor or 2 Treachery)
•Khitomer Investigation Alpha Quadrant Headquarters
You may play Klingon cards, Non-Aligned cards, and equipment at this mission.
•Qo'noS, Heart of the Empire Alpha Quadrant Points 30
Programming, Security, Cunning>30, and (Acquisition or Honor or Law or Treachery)
•Sensitive Search
Khitomer: "For many turns, the truth about Khitomer has lain dormant… unknown. … Thousands died on Khitomer… Their deaths must be avenged!"

KlingonRomulan Span: 2
1 S 183
Qo’noS: Homeworld of the Klingon Empire. Its sharply tilted axis causes extreme seasonal changes. With but one major land mass, there was constant war before the time of Kahless. It is a place as hard and turbulent as the Klingons themselves.

Klingon Headquarters

Span 2
1 S 191
Nequencia system: Track the movements of an "information broker" who failed to arrive at a scheduled rendezvous.

FederationFerengiKlingonRomulan Span: 2
1 S 200



Space •Study Cometary Cloud Klingon Cost 2 B'amara - x2 Klingon Cost 1 Dokar - x3
Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Astrometrics, Navigation, Programming, Cunning>34, and (Acquisition or Security)
•Study Cometary Cloud Staff Klingon

Red Dot Biology Red Dot Honor Red Dot Medical Red Dot Physics Red Dot Programming
B'amara Command Klingon

Red Dot Biology Red Dot Navigation
Red Dot Officer
Cruses system: Collect samples of the unusual particles in this system’s Oort cloud. Conduct research on their military or commercial potential.

DominionFerengiKlingonNon-AlignedRomulan Span: 3
1 S 201
It is common practice aboard Klingon vessels to carry only a small medical staff, as nearly all warriors are familiar with the basics of combat medicine.

1 C 292
The charismatic Sisters of Duras continued to attract new warriors to their cause long after being driven driven from Qo'noS by their defeat in the civil war.

1 C 295


Klingon Cost 4 •Gowron, Leader of the High Council - x2 Klingon Cost 2 •K'nera, Klingon Defense Force Commander - x2 Klingon Cost 2 •Kahlest, GhojmoH of Worf
Command Klingon

Red Dot Anthropology Red Dot Honor
Red Dot Law Red Dot 2 Leadership

When you play this personnel, you may download an Honor Klingon.
•Gowron, Leader of the High Council Command Klingon

Red Dot Honor Red Dot Law Red Dot Officer
Red Dot Security Red Dot Transporters
•K'nera, Klingon Defense Force Commander Klingon

Red Dot Anthropology Red Dot Honor
Red Dot Medical

Each of your other Honor Klingons present is Cunning +1.
"Your blood will paint the way to the future.".

1 S 297
"Their actions threaten the alliance. They disobeyed and must be punished. … When one of us dies that way, it diminishes us all."

1 S 299
"My life ended on Khitomer. I served a proud family, a strong house. All that is gone."

1 S 300


Klingon Cost 1 Kahmis - x3 Klingon Cost 2 •Kitrik, "The Tyrant Molor" Klingon Cost 1 Kroval - x2
Staff Klingon

Red Dot Leadership Red Dot Security
Red Dot Transporters
Kahmis Staff Klingon

Red Dot Exobiology Red Dot Medical
Red Dot Programming Red Dot Science

When you play this personnel, if you command a mission requiring Science, you may draw a card.
•Kitrik, "The Tyrant Molor" Staff Klingon

Red Dot Archaeology Red Dot Geology
Red Dot Science
"The thing to remember is that the Klingons prefer to use their knives and bat'leths in close combat. So if we get boarded, you can expect severe lacerations, broken bones, and blunt force traumas."

1 C 301
Researcher on the Maranga IV outpost. He has played Molor in the local Kot'boval festival for over a decade, always eager to help true warriors deepen their understanding of Klingon heritage..

