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Star Trek The Original Series 40th Anniversary

Star Trek The Orignal Series 40th Anniversary  

Rittenhouse Archives released Star Trek: The Original Series 40th Anniversary Trading Cards covering the first season of the show that started it all as well as the original pilot "The Cage". Each box of this set will feature 2 Autograph Cards in the fan favorite classic design. Collectors could also be on the look-out for what is sure to be the most sought after autograph cards in this or any series, a cut-signature card featuring an authentic signature from show creator Gene Roddenberry. Only 25 cards exsist and each card is individually numbered. Rounding out the chase cards are: 18 The Quotable Star Trek: Original Series Expansion Set (1:10 Packs); 9 Captain Pike (1:14 Packs); 6 The Faces of Vina (1:20 Packs); 18 Star Trek Portraits (1:40 Packs); 18 1967 Star Trek Expansion Set - "The Cage" (cards #73-90) (1:40 Packs); 7 Bridge Crew Delta Shield Patch Cards (1:200 Packs) - Each Card Sequentially Numbered to 333. For every two cases purchased an Exclusive Grace Lee Whitney (Yeoman Rand)/Quotable TOS Autograph Card was given. For every six cases purchased an exclusive Leonard Nimoy (Spock) Autograph Costume Card was given.
Manufacturer Date of release Production run Packs per box Cards per pack Card size
Rittenhouse Archives 1 November 2006 9,000 40 5 2½" x 3½"
yellow   yellow yellow   yellow yellow   yellow

