1 |
"Captain!" – Uhura as Kirk enters the bridge of the new Enterprise for the first time.
"I'm replacing you as captain of the Enterprise… I'm sorry, Will." – Kirk
"No, Admiral. I don't think you're sorry. Not one damn bit." – Decker |
2 |
"Bones, there's a thing out there." – Kirk
"Why is any object we don't understand always called a thing?"– McCoy
"Dammit, Bones. I need you…badly." – Kirk |
3 |
"I'm gonna need a top nurse, not a doctor who'll argue every little diagnosis with me. And they probably redesigned the whole sickbay, too! I know engineers, they love to change things" – McCoy
"Well, Bones, do the new sickbay facilities meet with your approval?"– Kirk
"They do not. It's like working in a damn computer center!" – McCoy |
4 |
"Captain, we need further warp simulation on the flow sensors." – Scotty
"Engineer, we need warp seed now!" – Kirk
"I canna guarantee that she'll hold up" – Scotty
"Why has the captain ordered self-destruct, sir?." – Engineering Officer
"I woud say, lass, because he thinks…he hopes…that when we go up, we'll take our intruder with us." – Scotty
"Will we?" – Engineering Officer
"When that much matter and anti-matter are brought together, oh, yes, we will indeed." – Scotty |
5 |
"Spock!" – Kirk, seeing Spock on the bridge of the new Enterprise for theh first time
"Science officer Spock…reporting as ordered, captain." – Spock |
6 |
"Well, so help me, I'm actually pleased to see you!" – McCoy to Spock
"Spock, you haven't changed a bit. You're just as warm and sociable as ever." – McCoy
"Nor have you, Doctor, as your continued predeliction for irrelevency demonstrates" – Spock |
7 |
"V'Ger is a child. I suggest you treat her as such…" – Spock
"Spock, this child is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now what do you suggest we do, spank it?!" – McCoy
"Your 'child' is having a tantrum, Mr. Spock." – McCoy |
8 |
"Why bring us inside? Not to destroy…they could have done that outside." – Decker
"Curiosity, Mr. Decker. Insatiable curiosity." – Spock
"Why does V'Ger travel to the third planet of the solar system directly ahead?" – Kirk
"To find the creator." – Ilia |
9 |
"Each of us at some time in our lives turns to someone, a father, a brother, a god, and asks, 'Why am I here? What was I meant to be?' V'Ger hopes to touch its creator, to find its answers." – Spock
"Spock, did we just see the beginning of a new life form?"– Kirk
"Yes, captain. We witnessed a birth…possibly the next step in our evolution." – Spock
"Well, it's been a long time since I delivered a baby, and I hope we got this one off to a good start." – McCoy |
10 |
"Any suggestions, admiral?" – Saavik
"Prayer, Mr. Saavik. The Klingons don't take prisoners."– Kirk
"What about my performance?"