1 S 303
For a Klingon seeking glory in relics of the past, the greatest hope is to find the long-lost Sword of Kahless.

1 C 307


Klingon Cost 2 Meraht - x2 Klingon Cost 2 T'vis - x2 Klingon Cost 2 Vorax - x2

Red Dot Anthropology Red Dot Exobiology
Red Dot Honor Red Dot Intelligence
Red Dot Transporters
Meraht Staff Klingon

Red Dot Diplomacy Red Dot Honor
Red Dot Law Red Dot Security
T'vis Staff Command Klingon

Red Dot Astrometrics Red Dot Engineer
Red Dot Geology Red Dot Programming
Operative based on Deep Space 9, assigned to monitor alien civilizations bordering the Klingon Empire. Like the station's security chief, she has concluded that valuable information can be gathered by keeping close watch on the Ferengi barkeep.

1 C 312
Most Klingons inducted into the Order of the Bat'leth spend much of their lives focused only on reaching that goal. Others see it as a chance to atone for a past wasted in pursuits not worthy of a true Klingon.

1 C 315
One of the honored few selected to crew the I.K.S. Negh'Var on its glorious maiden voyage to invade the Cardassian homeworld.

1 C 316



Non-Aligned Cost 2 Rabal Klingon Cost 4 I.K.S. K'Vort Klingon Cost 5 I.K.S. Vor'cha - x3
Staff Hekaran

Red Dot Astrometrics Red Dot Engineer
Red Dot Physics Red Dot Programming
Red Dot Transporters
Rabal Staff Staff Staff
K'Vort Class
Cloaking Device.

Command Staff Staff Staff
Vor'cha Class
Cloaking Device.
I.K.S. Vor'cha
"I don't think we can look at space travel the same way anymore. We're going to have to change. … It won't be easy at all."

1 C 340
The 24th century saw the introduction of this well-known vessel, a blending of upgraded technology with the hull configuration of the B’rel-class starship. The result was so durable and reliable, it became the mainstay of the Klingon military for decades.

1 U 399
First Klingon cruiser designed after the Empire’s exchange of technology under treaty with the Federation. While the propulsion systems drew heavily from this newfound knowledge, the bulk of the design was rooted firmly in Klingon invention and aesthetics.

1 S 403
Romulan Starter Deck  


Planet Cost 2 Authenticate Artifacts Space Cost 1 Command Decisions - x2 Dual Cost 1 Equipment Malfunction
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Anthropology or a personnel who has 2 Archaeology, your opponent chooses an Anthropology or Archaeology personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Authenticate Artifacts Choose a personnel who has Leadership or Officer to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Command Decisions Return all your equipment to their owner's hands. Equipment Malfunction
"You can tell Baran that I’m working as fast as I can."
1 C 8
Although there are as many command styles as there are ships in the fleet, all the best captains share the ability to make quick decisions in a crisis situation.
1 S 17
"Heh… must be the radiation."
1 S 25


Planet Cost 1 Kolaran Raiders - x2 Dual Cost 2 Limited Welcome - x2 Dual Cost 3 Microbrain - x2
Choose a personnel who has Leadership or Security to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Kolaran Raiders Randomly select nine personnel. All your other personnel are stopped. Place this dilemma on this mission. When you attempt this mission again, after your opponent draws dilemmas, he or she may take this dilemma and add it to those drawn. Limited Welcome Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Exobiology or a personnel who has 2 Geology, your opponent chooses an Exobiology or Geology personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Microbrain
"Isolated pockets of humanoids. It appears to be a pre-warp civilization at an early stage of industrial development."
1 S 33
"I hope you'll forgive the darkness. We are not comfortable in the light."
1 S 34
"How could it be alive? It’s inorganic."
1 C 37


Dual Cost 4 Ornaran Threat Dual Cost 2 Pinned Down - x2 Dual Cost 3 Recurring Injury - x2
Randomly select a personnel to be stopped. Unless you have Diplomacy and Medical or 2 Security, that personnel is killed instead, then all your other personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Ornaran Threat Randomly select a personnel to be stopped. If you still have nine personnel remaining, randomly select a second personnel to be stopped. If you still have ten personnel remaining, randomly select a third personnel to be stopped. Pinned Down Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Biology or a personnel who has 2 Medical, your opponent chooses an Biology or Medical personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Recurring Injury
"You will take us to our planet. Leave us there with our medicine or this person dies."
1 C 41
"Quick! Into the forest!"
1 S 43
"It’s his shoulder. It’s popped out of his socket."
1 C 48