Base Set

1 1 Captain Kirk
"Charlie X"
2 2 Science Officer Spock
"The Enemy Within"
3 3 Dr. McCoy
"The Enemy Within"
4 4 Scotty
"The Enemy Within"
5 5 Uhura
"Balance of Terror"
6 6 Yeoman Rand
"The Naked Time"
7 7 Sulu
8 8 Nurse Chapel
"The Naked Time"
9 9 The U.S.S. Enterprise
10 10 The Enterprise in Orbit
"The Squire of Gothos"
11 11 Kirk Captured by the Archons
"The Return of the Archons"
12 12 Working the Ship's Computer
" "
13 13 The Romulan Bird of Prey
"Balance of Terror"
14 14 The Eyes of Evil
"Charlie X"
15 15 The Guardian of Forever
"The City on the Edge of Forever"
16 16 The Enterprise Out of Control
"Tomorrow is Yesterday"
17 17 Kirk Battles Khan
"Space Seed"
18 18 Transporter Operations
"Operation: Annihilate!"
19 19 Beauty and the Beast
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
20 20 Phaser Danger
21 21 The Vulcan Mind Meld
"Dagger of the Mind"
22 22 Shipboard Communications
"The Naked Time", "Mudd's Women"
23 23 Hailing Frequencies Open
"The Menagerie" ??
24 24 Capt. Kirk and Dr. McCoy
" "
25 25 Fire Phasers!
26 26 Landru
"The Return of the Archons"
27 27 Beautiful Janice
"The Man Trap"
28 28 Kirk and Spock Undercover
"The City on the Edge of Forever"
29 29 The Shuttlecraft Galileo
"The Galielo Seven"
30 30 Scotty in the Jefferies Tube
"The Naked Time"
31 31 En Garde!
"The Naked Time"
32 32 Entering Strange Space
"Where No Man Has Gone Before"
33 33 Femme Fatale
"The Conscience of the King"
34 34 Kirk in Disguise
"The Return of the Archons"
35 35 The Romulan Commander
"Balance of Terror"
36 36 Chief Medical Officer
"The Conscience of the King"
37 37 Standing Trial
38 38 Scotty in Command
"The Return of the Archons"
39 39 Battling the Gorn
40 40 The Enterprise Attacks!
"The Alternative Factor"
41 41 Yeoman's Plants
"The Man Trap"
42 42 Kirk Meets Kirk
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
43 43 The Salt Creature
"The Man Trap"
44 44 Top Secret File
"The Menagerie"
45 45 Trouble on the Bridge
"Balance of Terror"
46 46 Kirk Fires on the Enemy
"Operation: Annihilate!"
47 47 The Eyes of a God
"Where No Man Has Gone Before"
48 48 The Infection Spreads
49 49 Vulcan Curiosity
"Balance of Terror"
50 50 Lazarus
"The Alternative Factor"
51 51 Charlie Evans
"Charlie X"
52 52 Entertaining the Enterprise Crew
"Charlie X"
53 53 The Captain Deep in Thought
"Balance of Terror"
54 54 Opening Shuttle Bay Doors
"The Galileo Seven"
55 55 Lovers Embrace
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
56 56 In Search of a Cure
57 57 Captain Kirk and Yeoman Rand
"Balance of Terror"
58 58 Searching for the Horta
"The Devil in the Dark"
59 59 Ruk, the Last of His Kind
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
60 60 Captain Pike
"The Menagerie"
61 61 Captain's Medical Exam
"The Corbomite Maneuver"
62 62 Balok's True Appearance
"The Corbomite Maneuver"
63 63 Fire Photon Torpedos!
"Arena", "Errand of Mercy" ??
64 64 Tracking an Adversary
65 65 Doctor… and Bricklayer
"The Devil in the Dark"
66 66 Look of Determination
"The Return of the Archons"
67 67 Lt. Kevin Riley
"The Conscience of the King"
68 68 Bio-Scanner
"The Conscience of the King" ??
69 69 Receiving Deep Space Signals
"Where No Man Has Gone Before"
70 70 McCoy Tests an Alien Sample
"Operation: Annihilate!"
71 71 Finnegan, Kirk's Academy Nemesis
"Shore Leave"
72 72 Mischievous Eyes
"The Squire of Gothos"
73 73 Dressed for the Occasion
"Space Seed"
74 74 The S.S. Botany Bay
"Space Seed"
75 75 Scotty and Uhura Take Charge
"A Taste of Armageddon"
76 76 Chasing an Alien Vessel
"The Corbomite Maneuver"
77 77 Fearless Leader
"Balance of Terror" ??
78 78 Close Encounter
"Dagger of the Mind"
79 79 Attacking the Horta
"The Devil in the Dark"
80 80 Staying in Shape
"The Enemy Within"
81 81 Desperate Shuttlecraft
"The Galileo Seven"
82 82 In Search of a Stowaway
"Dagger of the Mind"
83 83 Dr. Korby's Women
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
84 84 The Secret of Talos IV
"The Menagerie"
85 85 Miri and Jahn
86 86 Unrequited Love
"The Naked Time"
87 87 From Humans to Gods
"Where No Man Has Gone Before"
88 88 Mock Trial
"The Squire of Gothos"
89 89 The Chief Engineer
"A Taste of Armageddon"
90 90 20th Century Interrogation
"Tomorrow Is Yesterday"
91 91 Into the Unknown
"The Squire of Gothos"
92 92 Beautiful Leila Kalomi
"This Side of Paradise"
93 93 Steering the Enterprise to Safety
"Tomorrow is Yesterday"
94 94 A Look of Concern
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
95 95 McCoy Delivers a Needed Injection
"The Naked Time"
96 96 An Alien Deception
"The Corbomite Maneuver"
97 97 Kirk Mentors Charlie
"Charlie X"
98 98 Dr. Helen Noel
"Dagger of the Mind"
99 99 Making an Android Kirk
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
100 100 Captain Kirk and Edith Keeler
"The City on the Edge of Forever"
101 101 In the Captain's Chair
"The Enemy Within"
102 102 Tracking the Enterprise
"The Menagerie"
103 103 Discussing Strategy
"Mudd's Women"
104 104 Dr. McCoy and Yeoman Barrows
"Shore Leave"
105 105 Beaming Up the Landing Party
"The Way To Eden" ??
106 106 Swahili Beauty
"Mudd's Women"
107 107 Captains Kirk and Pike
"The Menagerie"
108 108 Captain of the Enterprise
" "


109 110 Checklists 1 & 2

Error Card
This and the corrected card were both inserted into the packs

58 55 Front: Lovers Embrace [Card 55 front] back 110 Reverse: Searching for the Horta [Card 58 back]  