– McCoy, following the Kobayashi Maru scenario
"I'm not a drama critic."– Kirk |
11 |
"I don't believe this is a fair test of my command abilities." – Saavik
"And why not?"– Kirk
"Because, there was no way to win.– Saavik
"A no-win situation is the possibility every commander may face."– Kirk
"How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life."– Kirk |
12 |
"Wouldn't it be easier to just put an experienced crew back on the ship?" – McCoy
"Galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young, doctor."– Kirk
"The Kobayashi Maru scenario frequently wreaks havoc with students and equipment. As I recall, you took the test three times yourself. Your final solution was, shall we say, unique." – Spock
"It had the virtue of never having been tried."– Kirk |
13 |
"Allow me to introduce you to Ceti Alpha V's only remaining, indigenous, life form, their young enter through the ears and wrap themselves around the cerebral cortex. This has the effect of rendering the victim extremely susceptible… to suggestion. Later, as they grow… follows madness… and death." – Khan
"He's never what I expect, sir." – Saavik, speaking of Kirk
"What surprises you, lieutenant?" – Spock
"He's so - human." – Saavik
"Nobody's perfect, Saavik." – Spock |
14 |
"Jim Kirk was many things, but he was never a boy scout." – Carol Marcus
"Humor…it is a difficult concept. It is not logical." – Saavik |
15 |
"He tasks me. He tasks me, and I shall have him. I'll chase him round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition's flames before I give him up!" – Khan, referring to Kirk
"Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!"– Kirk |
16 |
"Lieutenant, you are looking at the only Starfleet cadet who ever beat the no-win scenario." – McCoy
"I reprogrammed the simulation so it was possible to rescue the ship…. Got a commendation for original thinking. I don't like to lose."– Kirk
"You lied." – Saavik
"I exaggerated." – Spock |
17 |
"Trouble with the nebula, sir, is all that status discharge and gas clouds our tactical display. Visual won't function, and shields will be useless." – Saavik
"Sauce for goose, Mr. Saavik." – Spock
"Remember." – Spock, to McCoy |
18 |
"From hell's heart I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee." – Khan
"I never took the Kobayashi Maru test…until now. What do you think…my solution?" – Spock |
19 |
"Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most…human." – Kirk, referring to Spock
"U.S.S. Enterprise, captain's personal log. With most of our battle damage repaired, we're almost home. Yet, I feel uneasy, and I wonder why. Perhaps its the emptiness of this vessel. Most of our trainee crew have been reassigned. Lt. Saavik and my son, David, are exploring the Genesis planet, which he helped create. And Enterprise feels like a house with all the children gone. No, more empty even than that. The death of Spock is like an open wound. It seems I have left the noblest part of myself back there on that newborn planet.– Kirk |
20 |
"How much refit time 'til we can take her out again?"– Kirk
"Eight weeks sir, but you don't have eight weeks, so I'll do it for ya in two." – Scotty
"My friends, the great experiment - the Excelsior - ready for trial runs."– Kirk
"She's supposed to have transwarp drive." – Sulu
"Aye, and if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon." – Scotty |
21 |
"How many fingers do I have up?"– Kirk
"That's not very damn funny." – McCoy
"Don't call me 'tiny.'" – Sulu |
22 |
"Up your shaft." – Scotty, to the Excelsior's turbolift mechanical voice operator
"You wanted adventure? How's this?" – Uhura, to "Mr. Adventure" |
23 |
"As promised, she's all yours, sir. All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her." – Scotty
"Thank you, Mr. Scott. I'll try not to take that personally." – Kirk, about to steal the Enterprise out of spacedock
"Gentlemen, your work today has been outstanding, and I intend to recommend you all for promotion - in whatever fleet we end up serving." – Kirk. after defying orders and stealing the Enterprise |
24 |
"How're we doing?" – Kirk
"How are we doing?' Funny you should put it quite that way, Jim.
'We' are doing fine, but I'd feel safer giving him one of my kidneys than what's scrambling my brain." – McCoy
"It is called 'Pon farr.'" – Saavik, to the young but rapidly aging Spock |
25 |
"Admiral, David is dead." – Saavik, after the Klingons murdered Kirk's son
"Sorry about your crew, but as we say on Earth, 'Cest la vie.'" – Kirk, to Klingon commander Kruge, after setting a fatal trap for the Klingons |
26 |
"Maltz, prisoners at beam coordinates." – Kruge
"You should take the Vulcan, too."– Kirk
"No!" – Kruge
"But why?"– Kirk
"Because you wish it." – Kruge
"You fool, look around you! The planet's destroying itself!" – Kirk
"Yes, exhilarating, isn't it?" – Kruge |
27 |
"I…have had…enough…of you!" – Kirk, as he sends Kruge to his death
"My father says that you have been my friend. You came back for me…. Why would you do this?" – Spock
"Because the needs of the one outweighed the needs of the many.– Kirk |
28 |
"Behold the quintessential devil in these matters -
James T. Kirk, renegade and terrorist…. There shall be no peace as long as Kirk lives!" – Klingon Ambassador
"How soon can we be underway?"– Kirk
"Give me one more day, sir. Damage control is easy.