Dual Cost 3 Stellar Core Fragment - x2 Space Cost 2 Systems Diagnostic Planet Cost 1 Triage
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Physics or a personnel who has 2 Science, your opponent chooses an Physics or Science personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Stellar Core Fragment Choose a personnel who has Engineer or Programming to be stopped. If you cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Systems Diagnostic Choose a personnel who has Biology or Medical to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Triage
"With my theories and their equipment, we might be able to alter the fragment’s path."
1 C 50
Starship systems can be checked by computer-automated diagnostics, but this routine examination is no substitute for the scrutiny of a trained engineer.
1 C 52
"Don’t be afraid. There’s a lot of bleeding, but it’s not as bad as it looks."
1 C 57




Space Cost 2 Wavefront Equipment Cost 1 Engineering PADD Event Cost 3 Cry "Havoc!" - x2
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Astrometrics or a personnel who has 2 Navigation, your opponent chooses an Astrometrics or Navigation personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Wavefront Each of your Engineer personnel present gains Astrometrics. Engineering PADD Maneuver. Plays in your core.
Order - Destroy this event to begin an engagement involving your Leadership personnel. If you win, randomly kill an opponent's personnel involved.
"Let’s batten down the hatches."
1 C 60
Standard Personal Access Display Device pre-loaded with a wide variety of technical manuals and schematics.
1 C 65
"‘…and let slip the dogs of war.’"
1 S 83



Event Cost 2 D'Arsay Archive - x2 Event Cost 2 •The Reman Mines Interrupt Render Assistance - x2
Count the number of cards in your hand, shuffle them, and place them on the bottom of your deck to draw an equal number of cards. Destroy this event. D'Arsay Archive Plays on Supervise Dilithium Mine. Each of your Romulan ships is Range +1 for each Reman you command (limit +3). •The Reman Mines Maneuver. When an engagement involving your ship begins, another one of your ships at that mission joins the engagement. Render Assistance
"…it’s using our ship – our alloys, our DNA – to create elements of its own culture."
1 S 84
"The Senate has considered Shinzon’s proposal and rejected it. He and his followers will be met with all deliberate force and sent back to that black rock they come from. Do I make myself clear?"
1 U 117
"Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one?"
1 S 136



Interrupt Shady Resources - x2 Space •Abduction Plot Planet •Investigate Coup
When your personnel is facing a dilemma, discard a card from hand to make him or her gain all skills on one of your other Treachery personnel at this mission. This effect lasts until the end of that dilemma. Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Transporters, Treachery, Cunning>34, and (Intelligence and Leadership or Law and Officer)
•Abduction Plot Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Leadership, Navigation, Officer, Security, and Strength>36
•Investigate Coup
"Well worth twice the price I'm asking."
1 S 140
Deep space near Risa: Ambush Starfleet officer en route to shore leave.

CardassianDominionRomulan Span: 3
1 S 148
Tzenketh: "Our intelligence reports indicate there’s been a coup d’etat on the Tzenkethi homeworld."

BajoranFederationRomulan Span: 2
1 S 178


Space •Investigate Rogue Comet Headquarters •Romulus, Seat of Power Planet •Supervise Dilithium Mine
Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Anthropology, Archaeology, Engineer, Programming, and Cunning>34
•Investigate Rogue Comet Alpha Quadrant Headquarters
You may play Romulan cards, Non-Aligned cards, and equipment at this mission.

Region: Romulus System.
•Romulus, Seat of Power Alpha Quadrant Points 35
2 Geology, Leadership, Security, and Strength>34
•Supervise Dilithium Mine
Sector 1156: "It is not native to this region of space, and there is no previous record of this object…"

Any affiliation (except Borg) may attempt this mission.

Span 3
1 S 180
Romulus: "…I have visited over a hundred different worlds and none possessed the awesome beauty of Romulus."

