Deanna Troi |
Deanna Troi |
USS Enteprise NCC 1701-D and Romulan Face-Off |
Gowron |
Worf |
Worf |
The Traveler |
Kurn and Worf |
K'ehleyr and Worf |
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D |
Tallera |
Geordi LaForge |
William Riker |
Tasha Yar |
Worf |
Lore & Data in "Descent" |
Gowron |
Kahless |
Locutus |
Sisters of Duras with Worf |
Deanna Troi |
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D and Farpoint Aliens |
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D |
Tasha Yar and Data |
William Riker |
William Riker and Enterprise |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Enterprise |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Enterprise |
Captain Jean-Luc Picard |
Locutus and Borg Cube |
Locutus |
Deanna Troi and Enterprise |
Yar and Picard
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D |
Worf |
William Riker |
ARs x4 |
Worf |
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D |
Klingon Bird of Prey |
Worf |
Face-Off |
The Game |
K'Ehleyr & Worf
Riker |
Poker |
Worf and Deanna Troi |
Jean-Luc Picard |
Borg and Picard |
TNG Crew |
Borg |
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D & Borg Cube |
Guinan |
Berlinghoff Rasmussen |
Jean-Luc Picard |
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D |
Tasha Yar |
Geordi La Forge |
Q |
Worf & K'Ehleyr |
Guinan |
Jean-Luc Picard |
Geordi La Forge |
Data |
The Game |
The Offspring |
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D |
Borg Queen |
Starbase 74 - Federation Spacedock |
Jean-Luc Picard |
Klingon Bird of Prey |
Worf |
Worf |
Miles O'Brien |
Jean-Luc Picard |
Q |
Type 6 Shuttlecraft |
Scotty |
Gomtuu |
Deanna |
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D & Borg Cube |
Worf |
Gowron |
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D |
Guinan |
Q |
Guinan |
Worf |
Darmok |
Worf |
Locutus |
Guinan |
Worf |
Beverly Crusher |
Locutus |