Reading Klingon…that's hard." – Scotty |
29 |
"Cloaking device now available on all flight modes." – Chekov
I'm impressed. That's a lot of work for a short voyage." – Kirk
"We are in an enemy wessel, sir. I do not wish to be shot down on our way to our own funeral." – Chekov
"Good thinking."– Kirk
"Sir, I have not had the opportunity to tell you about your son. David died most bravely. He saved Spock.
He saved us all. I thought you should know." – Saavik |
30 |
"Are vou sure this is such a bright idea?" – McCoy
"What do vou mean?"– Kirk
"I mean him, back at his post like nothing happened. I don't know if you've got the whole picture or not, but he's not exactly working on all thrusters." – McCoy on Spock
"You're proposing that we go backwards in time, find humpback whales, then bring them forward in time, drop 'em off, and hope to hell they tell this probe what to go do with itself?!" – McCoy
"That's the general idea." – Kirk |
31 |
"Let's do our job and get out of here. Our own world is waiting for us to save it…if we can."– Kirk
"The rest of you break up. You look like a cadet review." – Kirk, to McCoy, Uhura, Sulu, Scotty and Chekov |
32 |
"Well, they'd be worth more if the lenses were intact. I'll give you one hundred dollars." – Antique Shop Owner, referring to Kirk's 18th century glasses
"Is that a lot?"– Kirk
"Hello, we are looking for the nuclear wessels. Can you tell me where the nuclear wessels are?" – Chekov, to strangers on the streets of 20th century San Francisco |
33 |
"To hunt a species to extinction is not logical." – Spock
"Whoever said the human race was logical?" – Gillian Taylor
"They like you very much, but they are not the hell your whales." – Spock
"I…I suppose they told you that, huh?" - Gillian Taylor
"The hell they did." – Spock |
34 |
"Admiral, we have found the nuclear wessel…and admiral, it is the Enterprise." – Chekov
"If we play our cards right, we may find out more about when the whales are leaving."– Kirk
"How will playing cards help?" – Spock |
35 |
"Well, if it isn't Robin Hood and Friar Tuck." – Gillian Taylor, to Kirk and Spock
"We're not in the military, and we intend no harm towards the whales…. In fact, we may be able to help you in ways that, frankly, you couldn't possibly imagine."– Kirk
"Or believe, I'll bet." – Gillian Taylor
"Very likely."– Kirk |
36 |
"Sure you wont change your mind?" – Gilian Taylor
Is there something wrong with the one I have?" – Spock
"My friends, we've come home." – Kirk, approaching the newly-commissioned U.S.S. Enterprise-1701-A |
37 |
"Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me, and gain strength from the sharing." – Sybok
"Join my quest." – Sybok
"What is it you seek?" – Jonn
"What you seek. What all men have sought since time began - ultimate knowledge." – Sybok |
38 |
"I'm not trying to break any records, Spock. I'm doing this because I enjoy it. Not to mention the most important reason for climbing a mountain."– Kirk
"And that is?"– Spock
"Because it's there."– Kirk
"You'll have a great time, Bones. You'll enjoy your shore leave. You'll.. you'll be able to relax. You call this relaxing? I'm a nervous wreck. If I'm not careful, I'll end up talking to myself." – McCoy, talking to himself |
39 |
"As you are so fond of pointing out, doctor, I am half human." – Spock
"Well, it certainly doesn't show." – McCoy
"Thank you." – Spock
"It's a mystery what draws us together, all that time in space and getting on each other's nerves. And what do we do when shore leave comes along? We spend it together. Other people have families." – McCoy
"Other people, Bones. Not us."– Kirk |
40 |
"I think this is a terrible idea. We're bound to bump into the Klingons, and they don't exactly like you." – McCoy
"Feeling's mutual." – Kirk
"The Starship Enterprise has been dispatched to Nimbus III." – Vixis
"Enterprise? That's Kirk's ship. If I could defeat Kirk…" – Klaa
"You would be the greatest warrior in the Galaxy." – Vixis |
41 |
"You staged all this to get your hands on my ship?"– Kirk