Puzzle Backs

Puzzle 1-9
Kirk on the Bridge
"Where No Man Has Gone Before"
Puzzle 10-18
Ruk and Kirk
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
Puzzle 19-27
Kirk in the Captain's Chair
Puzzle 28-36
Dr. Dehner Transforming
"Where No Man Has Gone Before"
Janice Rand and Kirk
"Balance of Terror"
Puzzle 46-54
Andrea at the Controls
"What Are Little Girls Made Of?"
Puzzle 55-63
U.S.S. Enterprise in Orbit
Puzzle 64-72
Uhura and Kirk
Puzzle 73-81
Uhura at the Communications Console
Puzzle 82-90
Horta Leaving a "No Kill I" Message
"The Devil in the Dark"
Puzzle 91-99
Starbase 11
Puzzle 100-108
Gorn Captain


The Quotable Star Trek: Original Series Expansion Set (1:10 packs)

111 111 THE CAGE
"Sometimes a man will tell his bartender things he'll never tell his doctor"

"I'm tired of deciding which mission is too risky and which isn't, and who goes on the landing party and who doesn't, and who lives… and who dies."

112 112 THE CAGE
"My names is Christopher Pike, commander of the space vehicle Enterprise…."

"There's a way out of any cage, and I'll find it."
113 113 THE CAGE
"…you either love life - bruises, skinned knees and all - or you turn your back on it and start dying."

"Have I ever mentioned you play a very irritating game of chess, Mr. Spock?"


"Irritating? Ah, yes…one of your Earth emotions."
"Command and compassion is a fool's mixture."

"Raising my voice back there doesn't mean I was scared or couldn't do my job, it means I happen to have a human thing called and adrenaline gland."
"It sounds most inconvenient, however. Have you considered having it removed?"
"Aren't you the one that always says a little suffering is good for the soul?"


"I never say that."

"Man is ultimately superior to any mechanical device."


"I never say that either."

"Chess. When one is outmatched, the game is over. Checkmate."


"Not chess, Spock. Poker. Do you know the game?"

"I will appear as character witness at your trial. If you think that'll help."


"They'll throw away the key!"

"Your pulse is 242, your blood pressure is practically non-existent, assuming you call that green stuff in your veins blood."
"The readings are perfectly normal for me, doctor, thank you. And as for my anatomy being different from your, I am delighted."

"You keep wondering if man was meant to be out here. You keep wondering, and you keep signing on."

118 118 CHARLIE X
"There are a million things in this universe you can have, and there a million things you can't have. It's no fun facing that, but that's the way things are."


"War is never imperative, Mr. Spock."

119 119 MIRI
"No blah, blah, blah!"


"Back on the ship… I used to try to get you to look at my legs…"

— JANICE RAND, to Captain Kirk
120 120 MIRI
"I never get involved with older women."

— CAPTAIN KIRK, discussing Miri, who is far older than she appears

"My father's race was spared the dubious benefits of alcohol."


"Oh, now I know why they were conquered."
"In the long history of medicine, no doctor has ever caught the first few minutes of a play."

"All of my old friends look like doctors. All of his look like you."

— DR. McCOY, to Areel Shaw
"I got a personal grudge against that rabbit, Jim!"

"A crewman's rights end where the safety of the ship begins."

"Our missions are peaceful - not for conquest. When we do battle, it is only because we have no choice."


"My only cause is the safety of my ship and the mission we're on."

"Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity. Without creativity, there is no life."

"Shouldn't you be working on your time warp calculations, Mr. Spock?"


"I am."
125 125 SPACE SEED
"We humans have a streak of barbarism in us - appalling, but there nevertheless."

"Diplomacy, gentlemen, should be a job left to diplomats."

"Your father was a computer and your mother an encyclopedia."


"My mother was a teacher and my father an ambassador."

"So, we're stranded here, in the middle of a Klingon occupation army."


"So it would seem. Not a very pleasant prospect."
"You have a gift for understatement, Mr. Spock It's not a very pleasant prospect at all."
"Right out of hell, I saw it!"

— COMMODORE DECKER, describing the Planet Killer

"Scotty, you've just earned your pay for the week."
"Gentlemen, I suggest you beam me aboard."
— CAPTAIN KIRK, as the Planet Killer is about to destroy his ship

"Let's get the hell out of here."