Romulan Headquarters

Span 2
1 S 195
Remus: "As you know, the Reman mines have not been filling their quotas for some months now."

Romulan Span: 1
1 S 202



Non-Aligned Cost 3 •Etana Jol, Ktarian Operative Non-Aligned Cost 2 Rabal Romulan Cost 1 Chagrith - x2
Command Ktarian

Red Dot 2 Exobiology Red Dot Medical
Red Dot Programming Red Dot Science
Red Dot Treachery

Order -
If this personnel is aboard your ship, discard a personnel or ship from hand that matches her ship's affiliation to draw a card. You may do this only once each turn.
•Etana Jol, Ktarian Operative Staff Hekaran

Red Dot Astrometrics Red Dot Engineer
Red Dot Physics Red Dot Programming
Red Dot Transporters
Rabal Staff Reman

Red Dot Archaeology Red Dot Geology
Red Dot Science
Plotted to seize control of the Enterprise using psychotropic devices cleverly disguised as a fun and addictive game..

1 U 326
"I don't think we can look at space travel the same way anymore. We're going to have to change. … It won't be easy at all."

1 C 340
"…one side of Remus always faces the sun. Due to the extreme temperatures on that half of their world, the Remans live on the dark side of the planet."

1 C 355


Romulan Cost 3 •Cretak, Supporter of the Alliance Romulan Cost 1 Dralvak - x2 Romulan Cost 1 Jorvas - x3

Command Romulan

Red Dot Anthropology Red Dot Diplomacy
Red Dot Law Red Dot Physics Red Dot Security

When you play this personnel, you may download a D'deridex-class ship.

•Cretak, Supporter of the Alliance Staff Reman

Red Dot Biology Red Dot Medical
Red Dot Physics
Dralvak Command Reman

Red Dot Astrometrics Red Dot Engineer
Red Dot Navigation
"Be aware that I'm authorized to use whatever force is necessary to see that our medical supplies reach their destination. … Besides, I would hate to see you throw your life away."

1 S 356
"The Remans themselves are considered an undesirable caste in the hierarchy of the Empire."

1 C 358
"In darkness, there is strength."

1 C 360


Romulan Cost 2 •Movar, Political General Romulan Cost 1 Noram - x2 Romulan Cost 1 Sabrun - x3
Command Romulan

Red Dot Anthropology Red Dot Officer
Red Dot Physics Red Dot Treachery

General. Smuggler.
While you command two Klingon Treachery personnel, the cost of each of your Klingon ships is -1.
•Movar, Political General Command Romulan

Red Dot Exobiology Red Dot Leadership
Red Dot Officer Dissident.
Noram Romulan

Red Dot Diplomacy Red Dot Exobiology
Red Dot Law Senator.
"The Duras need this convoy. Without these supplies, they cannot win!"

1 S 363
"The Praetor's power has always been the Romulan fleet. They must be behind Shinzon for him to have overthrown the Senate."

1 C 365
The political landscape of Romulus is both perilous and delicate, with new administrators coming to power with aggressive frequency. Complacency can be a fatal flaw in a Romulan politician.

1 C 366


Romulan Cost 3 •Shinzon, Romulan Praetor - x2 Romulan Cost 1 Talvin - x2 Romulan Cost 2 Thexor - x2
Command Human

Red Dot Biology Red Dot Diplomacy
Red Dot Engineer Red Dot Leadership
Red Dot 2 Treachery

Praetor. Order -
Discard a card from hand to draw a card. You may do this only once each turn.
•Shinzon, Romulan Praetor Command Romulan

Red Dot Anthropology Red Dot Geology
Red Dot Officer

Talvin Staff Reman

Red Dot Programming Red Dot Security
Red Dot Transporters Red Dot Treachery
"If you had lived my life and experienced the suffering of my people, you would be standing where I am."

1 S 370
"Senators, consider the opportunities for the Empire. At last, the destinies of the planets Romulus and Remus will be united. Shinzon of Remus is offering us a chance to make ourselves stronger!"

1 C 373
"In the Dominion War, Reman troops were used as assault forces in the most violent encounters."

1 S 377


Romulan Cost 5 D'deridex - x3  
Command Staff Staff Staff
D'deridex Class
Cloaking Device.