"Who are you?" – Sybok
"James T. Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise."– Kirk
"Spock, it would appear you've been given a second chance to join me. What do vou say?" – Sybok
"I am a Starfleet officer." – Spock |
42 |
"I'll say one thing. Spock. You never cease to amaze me." – McCoy
"Nor I, myself." – Spock
"What are ya standing around for? Do ya not know a jailbreak when you see one?" – Scotty, to Kirk, McCoy and Spock, who have been locked in the brig by Sybok |
43 |
"I'm afraid of nothing." – Kirk, to Sybok
"Sybok has simply put us in touch with feelings that we've always been afraid to express…. There's so much I want to tell you." – Uhura, becoming amorous towards Scotty
*Maybe you could wait til I'm a wee bit stronger. I don't think I could take it in my present condition…or yours!" – Scotty |
44 |
"Jim, life is not a dream." – Spock, reflecting on the words to "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
"Are we dreaming?" – McCoy, as the Enterprise crosses the Great Barrier
"If we are, then life is a dream."– Kirk |
45 |
"Brave souls…welcome." – the voice of "God"
"Excuse me. I'd just like to ask a question. What does God need with a starship?"– Kirk |
46 |
"I've never trusted Klingons, and I never will. I can never forgive them for the death of my boy."– Kirk
"Klingons cannot be trusted. Sir, you said so yourself. They Killed your son. Did you not wish Gorkon dead? 'Let them die,' you said. Did I misinterpret you? And you were right. They conspired with us to assassinate their
own chancellor. How trustworthy can they be?" – Valeris |
47 |
"There is an old Vulcan proverb: 'Only Nixon could go to China.'" – Spock
"Guess who's coming to dinner?!" – Chekov, after Kirk
extends an invitation to the Klingons to dine aboard the Enterprise |
48 |
"Logic is the beginning of wisdom…not the end." – Spock
"I have so wanted to meet you, captain." – Chang
"I'm not sure how to take that."– Kirk |
49 |
"I offer a toast. The Undiscovered Country…
The Future." – Gorkon
"You've not experienced Shakespeare until you've
read him in the original Klingon." – Gorkon |
50 |
"In space, all warriors are cold warriors." – Chang, to Kirk
"First rule of assassination - kill the assassins." – Kirk, after discovering the dead crewman responsible for killing Gorkon |
51 |
"I am responsible for involving you in this. I will go." – Spock
"No, I'll go. You'll be responsible for getting me out of this."– Kirk
"This is the gulag Rura Penthe. There is no stockade. No quard tower. No electronic frontier. Only a magnetic shield prevents beaming. Punishment means exile from prison to the surface. On the surface, nothing can survive. Work well, and you will be treated well. Work badly, and you will die." – Warden of Rura Penthe |
52 |
"You're Kirk and McCoy, I presume." – Martia
"How'd you know that?" – Kirk
"We don't get many presidential assassins." – Martia
"An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be the truth." – Spock |
53 |
"Surprise!" – Martia, after shapeshifting into Kirks image
"I can't believe I kissed you." – Kirk
"Must have been your lifelong ambition." – Martia, posing as Kirk |
54 |
"Course heading, captain?" – Chekov
"Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning." – Kirk
Captain's Log. Stardate 9529.1. This is the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command. This ship, and her history, will shortly become the care of another crew. To them, and their posterity will we commit our future. They will continue the voyages we have begun and journey to all the undiscovered countries, boldly going where no man, where no one, has gone before. – Kirk |
55 |
"I just want you to know how excited we all are to have a group of living legends with us on our maiden voyage. I remember reading about your missions when I was in grade school." – Harriman, captain of the new Enterprise-B
"Oh, really?!" – Kirk
"It wouldn't be an Enterprise without a Sulu at the helm."