Captain Pike (1:14 packs)

CP1 CP1 Captain Pike CP2 CP2 Captain Pike CP3 CP3 Captain Pike
CP4 CP4 Captain Pike CP5 CP5 Captain Pike CP6 CP6 Captain Pike
CP7 CP7 Captain Pike CP8 CP8 Captain Pike CP9 CP9 Captain Pike

The Faces of Vina (1:20 packs ) Front images are off-centre on every card produced

FV1 FV1 Vina FV2 FV2 Vina FV3 FV3 Vina
FV4 FV4 Vina FV5 FV5 Vina FV6 FV6 Vina

Star Trek Portraits (1:40 packs)

PT1 PT1 Captain Kirk PT2 PT2 Spock PT3 PT3 Dr. McCoy
PT4 PT4 Scotty PT5 PT5 Sulu PT6 PT6 Uhura
PT7 PT7 Chekov PT8 PT8 Nurse Chapel PT9 PT9 Yeoman Rand
PT10 PT10 Talosian PT11 PT11 Balok's Puppet PT12 PT12 The Salt Creature
PT13 PT13 Romulan Commander PT14 PT14 Ruk PT15 PT15 The Gorn
PT16 PT16 Khan PT17 PT17 Kor PT18 PT18 Edith Keeler

1967 Star Trek Expansion Set - "The Cage" (1:40 packs)

73 Leaf 73 Captain Pike and Mr. Spock

Captain of the space vehicle Enterprise, Christopher Pike was returning from Rigel VII with his crew, including the half-human, half-Vulcan Mr. Spock, when his ship received an 18-year-old distress signal emanating from Talos IV, a class-M planet in a remote part of space. Pike decided to go in search of survivors.
74 Leaf 74 Number One

When Captain Pike decided to take a landing party to Talos IV in search of survivors of the lost survey vessel S.S. Columbia, he left Number One in charge of the Enterprise. Number One held the rank of lieutenant and was second in command of the ship.
75 Leaf 75 Navigator Jose Tyler

Navigator Jose Tyler was among the landing party sent with Captain Pike to Talos IV in search of survivors of the ill-fated and long-lost survey vessel S.S. Columbia. While on the planet's surface, Tyler was the first to draw his weapon in a vain effort to rescue Pike from capture at the hands of the alien Talosians.
76 Leaf 76 Mysterious Alien

The Talosians were a telepathic race which developed the unique ability to cast incredibly powerful illusions. The Talosians lured the unsuspecting crew of the Enterprise to Talos IV and captured Captain Pike, whom they initially believed would be a suitable mate for Vina.
77 Leaf 77 Beautiful Vina

Vina was the only surviving crew member of the S.S. Columbia, which had crashed on Talos IV in 2236. The Talosians had never seen a human before and had no guide when putting her body back together from the mangled wreckage of her ship. It was only the Talosian's power of illusion that enabled Vina to appear youthful and beautiful.
78 Leaf 78 The Search for Answers

When Captain Pike beamed down to Talos IV, he was surprised to find seemingly healthy humans living on an otherwise barren planet. Pike instantly became enamored with Vina, who attempted to show him the secret to their good health: however, it was all an elaborate ruse staged by the telepathic Talosians.
79 Leaf 79 Alien Abduction!

The Talosians used their power of illusion to lure Captain Pike to their planet. When Pike was within close proximity, the aliens emerged from their underground world and kidnapped the unsuspecting captain, in hopes that he would he a suitable mate for Vina.
80 Leaf 80 Fire Phasers!

After Captain Pike was captured by the Talosians, Navigator Jose Tyler and Mr. Spock, among other members of the landing party, drew their phasers and tried to blast through the doorway to the aliens' underground lair. The Talosians' powers of illusion kept the landing party from seeing the damage that actually had been done.
81 Leaf 81 The Caged Captain

After waking up inside a cage beneath the planet's surface, Captain Pike found himself face to face with his alien abductors. Pike became angered when the alien leader, the Keeper or Magistrate (as the other Talosian had addressed him) referred to Pike as a member of an inferior race.
82 Leaf 82 Trapped in an Illusion!

In running their experiment on Captain Pike to see if he were a suitable mate for Vina in order to repopulate their planet, the Talosians created an illusion of Pike back on Rigel VII and of Vina as a maiden in need of his protection. Pike found himself fending off a giant warrior and saving Vina.
83 Leaf 83 Falling in Love

Despite the obvious nature of the illusions created by the Talosians, Captain Pike found himself deeply attracted to Vina, even though he was not quite sure that even she was real. Vina, as much flesh and blood as Pike, desperately wanted him to love her and remain as her mate.
84 Leaf 84 Trapped in Hell!