For reasons known only to themselves, the Romulans went into isolation after the Tomed Incident in 2311. Over 50 years later, they returned as a major force in the quadrant with a fleet of these massive, heavilyarmed warbirds.

1 S 408
The Next Generation Starter Deck  


Dual Cost 3 Antedean Assassins - x2 Planet Cost 2 Authenticate Artifacts Dual Cost 3 Bynars' Password - x2
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Anthropology or a personnel who has 2 Telepathy, your opponent chooses an Anthropology or Telepathy personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to it's dilemma pile. Antedean Assassins Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Anthropology or a personnel who has 2 Archaeology, your opponent chooses an Anthropology or Archaeology personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Authenticate Artifacts Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Engineer or a personnel who has 2 Programming, your opponent chooses an Engineer or Programming personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Bynars' Password
"They were planning on blowing up the entire conference."
1 C 4
"You can tell Baran that I’m working as fast as I can."
1 C 8
"That’s the file. It’ll work now."
1 C 12


Space Cost 1 Command Decisions - x2 Dual Cost 1 Equipment Malfunction Planet Cost 1 Kolaran Raiders - x2
Choose a personnel who has Leadership or Officer to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Command Decisions Return all your equipment to their owner's hands. Equipment Malfunction Choose a personnel who has Leadership or Security to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Kolaran Raiders
Although there are as many command styles as there are ships in the fleet, all the best captains share the ability to make quick decisions in a crisis situation.
1 S 17
"Heh… must be the radiation."
1 S 25
"Isolated pockets of humanoids. It appears to be a pre-warp civilization at an early stage of industrial development."
1 S 33


Dual Cost 2 Limited Welcome - x2 Dual Cost 4 Ornaran Threat Dual Cost 2 Pinned Down - x2
Randomly select nine personnel. All your other personnel are stopped. Place this dilemma on this mission. When you attempt this mission again, after your opponent draws dilemmas, he or she may take this dilemma and add it to those drawn. Limited Welcome Randomly select a personnel to be stopped. Unless you have Diplomacy and Medical or 2 Security, that personnel is killed instead, then all your other personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Ornaran Threat Randomly select a personnel to be stopped. If you still have nine personnel remaining, randomly select a second personnel to be stopped. If you still have ten personnel remaining, randomly select a third personnel to be stopped. Pinned Down
"I hope you'll forgive the darkness. We are not comfortable in the light."
1 S 34
"You will take us to our planet. Leave us there with our medicine or this person dies."
1 C 41
"Quick! Into the forest!"
1 S 43


Dual Cost 3 Recurring Injury - x2 Space Cost 2 Systems Diagnostic Planet Cost 1 Triage
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Biology or a personnel who has 2 Medical, your opponent chooses an Biology or Medical personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Recurring Injury Choose a personnel who has Engineer or Programming to be stopped. If you cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Systems Diagnostic Choose a personnel who has Biology or Medical to be stopped. If you cannot, randomly select a personnel to be killed. Triage
"It’s his shoulder. It’s popped out of his socket."
1 C 48
Starship systems can be checked by computer-automated diagnostics, but this routine examination is no substitute for the scrutiny of a trained engineer.
1 C 52
"Don’t be afraid. There’s a lot of bleeding, but it’s not as bad as it looks."
1 C 57




Space Cost 2 Wavefront Equipment Cost 1 Tricorder - x2 Event Cost 3 Cry "Havoc!" - x2
Unless you have a personnel who has 2 Astrometrics or a personnel who has 2 Navigation, your opponent chooses an Astrometrics or Navigation personnel to be stopped. If your opponent cannot, all your personnel are stopped and this dilemma returns to its owner's dilemma pile. Wavefront Each of your Science personnel present gains Geology. Tricorder Maneuver. Plays in your core.
Order - Destroy this event to begin an engagement involving your Leadership personnel. If you win, randomly kill an opponent's personnel involved.
"Let’s batten down the hatches."
1 C 60
"There are no natural trace elements present in these tricyanate crystals."
1 C 72
"‘…and let slip the dogs of war.’"
1 S 83