– Kirk, to Ensign Demora Sulu, daughter of Hikaru Sulu, at the launching of the new Enternrise-B |
56 |
"I was never that young." – Chekov, after meeting Sulu's daughter
"No, you were younger." – Kirk
"Finding retirement a little lonely, are we?" – Scotty
"You know, I'm glad you're an engineer. With tact like that, you'd make a lousy psychiatrist." – Kirk |
57 |
"We, the officers and crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise, being of sound mind and judgment, herbey make the following charges against Lt. Worf. One, that he did knowingly and willfully perform above and beyond the call of duty on countless occasions. Two, most seriously, that he has earned the respect and admiration of the entire crew." – Riker
Mr. Worf, I hereby promote you to the rank of Lt. Commander, with all the rights and privileges thereto, and may god have mercy on your soul." – Picard
"Computer, remove the plank." – Riker
"Number One, that's 'retract plank,' not 'remove plank.'" – Picard
"Of course, sir…. Sorry." – Riker |
58 |
"I believe my growth as an artificial life form has reached an impasse. For 34 years, I have endeavored to become more human, to grow beyond mv original programming. Still, I am unable to grasp such a simple concept as humor. This emotion chip may be the only answer." – Data
"I believe this beverage has produced an emotional response…I am unable to articulate the sensation." – Data
"Well, it looks like he hates it." – Guinan
"Yes, that is it. I hate this…oh, yes, I hate this! It is revolting!" – Data
"More?" – Guinan
"Please." – Data |
59 |
"Mr. Tricorder!" – Data
"Humor…I love it!" – Data |
60 |
"They say time is the fire in which we burn." – Soran
"Human females are so repulsive." – B'Etor, viewing Dr. Crusher through a hidden implant in La Forge's visor |
61 |
"Yesssss!" – Data, after destroying the Klingon ship
"Oh…shit!" – Data, as the saucer section of the Enterprise prepares to crash land on Veridian III |
62 |
"I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship… Enterprise." – Picard, to Kirk
"I don't need to be lectured by you. I was out saving the Galaxy when your grandfather was in diapers." – Kirk to Picard |
63 |
"Did we do it? Did…we make a difference?" – Kirk
"Oh yes. We made a difference. Thank you." – Picard
"Least I could do…for the captain of the Enterprise.
"It was…fun." – Kirk
"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. But I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived.nAfter all Number One, we're only mortal." – Picard to Riker |
64 |
"I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile." – Picard, flashing back to the time he was captured by the Borg
"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add vour biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile." – The Borg |
65 |
"Captain's Log. Stardate 50893.5. The moment I have dreaded for nearly 6 years has finally arrived. The Borg, our most lethal enemy have begun an invasion of the Federation, and this time, there may be no stopping them." – Picard
"I'm about to commit a direct violation of our orders. Any of you who wish to object should do so now. It will be noted in my log." – Picard
"Captain, I believe I speak for everyone here, sir, when I say 'To hell with our orders.'" – Data |
66 |
"Perhaps today is a good day to die!" – Worf
"You do remember how to fire phasers?!" – Riker, to Worf, who has just rejoined the Enterprise |
67 |
"This ship used to be a nuclear missile." – Picard, referring to the Phoenix
"It is historical irony that Dr. Cochrane would choose an instrument of mass destruction to inaugurate an era of peace." – Data
"Would you three like to be alone?" – Troi, as Picard and Data touch the Phoenix |
68 |
"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." – EMH
20 Borg are about to break through that door. We need time to get out of here. Create a diversion!" – Crusher
This isn't part of my program. I'm a doctor, not a…" – EMH
"According to Starfleet Medical research, Borg implants can cause severe skin irritations. Perhaps you'd like an analgesic cream?" – EMH, to the Borg |
69 |