Trapped beneath the surface of Talos IV, Captain Pike tried everything in his power to overcome the Talosians' power of illusion, which was great. When Pike refused to cooperate with the aliens, they punished him in terrible ways including an illusion of his body burning in acid
85 Leaf 85 Searching for Reality

Finding himself back on Earth in yet another elaborate illusion designed to make him capitulate to the Talosians' experiment, Captain Pike tried reasoning with Vina in an effort to find whatever way might lead to escape from his horrible captivity.
86 Leaf 86 Sexy Slave Dancer

When one illusion failed, the Talosians probed further into Captain Pike's mind and created yet another - this time with Vina as a green-skinned Orion slave girl, whose powers of seduction were considered irresistible to male humans. Pike proved the myth wrong.
87 Leaf 87 Yeoman Colt

When the Talosians realized that Vina might not be a suitable mate for Captain Pike, they beamed down Number One and Yeoman Colt as possible alternatives. Eventually, the two women were returned to the Enterprise, but Yeoman Colt couldn't help but wonder which woman Pike wond have chosen.
88 Leaf 88 Fighting the Alien

Captain Pike created his own deception against the Talosians and tricked the Keeper into entering the cage. Trying to escape Pike's clutches, the Keeper made himself appear as a terrifying beast, but Pike threatened to twist his neck off if he didn't stop. The Keeper immediately returned to his natural form.
89 Leaf 89 No More Illusions!

Believing the Talosion had created an illusion designed to keep him from seeing that his phaser pistol have [sic] been working all along, Captain Pike threatened to test his theory on the Keeper's head. At that moment, a hole appeared in the cage where his phaser had actually blasted through.
90 Leaf 90 The Real Vina

As Captain Pike prepared to leave Talos IV, the Talosians revealed to him Vina's true appearance, as a disfigured, aging woman whom they had put back together following the crash of her ship on their planet. He finally understood and agreed to her desire to remain with the Talosians. where she was able to live out her life with the illusion of youth and beauty.

Bridge Crew Delta Shield Patch Cards (1:200 packs) numbered to 350
These are smaller versions of the Delta Badges on the uniforms

DS1 DS1 Captain Kirk
DS2 DS2 Spock
DS3 DS3 Dr. McCoy
DS4 DS4 Scotty
DS5 DS5 Lt. Sulu
DS6 DS6 Lt. Chekov
DS7 DS7 Lt. Uhura

Autograph Cards (1:20 packs)
GREEN = 200-300 signed, RED = 300-500 signed, BLUE = over 500 signed

A104 A104 Carl Held Carl Held
as Lindstrom
in "The Return of the Archons"
A106 A106 Jason Wingreen Jason Wingreen
as Dr. Linke
in "The Empath"
A107 A107 Lawrence Montaigne Lawrence Montaigne
as Decius
in "Balance of Terror"
A107 A107 Lawrence Montaigne Lawrence Montaigne
as Decius
in "Balance of Terror"

2008 Rewards exclusive, not inserted in packs
A108 A108 Dick Durock Dick Durock
as Elasian Guard
in "Elaan of Troyius"
A109 A109 Robert Walker Jr. Robert Walker, Jr.
as Charlie Evans
in "Charlie X"
A110 A110 Kathryn Hays Kathryn Hays
as Gem
in "The Empath"
A111 A111 France Nuyen France Nuyen
as Elaan
in "Elaan of Troyius"
A112 A112 Joan Collins Joan Collins
as Edith Keeler
in "The City on the Edge of Forever"
A113 A113 Brian Tochi Brian Tochi
as Boy [Ray Tsingtao]
in "And the Children Shall Lead"
A114 A114 Sheldon Collins Sheldon Collins
as Tough Kid
in "A Piece of the Action"
A115 A115 David Soul David Soul
as Makora
in "The Apple"
A116 A116 John Crawford John Crawford
as Commissioner Ferris
in "The Galileo Seven"
A117 A117 Ned Romero Ned Romero
as Krell
in "A Private Little War"
A118 A118 Jose Tyler Peter Duryea
as Navigator Jose Tyler
in "The Cage"
A119 A119 Leonard Nimoy Leonard Nimoy
as Mirror Universe Spock
in "Mirror, Mirror"
A120 A120 Majel Barrett Majel Barrett
as Number One
in "The Cage"
A121 A121 Laurel Goodwin Laurel Goodwin
as Yeoman Colt
in "The Cage"
A122 A122 Bobby Clark Bobby Clark
as The Gorn
in "Arena"
A123 A123 Bruce Hyde Bruce Hyde
as Lt. Riley
in "The Naked Time"
A124 A124 Beverly Washburn Beverly Washburn
as Lt. Galway
in "The Deadly Years"
A125 A125 Malachi Throne Malachi Throne
as Voice of The Keeper
in "The Cage"