Event Cost 2 D'Arsay Archive - x2 Interrupt Mission Briefing - x2 Interrupt Render Assistance - x2
Count the number of cards in your hand, shuffle them, and place them on the bottom of your deck to draw an equal number of cards. Destroy this event. D'Arsay Archive When your Federation personnel is facing a dilemma, discard a card from hand to make him or her gain all skills on one of your stopped Federation personnel at the same mission. This effect lasts until the end of that dilemma. Mission Briefing Maneuver. When an engagement involving your ship begins, another one of your ships at that mission joins the engagement. Render Assistance
"…it’s using our ship – our alloys, our DNA – to create elements of its own culture."
1 S 84
"Almost nothing is known of the Reman homeworld, although intelligence scans have proven the existence of dilithium mining and heavy weapons construction."
1 S 131
"Who says there's never a Klingon around when you need one?"
1 S 136


Headquarters •Earth, Cradle of the Federation Planet •Geological Survey Space •Host Metaphasic Shielding Test
Alpha Quadrant Headquarters
You may play TNG cards, Earth cards, Non-Aligned cards, and equipment at this mission.

Region: Sector 001.

•Earth, Cradle of the Federation Alpha Quadrant Points 30
Geology, Physics, Science, and Cunning>30
When you complete this mission, if your personnel completing it have 2 Acquisition or 2 Geology, score 5 points.
•Lapideas System, Geological Survey Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Diplomacy, Engineer, Navigation, Science, and Integrity>29
•Host Metaphasic Shielding Test
Earth: "Of course, we are always delighted when the Enterprise returns to the nest."

Federation Headquarters

Span 2
1 S 161
Uncharted planet: Assess the value of mineral deposits detected on this planet near the edge of explored space.

CardassianFederationFerengiNon-Aligned Span: 2
1 S 171
Vaytan: "Forgive my skepticism, Doctor, but your claims are somewhat extravagant. Protect a shuttle within a star’s corona? Not even your own government believes it can be done."

Any affiliation (except Borg) may attempt this mission.

Span 3
1 S 172



Space •Intercept Renegade Planet •Surgery Under Fire Federation Cost 2 •Andrea Brand, Academy Superintendent
Alpha Quadrant Points 35
2 Intelligence, 2 Treachery, and Cunning>34 or 2 Leadership, Officer, Security, and Integrity>33
•Intercept Renegade Alpha Quadrant Points 35
Biology, Leadership, Medical, Officer, and Strength>36
•Surgery Under Fire Command Earth Human

Red Dot Law Red Dot 2 Leadership
Red Dot Navigation Red Dot Officer
Red Dot Transporters

•Andrea Brand, Academy Superintendent
Orias system: Take whatever steps are necessary to prevent a hijacked starship from reaching this sector controlled by the Obsidian Order.

CardassianFederationRomulan Span: 3
1 S 176
Ajilon Prime: "The sorting of the wounded… forces decisions that… Decisions that test what it means to be a doctor."

FederationKlingon Span: 2
1 S 203
"Your statements cannot be reconciled with the data collected from the NacCon satellite. … We cannot escape the conclusion that either the data is faulty in some way… or you have lied to us.".

1 U 253


Federation Cost 1 Daniel Kwan - x2 Federation Cost 1 Davies Federation Cost 2 •Elizabeth Shelby, Formidable Presence
Staff TNG Human/Napean

Red Dot Engineer Red Dot Physics
Red Dot Telepathy
Daniel Kwan Staff TNG Human

Red Dot Geology Red Dot Physics
Red Dot Science
Davies Command TNG Human

Red Dot Exobiology Red Dot Geology
Red Dot Leadership Red Dot Officer
Red Dot Security
•Elizabeth Shelby, Formidable Presence
A partially empathic species, Napeans typically seek interaction with other races to explore alien though patterns. This leads many to join Starfleet.

1 C 258
"…if you need any help, just give me a signal and I'll take over for you. We don't want you to get too beat up on your first command."