"Captain, I believe I am feeling…anxiety. It is an intriguingbsensation, a most distracting…." – Data, preparing to battle the Borg
"Data, I'm sure it's a fascinating experience, but perhaps you should deactivate your emotion chip for now." – Picard
"Good idea, sir…. Done." – Data
"Data, there are times I envy you." – Picard
"You're drunk." – Riker
"I am not." – Troi, obviously intoxicated |
70 |
"Your efforts to break the encryption codes will not be successful, nor wil your attempts to assimilate me into your collective." – Data
"Brave words. I've heard them before, from thousands of species across thousands of worlds, since long before you were created. But now, they are all Borg." – Borg Queen
"You are an imperfect being, created by an imperfect being. Finding your weakness is only a matter of time." – Borg Queen, to Data |
71 |
"I am the beginning, [the] end, the one who is many. I am the Borg." – Borg Queen
"I am programmed to evolve, to better myself." – Data
"We, too, are on a quest to better ourselves, evolving towards a state of perfection." – Borg Queen
"Somehow, I question your motives." – Data |
72 |
"Borg? Sounds Swedish." – Lily Sloane
"Definitely not Swedish." – Lily, seeing the Borg for the first time |
73 |
"Our guests have arrived. They are eating the floral arrangements on the banquet tables." – Riker
"Perhaps we should have the chef whip up a light balsamic vinaigrette, something that goes well with chrysanthemums." – Picard
"Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers?" – Picard |
74 |
"You haven't done that in a long time." – Riker
"What?" – Troi
"What you're doing to my neck." – Riker
"Was I doing something to your neck?!" – Troi
"I need a little counseling." – Riker
"Well, there's a first time for everything…. Do you really need counseling, or did you come down here to play? – Troi |
75 |
"We believe that when you employ a machine to do the work of a man, you take something away from the man." – Sojef
"You have warp capability?" – Picard
"Capability, yes, but where can warp drive take us, except away from here?" – Anij |
76 |
"Counselor, do you think it's possible for two people to go back in time, fix a mistake they've made?" – Riker
"On this ship, anything's possible." – Troi
"Yuck!" – Troi
"Yuck?!" – Riker
"I never kissed vou with a beard before." – Troi
"I kiss vou, and you say 'Yuck?!'" – Riker |
77 |
"Bridge to Riker." – Worf
"Can I get back to you, Mr. Worf?" – Riker
"My people have a strict policy of non-interference in other cultures. It's our prime directive." – Picard |
78 |
"Have you ever experienced a perfect moment in time … when time seemed to stop, and you could almost live in that moment?" – Anji
"Seeing my home planet from space, for the first time." – Picard
"It's been 300 years since I've seen a bald man." – Anij
"How is it that you never married?" – Picard
"What's the rush?" – Anij |
79 |
"Have you noticed how your boobs have started to firm up?" – Troi
"Not that we care about such things in this day and age." – Crusher
"I have an odd craving for the blood of a live Kolar beast. This environment must be affecting me again." – Worf
"And have you noticed how your boobs have started to firm up? Not that we care about…" – Data |
80 |
"We're through running from these bastards!" – Riker
"Geordi, are those pockets of metreon gas? …I want to use the ram-scoop to collect as much of it as we can." – Riker
"The purpose being?" – La Forge
"The purpose being - I intend to shove it down the Son'a's throat." – Riker |
81 |
"In the event of a water landing, I have been designed to serve as a floatation device." – Data
"Data, don't forget. You have to have a little fun everyday." – Artim |
82 |
"Duty. A starship captain's life is filled with solemn duty. I have commanded men in battle. I have negotiated peace treaties between implacable enemies. I have represented the Federation in first contact with 27 alien species, but none of this compares with my solemn duty today as best man." – Picard, opening his speech at Riker and Troi's wedding
"Will Riker, you have been my trusted right arm for 15 years.