Signed in blue or grey
A126 A126 Walter Koenig Walter Koenig
as Mirror Chekov
in "Mirror, Mirror"

Binder exclusive, also listed below
A127 A127 Paul Comi Paul Comi
as Lt. Andrew Stiles
in "Balance of Terror"
A125 Malachi Throne - Grey A128 A128 Marianne Hill Marianna Hill
as Dr. Helen Noel
in "Dagger of the Mind"
A129 A129 Emily Banks Emily Banks
as Yeoman Tonia Barrows
in "Shore Leave"
A130 A130 Victor Lundin Victor Lundin
as Klingon Lieutenant
in "Errand of Mercy"
A131 A131 Garrison True Garrison True
as Crewman
in "The Man Trap"
A133 A132 Kate Woodville Kate Woodville
as Natira
in "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky"
A134 A133 Mary Rice Mary Rice
as Young T'Pring
in "Amok Time"
A135 A135 Richard Compton Richard Compton
as Washburn
in "The Doomsday Machine"
A135 A135 George Takei George Takei
as Mirror Universe Sulu
in "Mirror, Mirror"
A137 A137 Rhodes Reason Rhodes Reason
as Flavius Maximus
in "Bread and Circuses"
  Blue Bar Missing The blue bar between "STAR TREK" and "AUTOGRAPH SERIES" was not printed on the A133 (Woodville), A134 (Rice) and A135 (Compton) autograph cards

Gene Roddenberry Archive Cut Signature Card (25 hand-numbered cards produced)
According to an article in Non Sport Update magazine, the Roddenberry some copies of this card, meaning there were less than 25 inserted into the packs. I was lucky enough to pull card 6/25 in from the second box I opened.

- Gene Roddenberry Cut Signature Card Gene Roddenberry Cut Signature
Hand Numbered to 25
- Gene Roddenberry Cut Signature Card Back of card  

Gene Roddenberry Tribute Card - Signed by Eugene Roddenberry, Jr. (220 cards produced)

- Gene Roddenbery Tribute Card Gene Roddenberry Tribute Card
Signed by Eugene Roddenberry, jr.
- Gene Roddenbery Tribute Card Back of card with signature  

Case Topper Cards (Both inserted in one toploader)

TV8 TV8 Nurse Chapel TV9 TV9 Yeoman Rand  

Rittenhouse Rewards Autograph Card variant

A107 A107 Lawrence Montaigne Lawrence Montaigne
as Decius
in "Balance of Terror"

2008 Rewards exclusive, not inserted in packs

Card Album

- Star Trek TOS 40th Anniversary Series 1 Binder   Binder with 15 nine-pocket pages, A126 Autograph Card and P3 Promo        

Multi-Case Incentive Cards

QA8 QA8 Grace Lee Whitney Grace Lee Whitney
as Yeoman Rand
Quotable TOS Autograph Card

2 cases
- Spock Autograph/Costume Card Leonard Nimoy
as Spock
Autograph Costume Card

6 cases

Archive Boxes (one each of most cards distributed in packs)

-   Box marked on outside (15 total)
-   Box not marked on outside (15 total)

Promotional Items

P1 Promo P1 General distribution

Kirk & Spock
P2 Promo P2 Non Sport Update Magazine (Vol. 17 No. 5)

P3 Promo P3 Binder exclusive

Kirk, Spock & Tri-dimensional Chess Set
CP1 Promo CP1 Conventions

Kirk & Chapel
UK Promo UK UK exclusive

Kirk (Standing)
- Dealer Sell Sheet Dealer Sell Sheet Dealer sell sheet
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