1 C 260
"If you can't make the big decisions, Commander, I suggest you make room for someone who can."

1 S 262


Federation Cost 4 •Jean-Luc Picard, Explorer - x2 Federation Cost 1 Lian T'su Federation Cost 1 Lopez - x2
Command TNG Human

Red Dot Archaeology Red Dot 2 Diplomacy Red Dot Honor Red Dot Leadership
Red Dot Officer

U.S.S. Enterprise-E.
Order -
Place three cards from hand on the bottom of your deck in any order to draw a card.
•Jean-Luc Picard, Explorer Staff TNG Human

Red Dot Navigation Red Dot Officer
Red Dot Transporters
Lian T'su Staff TNG Human

Red Dot Biology Red Dot Honor Red Dot Security
"…if you had lived my life, you would understand my responsibility to the Federation.".

1 S 268
Relief ops officer serving aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2364. Ensign T'su performed admirably under the pressure of the Minos crisis.

1 C 273
Ensign in the U.S.S. Enterprise security division. In 2369, his good service record earned him an increase in responsibilities, and he was put in charge of preparing the duty roster for his department.

1 C 274


Federation Cost 1 Martin - x3 Federation Cost 1 Rixx - x3 Federation Cost 2 •Robin Lefler, Mission Specialist
Staff TNG Human

Red Dot Exobiology Red Dot Medical
Red Dot Programming
Martin Command TNG Bolian

Red Dot Astrometrics Red Dot Leadership
Red Dot Officer
Rixx Staff TNG Human

Red Dot Engineer Red Dot Exobiology
Red Dot Programming
Red Dot Transporters

Order -
Discard the top card of your deck to beam one of your stopped personnel at this mission.
•Robin Lefler, Mission Specialist
Doctor aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. He took charge of the medical staff in 2368 after Beverly Crusher was incapacitated by a telepathic attack.

1 C 276
Relatively new members of the Federation, the Bolians have quickly distinguished themselves in all branches of Starfleet service. Rixx became the first Bolian to command a Federation starship when he was given the U.S.S. Thomas Paine.

1 C 281
"That's Law 36: You gotta go with what works. … Every time I learn something essential, I make up a law about it so I never forget.".

1 U 282


Federation Cost 1 Van Orton Federation Cost 2 •William T. Riker, Number One Federation Cost 4 •Worf, Security Detail Leader
Earth Human

Red Dot Archaeology Red Dot Biology
Red Dot Science
Van Orton Command TNG Human

Red Dot Diplomacy Red Dot Leadership
Red Dot Navigation Red Dot Officer

While this personnel is facing a dilemma, he gains Anthropology and Security.
•William T. Riker, Number One Command TNG Klingon

Red Dot 2 Honor Red Dot Leadership
Red Dot Officer Red Dot Security

- Examine a number of cards from the top of an opponent's dilemma pile equal to the number of other Federation Security personnel you command (limit three). Then replace them in the same order.
•Worf, Security Detail Leader
Of the Federation's many research departments, the Archaeology Council is among these most limited by the Prime Directive. It has nevertheless been responsible for countless discoveries on planets throughout the quadrant.

1 C 287
"Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse.".

1 S 289
"I recommend extreme caution."

1 S 290



Non-Aligned Cost 2 •Pran Tainer, Atrean Seismologist Federation Cost 5 U.S.S. Nebula - x3 Federation Cost 6 U.S.S. Sovereign

Red Dot 2 Geology Red Dot Physics
Red Dot Programming Red Dot Science
•Pran Tainer, Atrean Seismologist Command Staff Staff Earth
Nebula Class

U.S.S. Nebula Command Command Staff Staff TNG
Sovereign Class

U.S.S. Sovereign
Gifted scientist who first detected the solidification of his planet's molten core. In 2370, his research proved key in the efforts to reliquefy the core.

1 C 339
Primarily designed for research missions, the Nebula-class starship boasts a large upper equipment module to house upgraded sensors and other scientific equipment..

1 S 395
One of several Starfleet designs introduced in the 2370s, the Sovereign-class starship would become the Federation’s primary deep-space exploration vessel.

1 U 396
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