You have kept my course true and steady Deanna Troi, you've been my guide and my conscience. You have helped me recognize the better parts of myself. You are my family. And in best maritime tradition, I wish you both clear horizons. My good friends, make it so. To the bride and groom!" – Picard, closing his speech at Riker and Trois wedding |
83 |
"Oh…. Romulan ale should be illegal." – Worf, feeling ill
"It is." – La Forge
"I take it that there will be no speeches during the ceremony on Betazed?" – Picard
"No. No speeches and no clothes." – Riker |
84 |
"You have the bridge, Mr. Troi." – Picard, to Riker
"The Son'a, the Borg, the Romluans. You seem to get all the easy assignments." – Janeway
"Just lucky, admiral." – Picard |
85 |
"Fascinating." – Data
"Fascinating.” – B4
"B4, do you know who I am?" – Data
"You are me." – B4
"No, my name is Data. I am your brother." – Data |
86 |
"Captain Picard. Jean-Luc Picard. I'd always imagined you a little taller. Isn't that odd?" – Shinzon
"Come to dinner tomorrow on Romulus. Just the two ot us. Or should I say, just the one of us." – Shinzon, to Picard |
87 |
"Spend 18 hours every day under the lash of a Romulan guard, and you'll soon understand patience." – Shinzon
"Not quite the face you remember." – Shinzon
"Not quite." – Picard
"A lifetime of violence will do that. They broke my nose, my jaw, but so much is the same. The eyes - surely you recognize the eyes." – Shinzon
"Yes." – Picard |
88 |
"The Romulans had somehow gained possession of your
DNA, and I had been created. And when I was ready, they were going to replace you… with me…put a Romulan agent in the heart of Starfleet. It was a bold plan." – Shinzon, to Picard
"The more I studied his DNA, the more confusing it got. Finally, I could only come to one conclusion. Shinzon was created with temporal RNA sequencing. He was designed so that, at a certain point, his aging process could be accelerated to reach your age more quickly. He was engineered to skip 30 years of his life." – Crusher, to Picard |
89 |
"I want to know what it means to be human." – Shinzon, to Picard
"Buried deep within you, beneath all the pain and anger, there is something that has never been nurtured - the potential to make yourself a better man. And that is what it is to be human - to make yourself more than you are." – Picard, to Shinzon |
90 |
"First time I saw Data, he was leaning against a tree in the holodeck, trying to whistle. Funniest thing I ever saw. No matter what he did, he couldn't get the tune right. What was that song? I can't remember the song." – Riker
"If I may. just a word of advice about your first command… When [your] first officer tells you that you can't go on an away mission…." – Picard
"…ignore him." – Riker, about to take command of the U.S.S. Titan |
82 |
Lt. Ilia
Star Trek: The Motion Picture |
83 |
Dr. Carol Marcus
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan |
84 |
Lt. Saavik
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan |
85 |
Dr. Gillian Taylor
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home |
86 |
Lt. Valeris
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country |
87 |
Lursa and B'Etor
Star Trek: Generations |
88 |
Borg Queen
Star Trek: First Contact |
89 |
Lily Sloane
Star Trek: First Contact |
90 |
Star Trek: Insurrection |
MP1 |
Star Trek: The Motion Picture |
MP2 |
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan |
MP3 |
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock |
MP4 |
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home |
MP5 |
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier |
MP6 |
Star Trek VI: The Unidscovered Country |
MP7 |
Star Trek Generations |
MP8 |
Star Trek: First Contact |
MP9 |
Star Trek: Insurrection |
MP10 |
Star Trek: Nemesis |
T1 |
Kirk |
T2 |
Spock |
T3 |
McCoy |
T4 |
Scotty |
T5 |
Uhura |
T6 |
Sulu |
T7 |
Chekov |
T8 |
Chapel |
T9 |
Rand |
T10 |
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701
Rittenhouse Rewards exclusive for 300 points
Not inserted in packs |
Mural Backs from T1-T9 |
Backs |
PC1 |
Admiral Kirk |
PC2 |
Mr. Spock |
PC3 |
Dr. McCoy |
PC4 |
Commander Scott |
PC5 |
Lt. Commander Uhura |
PC6 |
Lt. Commander Sulu |
PC7 |
Lt. Chekov |
PC8 |
Dr. Chapel |
PC9 |
CPO Rand |
A56 |
Kurtwood Smith
as Federation President
in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" |
A59 |
Kim Cattrall
as Lt. Valeris
in "Star Trek VI: The Unidscovered Country" |
A77 |
Glenn Morshower
as Enterprise-B Navigations Officer
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A78 |
Brian Thompson
as Klingon Helmsman
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A79 |
Marnie McPhail
as Eiger
in "Star Trek: First Contact" |
A80 |
Marcy Lafferty
as Chief DiFalco
in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" |
A81 |
Gates McFadden
as Dr. Crusher
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A82 |
Shannon Cochran
as Senator Tal'aura
in "Star Trek: Nemesis" |
A83 |
Alan Ruck
as Captain John Harriman
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A83 |
Paul Kent
as Lt. Cmdr. Beach
in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" |
A84 |
John Vargas
as Jedda
in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" |
A85 |
Bruce French
as Son'a Officer
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
A86 |
Larry Anderson
as Tarlac Officer
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
A87 |
Paul Rossilli
as Brigadier General Kerla
in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" |
A88 |
John Larroquette
as Maltz
in "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" |
A89 |
Tommy Hinkley
as Journalist
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A90 |
Jon Kamal Rashad
as Commander Sonak
in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" |
A91 |
Rex Holman
as J'Onn
in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" |
A92 |
Jeff Lester
as FBI Agent
in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" |
A93 |
LeVar Burton
as Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A94 |
John Winston
as Commander Kyle
in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" |
A95 |
Michael Dorn
as Worf
in "Star Trek: First Contact" |
A96 |
Michael Dorn
as Colonel Worf
in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country"
© 2009
3 Case Incentive (not inserted in packs) |
A97 |
Jonathan Frakes
as Will Riker
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A98 |
Michael Horton
as Lt. Daniels
in "Star Trek: First Contact" |
A99 |
Breon Gorman
as Lt. Curtis
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
A100 |
Brent Spiner
as Data
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A101 |
Daniel Hugh Kelly
as Sojef
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
A102 |
Mark Deakins
as Tournel
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
A103 |
Peggy Miley
as Regent Cuzar
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
A104 |
Dina Meyer
as Commander Donatra
in "Star Trek: Nemesis" |
A105 |
Dwight Schultz
as Lt. Reginald Barclay
in "Star Trek: First Contact" |
A106 |
Alan Dale
as Praetor Hiren
in "Star Trek: Nemesis" |
A108 |
Olivia Hack
as Olivia Picard
in "Star Trek: Generations" |
A109 |
Gregg Henry
as Gallatin
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
A110 |
Rick Worthy
as Elloran Officer
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
A112 |
Jude Ciccolella
as Commander Suran
in "Star Trek: Nemesis" |
- |
Binder with 1 nine-pocket page and P3 Promo |
MC17 |
Invisibility Suit
from Star Trek: Insurrection |
A96 |
3 Case Incentive
Autograph Card
Michael Dorn
as Colonel Worf
in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" |
- |
6 Case Incentive
Autographed Costume Card
Brent Spiner
as Data
in "Star Trek: Insurrection" |
T10 |
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701
Rittenhouse Rewards exclusive for 300 points
Not inserted in packs |
P1 |
General Distribution |
P2 |
Non Sport Update Magazine (Vol. 21 No. 3) |
P3 |
U.S.S. Enterprise
Binder Exclusive
P4 |
Borg Queen
Rittenhouse Archives Facebook Offer |
- |
Sell sheet (digital download) |